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What does Zeppelin means to you?


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  • 2 weeks later...

always been there for me.through the loss of my sister who bought me the 1st two albums,to the loss of my daddy who never made me turn down my stereo to every bad day in my life,listening to led zep pulled me out of it! my children both love and listen to led zeppelin,as does my wife! led zep has always been an old friend I can always counto on basically! :stereo:

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  • 1 month later...

Led Zeppelin invokes feeling from memories long forgotten ...the scent

in the air after a Spring rain has passed..Spent once charged atoms

leave a residue of atmosphere in the electric air.

The curious, heady and otherworldly circus has left its imprint on the

town's fairgrounds ...the mud and echoes of activity..all hustle and

bustle in the rain.

The clouds evaporated and the sun brings the warmth of sentiments

expressed by the band...warmth and whispers of other lands.

A twinge of magic electrified the air as if anything could be possible

for a moment among the maze of bushes and lawns adjoining the

temporary circus grounds....littered with Coke bottles, popcorn boxes

and testosterone.

Perhaps it's the cotton candy energizing my mind and imagination

...perhaps its the raw sexuality expressed in the music that excites

every cell in my being....converging both past and future to be in the

moment now....the residue of prehistoric halcyon days or Dancing Days.

Filling the gaps in my synapse.

The laundry spinning in the dryer disperses warm, fragrant clean

clouds of steam to mix with the deep blue and purplish sky after the

thunderstorms. Honeysuckles recover from the rain to rejoice and

blossom again.

Through a green glass block window I witness the launch of Led

Zeppelin, now afloat in their airship to travel to their next state

fairgrounds and ignite the air once again....leaving in its wake,

leaving all fair attendees dreamers under their spell.

As the sun sets and casts a long orange curtain,a firefly flashes his

beacon Morse code in the cool,still hedges....what secrets he’s


you rock ! but i'm going to work hard to understand your post, you know i'm french :D

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