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Everything posted by kipper

  1. Only 37%. Sounds like Los Angeles. But here it is only about 24% now.
  2. Hey Panther man, how you been? Did you do the football pool this year? I retired after beating Walter and having fun with that.
  3. I live in California, and gas prices are still nearly $5 per gallon. Inflation rate falling is not the same as retail prices coming down, so that is just parlor trick the Biden Admin is playing. Since covid grocery prices are up about 20%, and they will not be coming down, even if inflation rates are slowing. Immigration is not a problem, we need immigrants. But being able to have a process where we get to choose who comes here is supposed to be the way it works. Not one party allowing open border invasion, and distribution of illegals everywhere. If I were Black I would be really angry how "reparations" in the form or welfare are going to non citizens before citizens. Abortion? Nobody talks about that, not worth the drama no matter how people feel. I got the initial jab and regret it. But only did so due to being around a person who is immuno suppressed. Never wore a mask--- REFUSED that. And never caught covid either. Yeah, I regret doing the first jab, because clearly they were sold to us on false pretenses. FWIW, SAJ was right about this infection from the start. It started by the CCP in Wuhan, which pretty much the whole world now agrees was true.
  4. Leslie was kind of cute back in '69.... Well, for a dirty hippie murdering bitch she was.
  5. I agree with him on that one. Sometimes I fantasize about killing too. I was talking to a friend who's brother is dealing with some scumbag homeless person who has been squatting at one of his rental units. This guy just showed up one day when the duplex apartment was listed for rent, changed the locks, moved his stuff in, and has been claiming he has a rental contract through a agency. It's total BS, but the police say it is a civil matter, not a criminal matter, and they say it can only be decided by a court, and already this process is 8 months in. And meanwhile the place cannot be rented, and who knows how much damage this squatter has caused? Now to my fantasy. If this happened to me, it would the best excuse to go in there and chop that guy up into 20 chunks and then dispose of him in 20 locations. A chance finally to become a legit Norman Bates, and with good justification. I guess this falls under post anything.
  6. Emmy Sue was do damn HOT!!!
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