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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Right now we've got CC, Andy and AJ. I would put Andy as a viable #2 over AJ, who's had some yips. He's pitching the 2nd game of the DH this afternoon, so hopefully being at home will get him back on track. For a short series like the ALDS, a 3-man rotation is fine. For the ALCS or World Series, provided we make it that far, we need at least a #4 unless CC can pitch on short rest. I know he did in the 2007 series against us when he was in Cleveland, but I don't remember how effective he was. So yeah, we need a fourth starter. We need one now, but we're getting lucky with the duct tape and bailing wire we've been throwing out there. However Boston, Detroit and Anaheim have strong rotations (well, maybe not Boston so much) and we're not going to be facing junkballers we can smash 12 runs off of. Pitching has been our downfall the last few years we've been to the playoffs, I do not want this year to be like all the others. We have to hope that a combination of Joba for 3 innings + flotsam from the bullpen can pull us through his starts. I honestly don't know what I'm more pissed off about - the fact they effed Joba's mechanics up or the fact we'll have to go through this all over again next season when Hughes moves from the pen to the rotation.
  2. A little David to start off your week (if Monday starts off your week in your part of the world!) Love the smirk.
  3. If my doctor looked like House, I'd get sick every week.
  4. I've admitted in my blog that the organization screwed up Joba's mechanics and they're reaping the results of that now. I really hope they don't make the same mistake with Hughes, but to be honest....if he's more effective as a reliever [which he clearly is], he should stay in the pen. I want to see Joba as a full-time starter next season, with no innings limit and no pitch count cap. If he's a starter, let him pitch.
  5. Sunset. It means the day is ending and it's time to relax, especially if you had a long day at work. Nighttime is infinitely better than morning.
  6. He was due to have a game like that, his previous starts had been pretty shitty. I'd rather our team lose to a pitcher like Halladay than to some no-name scrub.
  7. 1337-speak doesn't have anything to do with text messaging, it's actually to do with gamers or people who play video games. I don't get it either, don't feel bad. I'm 27 and sometimes I feel like this stuff leaves me out of the loop.
  8. Glenn Beck is IMO, mentally unstable. I would not go so far as to say he's mentally ill, but he's definitely unhinged. My dad watches him occasionally, mostly for laughs, and one time I was grabbing a can of pop out of the fridge and Beck is rambling about how Obama wants to turn our children into a socialist version of the Hitler Youth. I actually turned around and said "WTF?" as though someone just told me that sky is red and that it rains trees.
  9. pwn = 1337(leet)-speak for "own". If you "pwn" someone, you've exposed their stupidity for the world to see. Pwnage would be the noun and pwn is the verb. Please don't ask me why or how I know this garbage. Just smile and nod.
  10. I saw him in Chicago on his most recent solo tour. God, that was amazing. I kept telling people around me to shut up, which isn't something I normally do, but I wanted to hear every single solitary note and with them jabbering about how great the lighting scheme was, it was kind of hard. I crashed on the couch of my best friend and we went together. She only knew him from his work in Pink Floyd, but she loved it too! I've never had the opportunity to meet him, no. I would love to get an autograph; I have all three of his solo albums [on vinyl!] and I'd die to have him autograph them. Hell, I'd throw in my copy of DSoTM too. Seeing as I don't live in England, I'm pretty sure I'll never get that chance, but as long as he keeps making music that he loves, I'll be happy.
  11. Yeah and as a result of that shit-tastically embarrassing performance on TDS, she got fired the next day.
  12. The majority of Republicans/conservatives are sane, rational people. They don't think Obama is a Marxist/Communist/Socialist/secrit muslin turrist/foreign national/fascist/elitist/fill-in-the-blank. They don't think Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are particularly smart. These people however, don't get airtime on TV or radio, they aren't interviewed and no one cares to listen to what they have to say. Wanna know why? They aren't frothing at the mouth, they aren't batshit insane and their fears, prejudices and stereotypes can't be exploited by weak-willed, small-brained and intellectually dishonest people. That is the crux of the problem. Look at the people that get thrown on TV to talk about how Obama is a Communist who wants to brainwash our people into having gay sex abortions on Ramadan. These are people who have less teeth than toes, are mostly Bible-thumpers who live in rural areas and are mostly Southern whites. When Nixon took on the "Southern Strategy" in 1968, the GOP made the conscious decision to let the social conservative wing take over and the Goldwater/Rockefeller Republicans were damn near eliminated completely. We need those people back to balance out the Democrats. You can't have one-party rule but if the GOP keeps this up, that's what we're going to get. Daily, they alienate Moderates and Independents. Daily, they show themselves to be the party of lunacy, lies and scare tactics a child could debunk. So no, I'm NOT surprised they don't think Obama should be talking to kids about education. Education is like kryptonite to these neocon shitheads.
  13. Yes I know this is a link to DailyKos, but it has the video I need to prove a point I'm making. Here's George H.W. Bush giving a speech/talk meant to be shown to school kids. http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2009/9/3/776393/-Another-wingnut-meme-goes-down-the-drain My God, look at that indoctrination and brainwashing. How dare he. HOW DARE HE.
  14. I agree. But the very idea that we shouldn't allow the President to talk to school kids about staying in school and persevering and making something of themselves because some moron thinks it's "indoctrinating" them is unconscionable. Oh yeah, how dare the President tell school kids to value education. The bastard.
  15. The shot of Paul and David I think was in connection to Live 8, judging by the guitar shaped like the continent of Africa. As for how accessible David is, I really don't know. I've never read anything about him being mean or an ass to fans, so I'd be comfortable in saying if you ever ran into him and asked for an autograph he wouldn't tell you to scram. Just don't call him Dave. He hates that. I think Rick Wright was the only one who got away with that. He plays quite a bit these days; just last month he jumped on stage with Jeff Beck and did a couple songs and in May he was on stage at the Crisis gig with Amadou and Miriam. I know after the Remember That Night DVD came out he talked about wanting to do another solo album, so I'm sure he's been working on bits of pieces for that. And yeah, I believe he lives in West Sussex. And saying I'm a huge fan is an understatement! Gosh, I've been a huge fan of his for years.
  16. I thought I'd add some shots of David that I have squirreled away. That last one is a rare shot of him wearing a t-shirt that is not black. He tends to favor the all-black palette more than others, but he looks so damn good, who cares.
  17. Underneath the very last post on a page, you'll see a menu bar for the forum, where you can go from board to board. Beneath that are the "add reply" and "start a new topic" buttons. You access your Inbox by going up to the top of the screen and click on the drop arrow next to your user name. A box will pop-up and you'll see an option for "Messenger". Clicking on that will take you to your Inbox.
  18. Oooh, thank you! Can I trade places with Paul? LOL
  19. We need more pictures of current David. No doubt the younger version was fine as hell, but as an older gentleman, he is still very sexy. Something about those dimples are very alluring.
  20. This wasn't supposed to turn into a "Who's Better?" thread, but a bunch of people decided to take an off-handed remark about how there's different kinds of cool and turn into it exactly that. Don't ask me why.
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