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Is this a new Led Zeppelin song?


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Led Zeppelin are not releasing a "new" album in the near future.

It has some Page qualities about it and could be him, taken from his "new" album.

Like everything else we'll have to wait and see.

I'm not totally convinced it is Page.

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Does sound like Jimmy, but can't be sure it's him. Just a guitar track with nothing else without bass, drums etc. Sounds just like a rehearsal of some sort. Nothing final. Someone else may know more about this. :unsure:

Has the sort of feel of the piece he performed back in 1999 at Net Aid called "Domino", if that's him here.

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It doesn't sound like Page at all, not to mention the second guitar part which sounds way too amateurish to be Page. The riff is similar to the second part in "Full Circle" (one of The Firm's unreleased songs) but I think that this is just a coincidence.

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