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Posts posted by TechnoViking

  1. Yeah, how to grunt OLAF...

    That help?

    Why Mary, Mary quite contrary

    How does your BS flow?

    In athetist threads and empty space in your head

    Is there anything you claim not to know?

    Hope that helps.

  2. You show me the empirical evidence of the christian god....then I will agree with you. Until then I will state quite clearly there is a difference between an actual scientist and one who dreams up spooks and faeries and writes about them in a book.

    Saying that the universe is too complex for you to fathom does not mean everyone cannot fathom it :D

    There's no truly empirical evidence...if there is bring it to me....then we will chat some more..and like I said many times before the argument that someone can't disprove the unproven shows the empirical data has no legs to stand on.....

    Learn a new word today? :D

  3. LMAO. That has got to be the lamest commercial in history. And I love when the one chick says it all sexy like she's turned on, like "Sham wuooooooow!" :slapface: Luckily Billy Mays doesn't do it, or else I'd have to throw the TV out the window. As it is, it's just hysterical in its dorkiness. Which reminds me: ladies and gentlemen, I, FOD, have discovered THE worst music video in the history of the modern world, and without further ado, I declare that it is, in fact, "You Look So Good in Love" by George Strait. Seriously, you guys should watch it on YouTube (if you can bear to) - it's a hoot. The bad '80s haircuts (especially the beard on the one guy - inconceivable!), the horrible acting, the abominable camera work...oh man, it's a classic, I tell ya.

    Anyway, I hate, hate, HATE Washington Mutual's ATMs. It asks you like 50 questions before you get to the damn menu. If I wanted to check my account balance, I would select it from the menu, if I could ever bloody well get there!!!!! :rant: At school there's a Wells Fargo ATM right next to the WaMu one, and I swear the WF line goes twice as fast. I think I'll actually write them a letter because my god that's irritating.

    Take your ritalin. Please

  4. hey guys..just quick stop to say.."hey"...i'm still in shock here...lot of catching up to do, but with the return of the spouse...duty calls... :D (funny, i never connected the dots that it would be on election day :blink:...chock it up to being blonde )

    yep...sexually deprived for your freedom......no longer!!!!!!

    (that's for you suz......and all the other sexually deprived women out there!!!! :lol:)

    til later....AMERICA ROCKS!!!!!

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