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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Something about that struck me. And people wanted that man President?
  2. What makes you think because I only quoted the first sentence, I didn't read anything else? Geez, you're all full of assumptions tonight, ain't ya? I read the whole post, dearie. And you for some reason think because I don't believe all the criticism of Obama here is legitimate and choose to say something about it, apparently that means either directly or indirectly I think he's God or something......and then you went on to further state that you don't care whether I think that or not.......AFTER YOU SAID YOU THINK I DO! Helloooooooo. Also, and this is the kicker, the comments I made about people crawling up his ass about everything, whether it was warranted or not.....WEREN'T EVEN DIRECTED AT YOU! So yeah you wanna be done, be done.
  3. Wrong, wrong and oh yeah, wrong. And since you don't care that you're wrong, enjoy.
  4. Where did I say or intimate that Obama is the messiah or the son of God? Next time you respond to something I say, don't make shit up.
  5. Nathan you are aware that Bush is who first pushed for Chicago and NYC to host the Olympics, right? In fact, he's the one who initially suggested Chicago in the first place. I fail to see what was wrong with Obama wanting the Olympics in Chicago, why would the Olympics in the United States be a bad thing? Furthermore, I don't really care what Jon Stewart thinks. He's an entertainer, his opinion means no more to me than any other celebrity with an opinion. Jesus damn Christ, people. It's the OLYMPICS, he wasn't pushing for nuclear warhead silos in every neighborhood. This is what I meant by people will find any reason to crawl up this guy's ass. He's been President since January, and apparently by today's date of October 11th, everything was supposed to be fixed by now, or at least 90% done. He's done things I don't like and I've criticized him quite a bit but even my staunch conservative parents are giving him until at least the mid-terms before they say he's on the right track or the wrong track. My parents! The same people who said the country needs to elect Sarah Palin in 2012. Those people! He could cure AIDS, some whiny twit will say he didn't do it fast enough.
  6. BTW, I find it disturbingly funny that a sitting President is awarded a Nobel Peace Prize and the first reaction people have, whether they're on the left or the right, is to say it's a bad thing. Only in America, I tell you. The GOP was excited the US lost the Olympics, even though Obama wasn't the first President who pushed for the US to be awarded the 2016 Games, and now the President is given a Nobel Peace Prize and rather than at least say that it's an honor [which it is, even if it has been dubiously awarded in the past], the first instinct is to shit on it. American Politics - Degrassi Jr. High for the middle age set.
  7. One of my Pink Floyd albums I bought arrived! It got here yesterday, but since it's still Saturday in some places, it counts. So all that's left is A Momentary Lapse of Reason and The Division Bell.
  8. Oh yeah, we're so much worse off now than we were before. Right. Of course.
  9. Don't get me wrong, I think this was pretty stupid. As was the previous instance of this I mentioned. All I'm saying is, this is not a harbinger of things to come, this doesn't mean we're headed toward communism, Obama is not Stalin.....all the shit I've read/heard since this happened. It's silliness. Outright silliness.
  10. Mona, if I may be so bold, you the man.
  11. There is not one part of me that doesn't find the hullabaloo and screaming and ranting hilarious. I seem to recall seeing video of school kids singing to another President we've had.....and yet no one made mention of that. Hi-lair-a-tee.
  12. Did Glenn Beck fall out of his chair and have seizures over it? If not, I won't be impressed. I want a full-on meltdown.
  13. You still aren't bothering to answer my question. I guess there's a reason for that.
  14. And what moral quagmire would that be, exactly? Posts have been deleted in this thread for discussing anyone other than Roman Polanski, if that's where you're headed. I was one of those people who had posts deleted AND an admin told me such conversation was verboten here. So if you're trying to lead me or anyone else down that road, you'll be walking alone, buddy.
  15. No offense intended, but you're wrong on this part. Unfortunately I don't have a spreadsheet in front of me, but you must not read a lot of threads about Obama very carefully if you believe that. Are there non-Democrats who can disagree with the President and be respectful? Yes. Are they the majority here? I don't think so.
  16. As most people know I am an ardent Obama supporter but even I don't think he deserved this. He'd only been President what, 2 weeks or something? It's an honor he was even nominated, but I think he should decline to accept it. However, that doesn't mean I can't smile in glee at all the necons getting their panties twisted over this. Why, I can almost hear Glenn Beck's frothing-at-the-mouth reply to this now......
  17. How have I been hypocritical on this issue, pray tell? I think my stance on this issue, both as it pertains to Polanski and anyone else who did what he did, has been very clear and articulated very carefully. If you think I've in anyway said Polanski should be punished whereas other people shouldn't, I'd sure as shit like you to point out where. So if I were you, I'd tread the line you're walking very carefully.
  18. You're digging yourself a hole. If I were you horsey, I'd put the shovel down.
  19. I just bought not one but TWO Pink Floyd vinyl albums - Delicate Sound of Thunder [live album] and The Division Bell. The latter, being released in 1994, is quite rare since CDs were the dominant medium by that point. Cost me $96 dollars for both including shipping, but it's money well spent, I feel.
  20. So that makes it okay then? Drugging and anally raping a 13 year old girl is abhorrent whether everyone was doing it at the time or no one was. Don't make excuses for these people.
  21. It is pretty damn good. All she said was she wanted something chocolaty. For the big 6-0, she deserves it.
  22. Triple-layer, triple chocolate fudge. Three layers of chocolate cake with chocolate chips baked inside, with a chocolate fudge icing. And chocolate chips along the outside and top of the cake. You have to cut thin slices because it's a lot of cake and VERY sweet.
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