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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Steve, Steve, Steve. You are so full of fail, I wonder how you wipe your ass without poking your eye out. I didn't work on the Obama campaign in that I was never paid for anything. I merely volunteered and passed out some flyers and talked to people at community events. I think I did that for about 4 months. I was hardly his campaign manager and speechwriter. Secondly, you wouldn't know what socialism was if it came up and kicked you in the taint. Scandinavian countries are socialist. We are not. Nor will we ever be because Obama is not trying to turn us into a socialist country. You talk about ME drinking Kool-Aid, ain't that the pot calling the kettle black. I swear, you would run down the street buck naked with a roman candle coming out of your ass if Rush O'Hannity said it's what "real Americans" would do. I don't watch MSNBC, I don't read liberal blogs, I don't get my news and information from the places you stereotypically think Democrats do. Lastly, I can differentiate between the President and the country. One is a man the other is a collection of states. See? Not hard. Really Steve.....take a Valium, lie down and breath deep.
  2. Why do I get the feeling that all your posts are typed out in a word document and you just interchange screen names and topics as they are needed.
  3. For me, post counts are like the odometer on your car. Watching the numbers roll over into the next isn't particularly interesting or important, it's just fun to watch the numbers change. For me, I post when I feel I have something to say. Sometimes it's in a game thread, sometimes it's a thread that is about current events or a topical thread about a musician/band. And much like that odometer, I like watching the numbers change. It means nothing and is completely non-offensive, but I like it. But that's me.
  4. I looked at my posts in that thread and cannot see where I was offensive at all, much less a fraction of the offensive other people were. I was not happy he was dead. I didn't like his personal views and opinions and felt they were out of line with the times, but I was hardly grinning from ear to ear and dancing around my house. Do I feel there's a special circle of hell for racists? Absolutely. I don't however, think it's a funny or joyous thing since racists aren't particularly funny.
  5. HA....I didn't even notice that. Good catch on your part.
  6. Just a slight tangent, but my best friend's father was a huge KISS fan back in the 70s. I mean, went to concerts with his face painted up, the whole nine yards. Well, when he met her mother back in 1980, they agreed that all their children would be named after their favorite band/artist's songs. So you have: Julia Michelle (The Beatles) Christine Beth (KISS) Caroline Rose (Neil Diamond) Honestly, I think that's pretty neat. My best friend Christine is the middle child. /end tangent
  7. I wasn't saying that because it's what I personally believe. I don't have an opinion on karma or the afterlife or divine retribution or whatever it is that people think happens after you die. I just don't know. And the only people who do know aren't talking, obviously.
  8. LULZ. I didn't know if that's whom she was speaking of, but that was funny.
  9. You're surprised? I'm not. He was a Democrat. That's all it takes for some people. Doesn't matter that every major piece of legislation that went through the Senate had his name on it or that over 300 bills he affixed his signature to became law. Or that he's been fighting for Health Care Reform since 1966, fought for Civil Rights, fought for children, fought for education reform....nope. None of that matters to the partisan hacks that have posted in this thread. All they can see are the letter D and the word dead and that's it. Oh yeah and the name Kennedy. Say what you will about Dubya, but if he dies tomorrow, I sure as shit won't be happy about it. Edit: Kennedy also opposed Don't Ask, Don't Tell and the Defense of Marriage Act. So he was also for gay rights on top of all the other things he fought for. But let's continue to flog his corpse over Chappaquiddick which was a stupid fucking move on his part, but also 40 years ago. If you believe in karma, retribution, people getting theirs in the end.....well then he's getting it now.
  10. Jack and Bobby were more the Sixties idealism, not Ted. Ted's work and what he stood for were more in the last 20-30 years.
  11. Took one post for someone to say something shitty. How embarrassing. At least his pain and suffering is over and he was surrounded by friends and family. My thoughts and prayers are with the family - Jean Kennedy Smith is the only sibling still alive.
  12. I have never heard of a washer that is also a dryer. I've only ever seen/heard of the two machines being separate.
  13. This is my favorite part of the whole health care reform debate. The majority of people that appear to be protesting at the town halls and what not are senior citizens. I've seen quite a few photos taken where there are even people in wheelchairs or at least people who appear to be disabled in some fashion. And they're screaming that they don't want the government in their health care and yada yada yada. Ummm, hey Mr. Elderly Gentlemen.....don't you use Medicare/Medicaid? Isn't that run by the.............GOVERNMENT?!?!?!?!?! The very people protesting government-sponsored health care are using government-sponsored health care. The sad thing is, they have NO clue that they are being used by right-wing talking heads and people on the fringes of the party to try and muddy the waters. They have no clue. The majority of people who attend protests, both right-wing and left-wing, have no fucking clue why they're there. They're walking around, waving signs and screaming things, completely oblivious to what it is they are protesting.
  14. My dad, when he wants to show off, can take the top off a beer with his belt buckle. It was something his brother taught him to do many, many, many moons ago. I'm still not quite sure when that skill would come in handy, but at least I know if he had to do it to save his life, he'd be set.
  15. Thank you for all the great David photos. Same with the ones of Syd. Here are some of my favorite Syd pics:
  16. I have one, and they work pretty well for me. I don't do the whole pedicure thing because well, I've never been into them and I don't want people touching my feet. Eww. So for keeping my feet looking nice and cute when I wear flip-flops or sandals, it does the job.
  17. Pink Floyd's album A Momentary Lapse of Reason is rife with drum machines. Some of the songs on there I really love, but the rest.....too many damn drum machines. I know Nick Mason wasn't too confident in his drumming skills at that time so it's why Gilmour used them, but he went a tad overboard.
  18. Thanks for the new skin option, Sam! I like the Verdana font much better.
  19. I use Pantene Ice Shine shampoo and conditioner and that's it. No other hair products other than that.
  20. Thank you, Jo! Some of those David pics I haven't seen before.
  21. Oh, you mean the scum that murdered his wife and stuffed her in a suitcase and then got his happy ass on not one but TWO Vh1 reality shows? Good riddance to bad garbage.
  22. Telling my sister I won't be going to Cozumel and the Cayman Islands with her. One, it's $452 not including taxes for my ticket and my passport. I don't have that kind of money and neither do my parents. Two, I don't speak Spanish and I'd be afraid to leave the boat out of fear I'd get lost or something and not be able to get back. Three, spending 5 days with my sister and her friends during Spring Break watching them get drunk and act like effing morons is not my idea of a good time. Since I don't drink, go to clubs, bars or any parties where the only thing to do is drink, what the hell would I do while I was there? Sit on the boat and stare at the water? Four, spending God only knows how long in a car driving from here to Miami with a bunch of people I don't know to get on the boat is insane. I don't know why she lied and said she was told to ask me if I'd like to come with but I feel so much better now that I told her screw it, she's going without me. I don't even know why my dad is letting her go, she's a fucking flake.
  23. Jimmy is such a perfectionist when it comes to this, he'd never let them use any footage of Zep playing if he didn't think the video/audio was up to his standards. So maybe a DVD of the whole show will come out, whether there's any footage of Zeppelin on it is another story.
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