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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. The look on my mom's face when she saw the cake my sister and I made for her birthday today.
  2. We don't do Halloween anymore, my sister and I are way too old for it (21 and 27, respectively). We may pass out some candy, we may not. It depends if I feel like sitting on the front porch all night. Otherwise we'll just black out the house and stay upstairs or in the basement so that no one rings the doorbell.
  3. I don't think he was - he might have just worn that when the band was playing Montreal in '77.
  4. My sister will do this. She'll put one on the floor to stand on, one to wrap around herself and then one for her hair. Then she'll leave all 3 on the floor for me to find, next time I go wandering into the bathroom. I hate that. On to what made me happy today - I am in line to get some new Pink Floyd vinyl within the next few days. WOO!
  5. Great pictures, Jo! I love the expression on his face in the 2nd picture - "What the hell do you want now?"
  6. There's no alleging here. He DID date 15 year old Nastassia Kijnksi (probably spelled wrong) when he was 41. I'd call that creepy, wouldn't you?
  7. No offense, but this is the damn dumbest thing I've read from you yet. Of course rape is violent! Have you ever heard of a person being raped peaceably? It doesn't matter that Polanski didn't break any bones or perforate her colon or cause her to bleed heavily.....although I'm sure forcing himself in her anus didn't exactly feel like a pile of cotton candy. Rape is on its face a violent crime, whether the victim suffers injury from the act or not. Are you intentionally playing devil's advocate here or do you honestly believe this malarkey?
  8. I would excise that last portion of your post. That topic is verboten, as the admin pointed out to me.
  9. I was futzing around with my PhotoFiltre and made myself a new sig/avatar combo. I have two more exact replicas of the signature, but using a different font.
  10. Pink Floyd has never done Stairway to Heaven, either by themselves or with any member of Led Zeppelin.
  11. I love the Himalaya! We wanted to go on it but the ride wasn't working and we didn't know when it would be and we didn't have time to just wait.
  12. Maybe that needs to change, then. Rape and murder are not the same crimes so of course they won't carry the same punishment.....but maybe they ought to. Or if not the exact same sentence, rape convictions should have a much more severe penalty than they do. Recidivism amongst sexual offenders is very high, whether we're talking about rapists or child molesters. Yeah Polanski didn't rape again (that we know of) but he'd be in the very small minority of cases, then. The majority of these people, when released, will offend again. And again. And again. Until maybe next time they kill the victim to keep them from testifying or something. How many times have we seen/heard about this? I'm not arguing he should be killed, but damn it he shouldn't get off with time served or some such nonsense.
  13. My sister and I just got back from the Dixie Classic Fair in Winston-Salem. Holy crap was that fun! I hadn't been on a Tilt-a-Whirl in about 15 years. The only ride I hated was the Sea Ray. My sister dragged me on that one; it's a pirate ship that swings back and forth - of course she wanted to sit all the way in the back. Well, when it swung all the way up, our asses came up off the seat. I was scared shitless. I had to Lamaze breathing just to keep from passing out. Otherwise I had one hell of a good time.
  14. In what way? That is exactly what Polanski did. And that is exactly what makes Polanski in my opinion, a "complete monster". Have there been other far worse scourges of humanity than Roman Polanski? Absolutely. That doesn't mean however, that he isn't one just because others have been and done far worse things. A murderer who kills one man is no less a murderer than someone who kills a hundred men. So it doesn't matter that he raped this one girl and only this one girl. He is still no better than any other rapist out there and rapists are in my view, complete monsters. If other people here want to qualify that and say "oh well he isn't as bad as ______________" or "her parents should have been there/done more/said something" or "it's been X number of years and he's lived an exemplary life since then"........much like Mona not understanding how I feel the way I do, I don't understand how you choose to feel that way, but it's how you feel. I can't change it and it's not my place to try.
  15. All rapists should be castrated, whether they rape a man, woman or child. Hell, throw in forcing yourself on an animal too. Rape is abhorrent.
  16. You don't think a man who drugs and anally rapes a 13 year old girl isa complete monster? Interesting definition you have there. Where I come from, people who force their penises into the asses of little girls are monsters. I don't care if they do it only once or do it for 20 years. This is incorrect. Drugging and anally raping a 13 year old girl is not a mistake or "something stupid". Accidentally sending an email to your boss that you intended for a friend is a mistake and "something stupid". Leaving your car keys locked in your car is a mistake and "something stupid". The idea that rape can be classified as just "something stupid" is an insult to rape victims. There are no shades of gray when it comes to rape. Rape is rape. Roman Polanski anally raped a 13 year old girl. There is no gray there. I actually find it disturbing that you're quasi-defending this fucking animal.
  17. I remember a couple years ago when he had Keith Ellison on his show and he asked him point-blank if he was a terrorist, simply because he's Muslim. I thought that was despicable. My second favorite Glenn Beck-ism came when he said Obama was racist and hated "white culture" and when pressed by Katie Couric what "white culture" was, he couldn't answer. This is the same Katie Couric who tripped up the mental midget that is Sarah Palin with a question like "What newspapers do you read?". All Glenn Beck is good for is a laugh. My dad doesn't even watch him.
  18. My Wings are playing two games vs. the Blues in Sweden tomorrow and Saturday and hopefully they'll be streamed online somewhere so I can watch them. I'm sure for the Swedish players on our team, it'll be great for them to play in front of a hometown crowd, essentially.
  19. I don't really give a rat's patoot if rape is less worse than murder or if Charles Manson had Sharon Tate killed or not. Roman Polanski drugged and anally raped a 13 year old girl, after she begged him not to do it and take her home. I'll repeat that - HE ANALLY RAPED A 13 YEAR OLD GIRL WHOM HE DRUGGED AHEAD OF TIME. As far as I'm concerned, he should have his nuts cut off and shoved down his throat. If they put him in the same cell as Charles Manson, I won't shed two tears for either of them because they're both the scum of the fucking earth and they deserve each other. I have no compassion for either of them. Polanski needs to be taken down a few pegs - he got to live the high life and win some Oscars the last 30 years, all the while thumbing his sick little nose at the US justice system. Fuck him.
  20. It looked to me like he lost a little bit of weight since his tour, but either way he looks fantastic.
  21. The runner-up for most posts in this thread has only 6. That's 37% less than the winner. Interesting.
  22. Absolutely. Like a good wine, he gets better with age. He sounds just as good as he did 35 years ago and still plays very well too. And he's aged very well. I saw some pics of him on stage with Jeff Beck last month and he looked very trim.
  23. David's always been the most attractive of the four, even as they aged. I think he looks miles better than Rog does now although I will give this to Roger - he looks much better now than he did when he was younger. I still say it's David's eyes and dimples that continue to make him so bloody hot, even at age 63.
  24. Found this to be an interesting statistic: There are 72 posts in this thread and the thread starter has exactly half. No one else has more than 7.
  25. Actually no I don't or else I would have said that I knew what you were talking about. Something intrigued me and not in a bad way, I asked about it, I got an answer, I considered my query closed. Whatever else has been going on has nothing to do with me.
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