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jimmie ray

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    Long Island, NY

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  1. I don't recall how many years ago I had stopped posting on this forum, but looks like someone hasn't missed a beat on hounding me. No mystery as to why this place became a ghost town, but I tried to give it a second chance...
  2. So I'm reading this Hamlin fellow is showing good signs, conscious and interacting. I didn't see the collision, but heard it wasn't unusually brutal. There's discussion on my Giants board about an increase in various athletes' cardiac occurrences these last 2 years, and documentation of that in young males who were vaccinated.
  3. Things have definitely changed, even with the places that made it through that. Having lived in the same area all my life, it's heartbreaking to see some things that had family activity memories gone now. Seems down by the water is the most hard hit.
  4. Funny that the owners didn't think PSLs would keep fans from attending games, and the league gave one of the worst attendance draws an annual Thanksgiving game.
  5. Something Bonger brought up - I can't fathom why a team's broadcast would be blacked out, especially if the game sells out. Do the Lions sellout every Thanksgiving?
  6. You don't seem to miss much, whether it's good food or music. I don't think we've been out for seafood, since early last year. I'm sure the wife would jump on that, maybe I'll treat her soon.
  7. I only have a gas grill, but put a tray of soaked wood chips right over the burner and a smaller size brisket off to the side. But still got an impressive "bark" and the center was nice and juicy.
  8. It's magical, what happens to that fat in the process.
  9. Bay scallops used to be very plentiful and super cheap. Usually we breaded and fried them, not bad. But fresh seared Sea Scallops - that's gourmet eating...
  10. Nothing prouder than your first successful brisket, that's a whopper!
  11. Scallops are my favorite seafood, but not at the price they are lately. They keep trying to re-introduce seedlings to local waters, but it looks like they'll never recover. Do you use Rana pasta products? I've been finding them to be a nice variety and almost always on sale.
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