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Louisiana 5-19-77


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I store my music in a meticulous manner . There is a place for everything . I won't bore you with my OCD but my most recent obsession is the extended No Quarter's found mostly (or even exclusively) on the 75 & 77 Tours. Empty space for LSU 5.19.77. There had to be rumblings of a forthcoming release at some point or at the very least confirmation that a tape of this show exists. But nothing.

Considering noted taper " The Freezer" has made a tape from 75 and then we got the soundboard, same for 73. New Orleans was one the bands favorite stops and one of the cities they seemed to raise the bar. The 5.19.77 show did happen. It wasn't cancelled. Is it possible that not even a "mud document" (Jim speak for poor AUD tape) of the event exists ?

Can anyone shed some light on this?


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No idea about a Freezer tape (supposedly he destroyed his tapes before his death), but given the rather clear pattern of soundboard releases for '75 and '77, it seems there's a reasonable chance (say, better than 50/50) that whoever is releasing these tapes has the first block of shows from the 2nd leg of the '77 tour.  My guess is they have Birmingham through the 1st night in NYC.  This set would include Baton Rouge.  (They almost certainly have the unreleased Greensboro show, and Tampa, LOL.) 

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It seems like a theme with these stories of people destroying their tapes and screw everyone else.  Freezer, Mike Millard and there is also a story of some engineer who has the Seattle '69 Soundboard but vowed to never release it because 1 person stalked him over the tape

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Thanks for the information.

Man, a 69 soundboard, from Seattle to boot ! (no pun intended).  That's like sitting on stacks of cash that the IRS is clueless to.

As far as Millard and Led Zeppelin boots I don't think he held anything back. Light House recently released his initial 1st generation tapes . I just received 6/21/77 and it's the real Mc Coy. You can hear the progression. Apparently, he had another (far less skilled) taper he was collaborating with because the 2nd generation Millard tapes include unique a "patch source"  ultimately leading to the Masters I love so much. It's well known that 3/12/75 was  taped by someone else because Millard was late to the venue and was only able to tape the last 45 minutes of that show.

 Very interesting that Millard and Freezer both died young and under dubious circumstances. And what became of the 2nd Taper ? Seattle Kingdom 77 was too good. The threats had to be eliminated. It was murder and  Bindon did it, under Grants direction.

Anyone have Dick Coles phone number? Perfect fodder for his next Led Fiction book.

In all seriousness, thank you all for enlightening me (and tolerating me). Looking forward to living long enough to have some more great Zep boots in my collection. Love this site.




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23 hours ago, tom kid said:

I'll let Nutrocker post the details about Freezer but he was fucked over no doubt.

My pleasure, Tom...I've only told the story how many times :lol: but I suppose once more doesn't matter...

Yeah, Freezer taped the '77 Baton Rouge show. Apparently he even gave out a copy or two -or at least samples- to a handful of collectors who had his back during the whole "Freezer's Revenge" debacle concerning his NOLA '73 audience tape (Google it...I don't have the fucking energy to rehash that goddamn saga again...) Anyway, supposedly back in '08 he gave a bunch of his uncirculated recordings to the head of a certain live music torrent site to upload...and a few eager beavers leaked that info to at least one bootleg company, who immediately started advertising about the '77 Baton Rouge show. Anyway, I found out about this and told Freezer and the person he supposedly gave the recordings to NOT to upload them, not unless they wanted another "Freezer's Revenge" brouhaha to start up, bringing mucho bad publicity to the torrent site. Okay? With me so far? So Freezer asked me on the QT if I could try and find out who leaked the information to the bootleggers; it took a few months but I did identify at least a couple of the leakers (one of whom is fairly well known -if not exactly trusted- within the Zeppelin online community). Just the same, that goddamn Baton Rouge '77 recording of Freezer's -my live Zeppelin Holy Grail, for what its worth- remains uncirculated to the masses to this day, and will likely remain so unless the fucking soundboard recording shows up. 

And, just for the record, Freezer taped Zeppelin four times, the only guy in the NOLA/Red Stick area to do so: New Orleans 1971 and 1973, and Baton Rouge '75 and '77. The '71 and '77 shows are lost to the sands of time, of course.


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Wow. That was very interesting. Thank you. I love this site. You can really only learn so much from the books. I had no idea about any of this and why would I ? But i am grateful for the the knowledge and now I have a couple of purposes today. A Freezer tape from 71 !

It seems like ages ago (it kind of is) in a different life that for good  first hand human "intel" there is no substitute. Time traveling, sorry.

I'm sorry to hear this, I just signed up here but have been reading  enough for when I see your Icon I think 77 Tour . It's got to gnaw at your sack. 

Also, shed's some light and jars my memory a bit. The guy who runs my record shop had to be the person who told me about a 77 LSU Show. He's sort of "in the know" but often wrong or half right.

After all, he's seen Zep at the Old Fillmore East, Garden , Nassau and  does have has his ear to the ground on  more than one band"s 'imports".

I plan on walking over there later with my new 1980 laden want list. I already have Birmingham 5-18- 77 on my list and just put LSU 5-19-77 , see what he says. Sounds a little scummy but he tests me plenty. Especially now, if you can't laugh....

Some of these torrent sites are too much . I asked for admission to one the other day and I felt like I was being vetted for Delta Clearance . I was directed to read a long manifesto! Emailing back and forth with Mr. Pink through a triple encrypted server that bounces to Greenland and routed though Osaka and Kazouko then splits... all I want is some old Sabbath shows !!  :)

Thank You ! 

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