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Everything posted by ~Bonnie~

  1. From my birthday party last weekend:
  2. What made me unhappy today: The continued receiving inappropriate sexual texts/emails from a coworker. She does this all the time, and she doesn't seem to comprehend the fact that I don't find it amusing to receive pictures of someone's genitals with a stupid fish tattoo on them and such. And seriously, if you have to start your email with "make sure no one else is looking when you read this", that should be your first clue that it is not appropriate to be sending at work. It'd be different if the dude I was dating sent me a flirty-dirty text, but from a coworker -and a girl, no less- it's disturbing. Ok. Sorry. Rant over.
  3. My boss's boss actually made a special point of telling me today that all of my hard work during our busy season -which is just now beginning to wind down- is much appreciated.
  4. I was bored. So I got a perm. So there's my newly curly hair. Yay!!
  5. OH really?? It kinda seems like you did.... You make fun of SOMEONE ELSE's photo, but then when someone does the same to you.... You get all butt-hurt about it. You can dish it, but you can't take it??
  6. I've been cleaning and cleaning, and I've finally gotten my apt to a respectable level of cleanliness. That has what has made me happy. Now, I sincerely hope I don't have any visitors for a while, clomping across my nice clean floor with dirty shoes, or leaving newspapers and dirty dishes laying about all over the place, or leaving all seven of the bath towels they used to take a single bath lying all over the bathroom floor, moldering.
  7. Spats says hi & hope you are doing good, and that he misses chatting with you. You know, if you have a myspace you should add him. I think it'd make him happy.

  8. The Faux-hawk was, quote "a big hit". However, neither of us are morning people, so it was just too hard to style it that way every morning.
  9. So, Ev, was this look before or after the Nikki Sixx phase on the Evster Fashion Timeline?
  10. Have you tried using a cleanser for Sensitive skin?? One thing I use for a cheap facial scrub--Mix a bit of table sugar into your regular soap so that it's a thick paste & then apply in a circular motion.
  11. On the subject of chapstick, I absolutely LOVE that Lip Care stuff by NIVEA. It keeps your lips soft without having to reapply it all the time.
  12. Today, when I was going in to work, a gentleman who works in the same building actually held the door open for me. And I was a quite a ways behind him, but he waited patiently. I was impressed! Not very many people nowadays would have done that...it's nice to know there are still nice people out there.
  13. I am happy today because in about a week, I will be on vacation in New Orleans, visiting two friends I haven't seen in years. And so far, nothing has really went too horribly wrong to make me need to cancel(*fingers crossed*). My mom even offered to babysit my child so I could go??? I guess she could tell I've been overly stressed lately.
  14. Seeing "small" things for the Nth time... I mean, seriously, we don't care how small your thing is, just stop already.
  15. My boss & her boss took me & a coworker out to lunch today to thank us for all our hard work these past few months that we've been understaffed in our dept. Also, the new girl starts on Thursday, so I'll be back to doing only my workload in no time!!
  16. Sometimes, hard as it may be, you gotta let someone go. If that person doesn't want to change, no amount of caring and supportiveness is going to make them change. My sister, is going through her second bout with cancer right now, and she still won't take care of herself. She's used drugs since she was about 14--she's 39 now--and has no intention of quitting. The first time she had cancer, she would go to chemo every other Monday, and so she'd have one week where she would feel bad, and one where she felt good. And let me tell you, on the off weeks, she'd go out drinking and "partying" like there was no tomorrow. And to make matters worse, she won't hardly eat. And even though the Dr told her that smoking cigarettes would lessen the effectiveness of the chemo, she continues to this day to smoke. I kinda think that's why the cancer came back so soon like it did--she was in remission in October, and it came back in March. The past few weeks she's been in the hospital for a bone marrow procedure, and Mom caught her sneaking out for cigarettes. One time she ran away from the hospital, and they had to call my other sister to help them locate her... And it's hard, but What can you do? She's an adult, and she obviously doesn't want the help.
  17. Yes, but most human beings know enough to not take it LITERALLY.
  18. I ordered a CD off of Amazon last night, and today, when I checked my email it said that it already shipped! I love this Amazon.com!! However, I could really put myself into some trouble with it, the way they have all the CDs you can't find in your local stores....
  19. What has made me unhappy today is that the car has sprung a leak. I made an appointment to take it in first thing tomorrow...
  20. hydrogen atoms? amoebas? ants? grains of salt? water droplets? bread crumbs? gnats? an eraser on a pencil? tacks? hangnails? nose hairs? please be more specific...
  21. Wow. It has made me unhappy today to read this. Joel needs to just give it up. Seriously. I think any comments he made on your girl are out of jealousy, because he can't keep anyone. You know what I think? I think he dates kids because adult women don't want him.
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