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Everything posted by SteveZ98

  1. Thanks. I'm currently putting the finishing touches on the soundtrack to the Seattle '77 DVD. My long term plan is to merge it back with the video and release that, but it's turned out to be a little harder than I anticipated. Because of that, I'm probably going to release the audio by itself first. When it's ready, I'll send you a link.
  2. Agreed about the performance. What I've found in remastering the '77 soundboards is that the better they sound, the better you realize the performance was. With the low end finally coming through, I really like getting to hear what Jonsey and Bonzo were playing. And when you hear them, both individually and as a rhythm section, as well as how intricately they and Jimmy worked together, you realize just how good the band was on that tour.
  3. Here's another '77 solo. I love being able to see Jimmy play this without the constant cuts you'd get if this was a regular concert video.The audio is my remaster of the EV soundtrack. This is still a work in progress. Sorry for the "Invalid" glitch towards the end. I'm still new to working with video.
  4. Sick Again from Seattle '77. The video is from EV and the audio is my own remaster. I'm still working on the sound, but it's mostly done. I love the '77 versions of this song. What a one-two punch to start the show, TSRTS and then this.
  5. Here's Sick Again from Seattle '77. The video is from the Empress Valley Definitive Edition DVD and I remastered the audio. This is still a work in progress, but it's pretty close to what the final version will sound like.
  6. This picture shows the wooden structure that replaced the old tent in which Zep performed. This are now serves as the lobby to the 4500 seat theater where shows are currently held.
  7. Sorry for the broken link in the previous post.
  8. Here's the latest one I picked up: Sept 3, 1971
  9. That's an interesting observation. There's an ad for the 9/4/70 in the Timeline which lists the prices for that show as $4.25, $5.25, $6.25, and $7.25. There's also an ad for the 8/21/71 and 8/22/71 shows which lists those prices as $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, and $7.00. There's no ad with prices for the 6/25/72 show, but there is one for the 6/27/72 show. It says tickets were $4.50, $5.50, and $6.50. I checked The Concert File and The Press Reports and didn't see anything from '72 saying Zep was trying to hold ticket prices in check. Based on that, it seems like the '70 show was priced higher than normal. Maybe the sellout earlier that year of the March 27th show gave either Zep or the promoters the idea that they could raise the prices on the September show.
  10. Picked up two more ticket stubs tonight. The Blueberry Hill one was a long time goal, so it's nice to finally have tracked it down. September 4, 1970 June 25, 1972
  11. Picked up a couple of more ticket stubs tonight. September 4, 1970 June 25, 1972
  12. Part two: May 17, 1975 May 18, 1975 May 24, 1975 April 27, 1977 April 28, 1977 June 21, 1977 June 23, 1977 July 17, 1977
  13. I've been collecting Zep ticket stubs for about 15 years. I try to focus on shows for which there are famous bootlegs. Here's part one: May 25, 1969 July 6, 1969 June 28, 1970 February 20, 1972 May 31, 1973 June 3, 1973 July 27, 1973 February 12, 1975 March 4, 1975 March 27, 1975
  14. Dinosaur Jr in Northampton, MA June 21, 2011. Last concert before that was Jimmy Page and the Black Crowes in Camden, NJ July 8, 2000. I can't believe that was 11 years ago, and that Jimmy hasn't been on tour since
  15. According to the inflation calculator at the site below, a US$9.75 ticket to the Listen To This Eddie or For Badgeholders Only shows in L.A. would cost US$36.36 today. I don't go to many concerts now, but I can only imagine how much tickets are today for bands that are at the level Zep was at in '77. http://www.usinflationcalculator.com/
  16. I'm glad you enjoyed them. I try to focus on shows where there's a famous bootleg. If you're interested, here are some more: June 28, 1970 July 27, 1973 May 31, 1973 February 12, 1975 March 4, 1975 March 27, 1975 May 17, 1975 May 24, 1975 April 27, 1977 June 21, 1977 June 23, 1977 July 17, 1977 And not much in the way of a recording, but the idea of a show where Zep and The Who played together was too cool to pass up. May 25, 1969
  17. Here are scans of a few stubs I picked up recently. July 6, 1969 June 3, 1973 May 18, 1975 April 28, 1977
  18. The newly released version of Detroit, July 12, 1973. Great stuff, both sound and performance.
  19. Didn't a lot of Zeppelin shows start late, at least once they became headliners? It seems like every other bootleg I listen to includes a speech from Robert apologizing for them being late. The recent 3/17/75 soundboard was surprising in that it sounds like they were actually early for that gig, at least according to Robert's comment after Sick Again that "for once in our career we started early, 'cause we didn't want to keep you waiting." I can't recall another time he said anything like that. It was usually something along the lines of "sorry for the delay, there were snowstorms backstage".
  20. I picked up a ticket stub to the Newport Jazz Festival gig recently, so I'm listening to that show. I love the '69 festival sets; short, compact, and to the point.
  21. Did you ever record a studio version of As Long As I Have You? Given that it was a staple of their early lives shows, it seems like a natural choice. Perhaps it would have been too long to fit in the relatively limited space of one of the LPs they released while Bonzo was alive, but it would have made a great addition to Coda.
  22. My wife and I were fortunate enough to catch three of Jimmy's shows with the Crowes (Worcester, Mansfield, and Camden). Each of those shows were among the top ten of the 75 or so concerts I've seen. I also saw Jimmy seven times with Robert. The shows with the Crowes were more flat out rock shows, while there were more slow parts during the shows with Robert. I liked both versions quite a bit, but wish the tour with the Crowes had continued on longer, as I would have loved to catch more of those shows. If anyone's interested, here's a link to the ticket stubs for the ten shows I've seen Jimmy play. http://tinypic.com/useralbum.php?ua=tyLp12...o1OQSe1aA%3D%3D
  23. I've got a number of shows on silver CD, along with a collection of memorabilia. My favorite things are the ticket stubs that I've collected. http://tinypic.com/useralbum.php?ua=tyLp12...FSM%2FrmA%3D%3D I initially tried to focus on stubs for shows for which there were famous bootlegs, and manged to pick up stubs for 5/31/73, 2/12/75, 3/4/75, 6/21/77, and 6/23/77. Most of the rest are for well known shows (Bath '70, the night Zep opened for The Who, etc.) for which unfortunately the recordings are either absent, incomplete, or horrible (Bath '70).
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