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  1. I remember when people asked each other, "Which beatle is your favorite?" I would tell myself, 'What a silly question to ask somebody.' I later realized that girls asked this question to learn more about boys and see what your personality was closer to. Now that I'm older and I know more about the Beatles as people I could confidently say that if I were in dire need to choose which Beatle was the most agreeable and mirrored my personal values the most, I would choose Paul McCartney and not some imitator.
  2. Photograph I don't want her Photograph I don't need her Photograph All I got is a photograph
  3. The mathematical parallels with this album cover and this photo sent to me are quickly aparent but this Pink Floyd tribute was released in 1977, years before this person was born. The letter described the album cover parody being published and marketed in 1997. Thanks though.
  4. A reliable source sent me this photo the other day with a story about it. He left a lot of details out so I don't know the whole story but it kinda bummed me out. This photo is of some freckles on a man's arm. The significance is that this particular 'constelation' of freckles became the blueprint of album cover artwork. What had happened was that the leader of a certain band secretely spied on this man and his family and used details of their lives in his songwriting and band art, all without them knowing. Ironically this man was a fan of the band that used his freckles as inspiration. To top it off, even when he bought the album and saw the artwork, he didn't notice the connection. He had no clue the spite and hate this professional musician had for him. He couldn't imagine that in his wildest dreams that a rock star was spying on him. He didn't know any rockstars. Apparently this actually happened numerous times over many years where he and his family were subject to rockstar parody. He was a teenager of 15 when this particular incident happened where the rockstar used his freckles as the basis for album art. He apparently had just started learning guitar himself and this new interest and hobby of his was actually the subject of one of the songs on the album. I wasn't told who this person is or the band that used his freckles as artistic inspiration, so if anyone can make those connections for me that would be cool. Additionally, when this person became aware that all these bands were spying on him and his family he started to fight back. This situation escallated and those musicians conspired to ruin his life and break his family apart. The resulting clash between him and a large number of celebrities left him destitute and hopeless. It took him years to get back on his feet and today he is alive and well and still rebuilding what they destroyed. My sources are reliable, I mean, why would they bullshit me about this? We've known eachother for years and they never bullshitted me about anything like this before. Why would they? So, if anyone can clue me in on what album cover these freckles were used on, that would be cool.
  5. Lovelife or... You'll Never Get What You Want Out Of Me (Even If It Kills Me)
  6. How about... The Scientist That Named That Planet Is Missing (And We Renamed It) or... You Know What I'm Talking About or... Tongue Flicker
  7. We need new classic rock bands like the real greats of the 60's and 70's and to a shorter end, the 80's. None of these tech hipster bands are takin' it to the limit. And why does Hollywood suddenly look like Ireland. Big tip- longer track times don't equate epicness, you gotta fill that space with something exciting.
  8. This round of iTunes purchases I kept with the artists I already purchased before so there really wasn't much exploring tonight. They're all great songs.
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