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Jimmy Page to Perform In Brazil


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Jimmy Page will play a benefit concert in Rio on Saturday to raise funds for ABC Trust's "Casa Jimmy"

Jimmy Page fará show em escola no Rio para dar apoio a projeto social

Plantão | Publicada em 25/11/2009 às 11h59m

O Globo

Jimmy Page vai tocar com alunos da Escola Britânica/ Foto: Reuters

RIO - Jimmy Page, 65 anos, o lendário guitarrista inglês do Led Zeppelin, fará um show para poucos no sábado, no Rio de Janeiro, por uma boa causa. Conforme noticiou Ancelmo Gois em sua coluna nesta quarta-feira, o artista estará na Escola Britânica para um evento em prol da Casa Jimmy, instituição que ajuda jovens carentes e adolescentes grávidas, em Santa Teresa.

Jimmy vai se apresentar com Pepeu Gomes, George Israel, do Kid Abelha, e bandas formadas por alunos da escola, no auditório da British School, na Urca, às 16h. Quem quiser assistir à apresentação terá de desembolsar, no mínimo, R$ 100 (em pé). Lugares sentados saem a R$ 200.

Toda a renda obtida será revertida para a Casa Jimmy, fundada graças a uma doação que o guitarrista fez à ONG Task Brasil Trust quando esteve no país, em 1997. Na ocasião, ocorreu um distúrbio grave na favela próxima ao hotel onde Jimmy ficou hospedado, deixando-o muito impressionado.

A Task Brasil Trust foi fundada em 1992, na Inglaterra, e supervisiona projetos implementados no Brasil voltados para o benefício e o apoio às vidas e às necessidades de crianças, adolescentes grávidas e jovens de rua.

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Casa Jimmy

Since 1992, Task Brasil Trust had been raising awareness of the plight of street children. It had also started the educational programme. Yet it was clear that what was needed was a permanent base in Brazil where street children could receive health care and education and above all find a loving home.

Help came in the form of rock legend Jimmy Page. Whilst he was in Brazil in 1994, promoting the album 'No Quarter', a minor civil war broke loose in the biggest and most infamous favela (shanty town) in Rio de Janeiro. From his hotel room, Jimmy could see army tanks moving up the hill into the favela. It shocked him to see this happening while he was there.

Feeling he needed to do something to relieve the plight of the street children, Jimmy became involved with Task Brasil. With his very generous donation in 1996/97, Task Brasil were able to purchase a house with a large paved yard in the hilltop district of Santa Teresa in Rio de Janeiro. The house was adapted and equipped to house fifteen young children and five teenage girls, with ample space outside for them to exercise and play. There was also room for an office to manage the projects.

Fundraising events such as the Scream concert in 1999 have provided further funding, as have sales of limited edition silk screen prints of Jimmy Page and a guitar belonging to Iron Maiden. An annex was added in 1998 to provide storage space and accommodation for volunteers and caretaker. Casa Jimmy started functioning in October 1998 and took its first intake of abandoned street children. Local care workers, youth workers and social workers were employed to provide the best possible care for the children. Since then, over two hundred and fifty children have benefited from the home.


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Jimmy Page will play a benefit concert in Rio on Saturday to raise funds for ABC Trust's "Casa Jimmy"

Jimmy Page fará show em escola no Rio para dar apoio a projeto social

Plantão | Publicada em 25/11/2009 às 11h59m

O Globo

Jimmy Page vai tocar com alunos da Escola Britânica/ Foto: Reuters...

translation via Google info button:

RIO - Jimmy Page, 65, the legendary English guitarist of Led Zeppelin, will make a show for a few on Saturday in Rio de Janeiro, for a good cause. Ancelmo Gois As reported in his column on Wednesday, the artist will be in the British school for an event in support of the House Jimmy, an institution which helps underprivileged youth and teenage pregnancy, in Santa Teresa.

Jimmy will perform with Pepeu Gomes, George Israel, Kid Abelha, and bands formed by students of the school, the auditorium of the British School in Urca, at 16h. Who wants to watch the presentation will have to spend at least $ 100 (standing). Seats come out to $ 200.

All proceeds from will go to Casa Jimmy, founded by a grant that the guitarist did the NGO Task Brazil Trust when he was in the country in 1997. On occasion, there was a serious disturbance in the slum next to the hotel where Jimmy was staying, leaving him very impressed.

The Task Brazil Trust was founded in 1992 in England, and oversees projects implemented in Brazil aimed at the benefit and support to the lives and needs of children, adolescents, pregnant and homeless adolescents.

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Celia already knew this - hence her post about him spending the weekend in Brasil. All credit to her.

Sure, but it's fun to imagine her self-portrait sealed the deal. The original column published on Wednesday:

Page no Rio

Jimmy Page, 65 anos, o guitarrista inglês da lendária banda Led Zeppelin, vai visitar a Escola Britânica, no Rio, sábado agora. Haverá um show de alunos com Pepeu Gomes e George Israel, do Kid Abelha, em prol de um projeto social de Page.

Link: http://oglobo.globo.com/rio/ancelmo/

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More news --

Jimmy Page recently became a patron of The Outside Edge Theater Company, which is the only professional theater company in the UK that provides theater and drama work with people affected by addiction.

On November 25th beginning at 7:30pm The Outside Edge Theater Company will be holding their 10th year birthday celebration and fundraiser at Riverside Studios Hammersmith London where Jimmy Page will be introducing. Below is some further info. The event is open to the public and tickets are available:


"I am delighted and proud to be a supporter of The Outside Edge Theatre Company. They manage, under the guidance of Phil Fox, to produce artistically excellent work that challenges and entertains audiences at the same time as making a real difference. They demonstrate the very real capacity of live performance to positively transform shattered lives. Edge's work with addicts - and the ways in which their performances awaken audiences and provoke debate - is quite simply stunning"

- Jimmy Page

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It's my understanding the agents handling ticket sales are conveying he will not perform, only appear.

Edited to add: He has not cancelled this engagement and of course it is entirely up to him to perform or not.

Jimmy Page; International Man of Mystery.

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