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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. HAHAHA. This is my all-time favorite argument. When umps screw up, it must be because the league favors the Yankees. That's a good one.
  2. How can you have missed me, I post here at least once a day.
  3. Thank you. At least someone around here gets it. BTW, what do people's avatars/signatures have to do with anything? Are the members here not allowed to profess a fondness for other bands or something? We're all here because we love Led Zeppelin. We are however, allowed to love other bands/artists too.
  4. I'm not surprised/irked/annoyed/bothered/angered/upset that there are people here who think everything Led Zeppelin did is awesome and in their opinion, are the greatest band ever. I've never said as much, intimated as much or otherwise let on that I think that. I've always maintained that people can feel however they want about whatever they want and whoever they want, musically. So I have no frackin' clue what you're talking about or who you're directing it to, although considering the fact you mentioned Pink Floyd and The Rolling Stones, I'd have to imagine it's me and LesPaul. The only beef I've ever had with a topic like this is when you say you don't care for a song/album and then someone comes along and tells you "How can you not like that song! Are you stupid! Are you crazy!". That hasn't happened yet, but it's happened in the past. Some of you get way too damn serious about this.
  5. Decent weather! It's 65 degrees outside right now, with not a cloud in the sky. I can finally open my windows and let some air into the upstairs.
  6. I don't like those songs either. I think what I find odd about this is why should people like EVERY song Led Zeppelin did? They weren't perfect, the idea that because we like Led Zeppelin therefore we must like every single solitary thing they did is perplexing.
  7. Stairway. I used to like it a lot, listen to it all the time........then I got burnt out on it and just don't feel about it the way I used to. Sacrilege I know, but it's just one of those songs I heard too many times.
  8. I thought we could delete our own accounts. I know on the very old board, you could. If not, then just PM an admin and ask them to do it for you.
  9. I never thought that game was going to end. My ass was numb from sitting on the floor in the basement so that the TV wouldn't wake up anyone else. Thank God we won, though. Losing that game and heading into Anaheim 1-1 instead of 2-0 would have been a killer.
  10. You can't change your account name. You can either PM an admin and ask if they could do it for you or delete this account and register under the name you want.
  11. I've gotten quite a few vinyl records over the last week or so: Delicate Sound of Thunder The Division Bell A Momentary Lapse of Reason A Nice Pair Relics All by Pink Floyd.
  12. Being able to say I've done all my chores/errands for the day and just relax until the baseball game tonight.
  13. The lull is to be expected, since we're all on a message board for a band that doesn't exist anymore. News will be few and far between. Doesn't mean there's nothing to talk about, just that there's nothing new and probably won't be for a while.
  14. It's the smirk. It kills me dead every time. It's like "yeah, I know I'm good." That sort of confidence-bordering-on-arrogance can be very attractive.
  15. Unfortunately, my fandom came around after they stopped making music together....mostly because I was born in 1982, but I got into them on my own. Heard Comfortably Numb on the radio once, begged my dad for the album it came on....he bought me the cassette. Ironically enough, as much as I dislike 95% of The Wall, it's the only Floyd album I own on 4 mediums: vinyl, cassette, CD and mp3.
  16. I don't have one particular album I favor over others, it's impossible for me to choose just one. There are however, albums I DON'T care for. Right now I've been listening to The Division Bell a lot because I just got it on vinyl and it's such a great record. Last week it was Animals, next week it might be Saucer. Who knows. BTW, I noticed no one here has talked about Obscured by Clouds. What a shame, it's better than a lot of their earlier stuff and stands up well to their later works. Burning Bridges is in the top 5 all-time Floyd songs.
  17. Ah yes, "brooding" David. That look was second only to the Gilmour glare. Which I've read about.
  18. Took the smilies right out of my mouth.
  19. There are several Pink Floyd fan forums, actually. http://www.pinkfloydfan.net/f667-forums.html http://www.pinkfloyd-co.info/phpBB2/index.php http://pinkfloydonline.com/forums/ [board is currently being upgraded]
  20. I've never had any problems buying vinyl on Ebay. I make sure I do my homework ahead of time. I've bought maybe 20-30 albums that way and not one has been problematic.
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