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The Rover

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Posts posted by The Rover

  1. 47 minutes ago, kipper said:

    when I was younger I was convinced that Plant was bi curious by the way he acted and dressed.  I recall John Lennon making fun of Mick Jagger's way of dancing and calling him a "f*g" which was ironic because John Lennon had experimented with having sex with other men.

    i dont know if Plant ever did anything like that, but his on stage persona was clearly metro sexual to use a more modern word for it

    Yes, there's some effeminacy with Plant, particularly in '73-'77. But I can't name one report of Plant having had sexual relationships with men. I guess you could say that Plant was "in touch" with his feminine side. That's all.

    I like Plant's stage costume in '75 and '77.



  2. 2 hours ago, gibsonfan159 said:

    Have there been any members on here who were at the shows and gave an account? Surely someone in that audience would be compelled to make a forum post describing their experience.

    Yeah, you'd think some of the notable images of fans in the film would come forward with their stories:

    The guy that sticks his tongue out

    The kid that gets let in the back entrance

    The woman that's holding her hands together during SIBLY

    The longhair that gets rousted backstage during D&C

    The girl in the underground garage


  3. 10 hours ago, rm2551 said:

    I can take Jimmy from Led Zeppelin beginning to end. For me personally, the difference is, as time marched on, Jimmy was less consistent. But even in 1980, there are gems where he still delivered supreme. They are not exactly "rare" gems - but it was a declining arc.

    And I totally get the Jimmy fan angle. I'm the same. I love Zep. Love all of them. But Jimmy is the man! Greatest EVER.

    *ALL members made the magic 5th element. No disrespect to JPJ, Bonham and Plant. They are equals in what Zep produced.


    Any recording or boot where Jimmy is doing well is a good thing to listen to.

    "Well" encompasses personal taste, so all my Jimmy favorites won't be someone else's. But any year with Jimmy playing well is a good time to listen.

    There are those that shun any post '72 recordings because, for them, without Robert at his best vocal range, "party is over for them". But, not for me. :)

    Without Bonham & Jonesy laying down the bottom, then, it's not "Led Zeppelin."



  4. While I do agree that Robert was at his best as recorded in '72, as dizzying and great as Jimmy's performances were, I think that Jimmy's "best" is found post 1972. I know it's a matter of personal taste, and I guess I do prefer the '73 and '75 "Jimmy" over the '72n in style and substance. But that's not a detraction... I just like the '73 and '75 Jimmy better. And with that, I don't really mind that I'm not getting the "best" Robert in '73 and '75, as I'm primarily a Jimmy fan over a Robert fan... so when I feel like I'm getting Jimmy's "best", then I can make all kinds of exceptions for Robert not being his "best."

  5. Is this the end of Halemaʻumaʻu Crater’s lava lake?

    In a series of events that started with the collapse of Puu Oo’s crater floor on April 30, 2018 Halemaumau Crater’s lava lake has been receding. On Sunday, May 6, it was recorded that the lava lake dropped 722 feet.


    The lava draining from Halemaumau Crater can last be compared to the time it drained in 1924, and the lava fell below the water table, causing earthquakes, explosions and crater collapses. That lasted for two weeks, and the lake disappeared for 85 years before returning to the summit.


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