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Everything posted by Carrieanna31

  1. Luscious indeed, thx!.... Just needed to get my Jimmy fix in before bed... Sweet dreams for sure!
  2. Aw, you love me?


  3. Great photo Knebby! Thanks!
  4. Merry Christmas to you as well, Sweetie!

  5. Hello! How are you? ooohhh, Greek men... very bad! LOL!!

  6. "So hot, want to touch the hiney." Sorry, That line from Billy Madison popped in my head! ha! ha! ha! ha!
  7. ^^^ Love your signature Diana!!!
  8. Certainly is, isn't he?! How YOU doin' Jimmy?!
  9. The scruff and those lips...
  10. I would gather it to be sarcasm! He's really nothing to look at. I've met him a few times. Thank you! The pic was from 1990, just before I turned 16. Those were the good ol days...
  11. Lucia and Sophia- you 2 are great! Back when I was in school, the girls loved Duran Duran, Bon Jovi, New Kids on the Block and Menudo. Yuck!! I was the headbanger chick with Jimmy stashed in various places. Bookbag, locker and folders. I had this one pic that was so old and worn that it eventually fell apart on me and I shrieked in class. We even had the same hairstyle! LOL!!
  12. Lordy, Lordy! Young, middle aged, silver fox.... I'll take him any way!
  13. ;-D

    Lovin' that pic of the Dark Lord!

  14. You ladies have done it to me again tonight, thank you...
  15. LOL! Yeah, just as innocent as myself at that age! Jimmy's angelic looks don't fool me for one second either...!
  16. You 2 are too young to have such impure thoughts racing through young and fragile minds....
  17. ^ ^ I hope it's actually a 2009 Calendar, JAL! I wonder how hard it was to choose which Jimmy went with which Month? I bet we all here could make calenders until the year 2020 with all these pictures!
  18. Nope! That's a first Karen Carpenter for me. Wish I could sing like her though. She had a great voice.
  19. Yes it's bit of an odd pic, I thought. But I like it!
  20. Here's a newer one of myself. Try not to scare any one here!
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