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Yes, that's right; I think Presence is Amazing.


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Its got Jimmy's all over it ,Unlike In through the outdoor ,were Jonesie took over.

Jimmy said that shortly before Bonzo died that they were going a make more guitar based album the next time , I presume they were going to get back to this.

Presence is bit like the Beatles Let It Bleed back to basics then back to the usual studio stuff with Abbey Road,were Zep brought back the keyboards on I.T.T.O.D

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I got Presence for my 16th birthday, and only having a learner's permit at the time, made my Mom drive with me to the local Harmony House the day it was released (March 30th ?). The entire shipping crate was sitting on the floor just opened, and I bought my copy and was back in the car in less than 90 seconds. Drove home and immediately sequestered myself in the bedroom and popped on Achilles, which I had already heard on the local radio station. While listening at full volume, my Mom suddenly came in my room, stared at me and said, "I drove you to the store for that ?" She supported most of my musical tastes, but this way past her.

Presence was a left turn when people were expecting a right. To some it sounds raw and unfinished...a bit dark and gloomy. Heroin, Munich, wheelchairs, loneliness, and pressure were all part of the brew that produced this great album. I think it's the most unique album in the Zep catalog, and I still listen to it all the time. Nothing satisfies an Achilles urge but Achilles....nothing !

People who sell latter day Zep short compared to the early days are nuts....totally nuts. From April '76 to April '77, I got Presence, a movie, a soundtrack to the movie, and a concert on April 30th 1977. That glorious year is why I'm here. They couldn't have treated a 16 year old kid any kinder.

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I am mystified at the lack of attention this album gets. ALS is my favorite all time LZ song. There is some great energy on all the tracks, and I think the longest songs are also the best ones. This album rocks! Apart from P.G. and L.Z. 4, this is my favorite release.

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1. IV - Masterpiece

2. Physical Graffiti - Masterpiece

3. II - Great

4. I - Great

5. Houses of the Holy - Good

6. III - Good

7. Presence - Fair

8. In Through the Out Door - Fair

Conclusion, the well was running dry by the time Presence was made, few good songs.

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It has Page's most intense electric guitar playing but it's my least favorite album as I listen to Zeppelin like The Beatles for variety & strong realized songs which I feel is lacking on Presence. Great guitar playing isn't enough for myself in the end, it's like eating a meal where there's one component that's awesome & the rest is bland.

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OMG. I don't really do forums but I was prompted to sign up to express my disbelief that Presence could be thought of in any other way but the work of genius(es) that it is.

This is a truly great album people. If you don't like it yet please listen to it again without drugs. Or maybe with if that's already your thing (my lawyers would have helped me word that if I had any).

I know it's all down to taste in the end, but I remember buying Presence on vinyl some years after it was released (I was late to the Led Zep fold an account of age). Thinking the obelisk had some magical properties because the cover just mesmerised me. And the music. Achilles Last Stand. I would play that as loud as I dared repeatedly, hamming it up with my air guitar until I was exhausted. Yes, ok I play air guitar. I did back it up later by learning to play a real one, honest.

I love this album so much. One of my all time favourites by any band, not just LZ.

I remember thinking somewhat selfishly when Bonham died "Oh f. Never another Presence".

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In this site I'm in the minority no doubt: All the ingredients in Presence are amazing - some of the best musicianship of any album. And looking at each song separately I have to say, yeah, good or great song. BUT, in some indefinable way it always seemed (to me) to lack some spark to push into greatness. The parts are greater than the sum, or something like that. (Have I ever said I hated it, well gosh no - in fact I like it, but I would place it last among Zep albums. Sorry :-( (Favorites are III and PG).

Like a Tim Burton film: Man it looks (sounds) great, but something is missing...

(BUT, live, the songs are usually highlights - including For Your Life at 02, natch)

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I have always felt this is one of the most under rated albums in rock music, not just in the Zep canon.

A monster of an album with nary a weak song. ALS, T41, NFBM, FYL are epic masterpieces. The other three tunes simply rip it up!

I think it sounds different than the other Zep albums, but that is a large part of why it kicks so much butt. It's Zep, but a different Zep..if that makes sense.

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Presence has always been one of my favorites as well. Probably because it is less popular and not as over played as their others. Although it does have it's low points (Candy Store Rock) in my opinion, it also includes Tea For One and For Your Life which are two of my most favorite songs ever!

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Critics hated the LP however the album sold over a million copies and appeared with all the other studio records on the billboard charts in 1979 when zeppelin came out with In Through the Out Door first band to have all their records on the billboard at one time. So Presence stands on its own and is different like all their previous records at the time

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For me it's a piece of work that just shows how amazing Jimmy is. The immense pressure he was under to get this record produced and out within what 3 weeks? and it still is some of the finest work Zep did, it's he best guitar album for me (brave comment I know, considering how great the guitar is on each album)

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It's not my fave, but def has more than a few great tunes on it.

I do remember when it came out, it was a bit of a flop, albeit a minor one. It was the only Zep album I ever saw in the markdown bins. Like most are saying in this thread, it may not hit you between the eyes on first listen, but it really grows on you.

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For me it's a piece of work that just shows how amazing Jimmy is. The immense pressure he was under to get this record produced and out within what 3 weeks? and it still is some of the finest work Zep did, it's he best guitar album for me (brave comment I know, considering how great the guitar is on each album)

I agree 100%. And that's precisely why Presence has always been my all-time favorite Zeppelin album. JImmy's skills as a producer just shine through. Made more amazing due to the serious time crunch he was under. And that guitar. Oh my. To start it off with Achilles (my favorite Zeppelin tune), and finish with Tea for One? And everything in between? Perfection, if you ask me.

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