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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. What would you like Obama and/or the US government to do? It WAS a mistake. Obama did not lie when he said that. However, Scotland is not in our jurisdiction, we have no authority to usurp THEIR authority, we can't make them overturn the decision and bring the guy back. The Scottish government made a decision the US has been on record saying they do not agree with. That's the most we can do. Unless you want us to pretend Scotland is Iraq and invade or something. Because short of sending troops into Edinburgh, we can't do jack squat.
  2. Syd WAS gorgeous. Dark eyes, dark curly hair....smudged eyeliner....very emo hipster before there was such a thing as an emo hipster. In 1968, give me a Gilmour/Barrett sandwich and I'm a happy gal!
  3. If the Democrats were truly trying to ram anything through Congress, they certainly are having difficulty aiming, wouldn't you say? There's no single version of any bill on the floor of either house and Obama, at least as far as I've read, has been trying to work with Republicans on some compromises to make it easier for it to get through, when there actually IS a single, finished version to speak of. The way some people make it sound, it's damn near to his desk already. That would be ramming it through. He doesn't want to do that. Again, not that I've read and not that I've heard.
  4. No, I think yours is okay. I agree about the poems, though. I never understood why you need to say that much. I have a picture, and then 4 lines of text.
  5. Obnoxious is right. If your signature takes up the space that 2-3 posts would take, it's too big. I don't think mine is too big. At least I hope not.
  6. If it's telling you the picture is too big, you need to re-size the image or find a smaller one. Sam might have instituted signature limits.
  7. HAHA, aww that was cute Steve. I love when you try to be indignant. Do that thing where you stamp your feet and shake your tiny fists in impotent rage again. BTW, you calling someone a naive simpleton is the epitome of the pot calling the kettle black. Rather than using this as an opportunity to critique the government in Scotland who allowed this and the government in Libya who are accepting him back, you choose to do what exactly? Oh right, bash Obama when he's not involved in any way, shape or form. You are just too precious.
  8. Oh yes, I do agree. He looks handsome in basically every picture though. I think he knew he was the hot one, at least secretly.
  9. I don't see what liberal/conservative has to do with this, as it's my understanding that political parties and ideologies in the UK are different than those in the US. Furthermore, the US is not backing up this decision. Being a liberal or agreeing with liberal policies doesn't mean you agree with 100% of them 100% of the time. I'm a liberal and I don't agree with this at all. Don't turn this into a "let's bash the liberals" thread when there's zero need for it.
  10. A lot of much larger high schools had larger graduating classes, I'm aware of that. However for my school, 120+ in the senior class was a lot. It saddens me how much that school dropped off, because it was a damn good school.
  11. It's like on Facebook. If you put something there, someone who checks out your profile will see it. It's a fun doo-dad.
  12. Ah, so you fancy yourself a god, eh Steve? Delusions of grandeur.....check.
  13. LOL! I love Sanford & Son.
  14. I've had second dates too, especially since I have been in a 6 year relationship before. Just because that idiot wasn't worthy of my time doesn't mean it's on me - if he'd been remotely human maybe I'd have been more inclined to see him again. But nice try, Sparky.
  15. Just as an aside, but the size of a man's ego is directly inverse to the size of his junk.
  16. If Sarah Palin writes a book, the most important decision she'll make concerning it is what color crayon to use.
  17. I'm sure you think you're somehow informing me of something I don't already know, but I am well aware Palin is no longer a public official. She cut and run for God only knows what reason. Someone should have told her you can't be a "lame duck" when you're still in your first term and you can run again when that one is up. That does not however, negate the fact that she's still out there spewing wharrgarbl like a broken sprinkler and the "birthers" in the GOP are eating it up like ice cream and then it gets on TV and in the newspapers and on the internet. She's keeping herself in the public spotlight and the GOP are more than content to let her help sink their ship. Which is fine by me. I'd love to see the Republican Party get back to the party of Eisenhower. Maybe then people wouldn't feel forced to vote Democratic when they may not want to because the other option is so far off the fucking rails it's not even close to being a viable option anymore. If Buckley and Goldwater were alive right now, they'd drop dead.
  18. Nah, you have nothing to worry about. I like you. Though we disagree on some things, you at least present those opinions and back them up. Palin just spews wharrgarbl like a broken sprinkler.
  19. I can't relocate. I have no money to move anywhere, as my savings are completely exhausted. The only family I have outside NC are my aunt and uncle in Wisconsin and they have 3 kids and their grandkids living with them already and my infirmed grandmother in a nursing home in Illinois. So who would I live with since I can't afford rent anywhere? Can't bunk on any friend's couches because all my friends are in the same situation as me, in fact my best friend got laid off yesterday and had to move back in with her parents. I don't have a driver's license, so how do propose I transport myself to wherever these jobs magically are? My broomstick? It's in the shop. I used to have a driver's license in Georgia, but I can't afford insurance, I can't afford a car of my own and my parents can't afford to stick me on their insurance for the car's we have. So I'm shit out of luck as far as that goes. I have said this once, I have said this a million times - I have submitted my resume to over a 100 different locations in Winston-Salem, Greensboro, High Point and the town I live in and have gotten nothing back. Those are the only places I can work because those are the only places I can get rides to. So I'd ask you to quit talking out your ass about a situation you know jack shit about, you unfeeling knob.
  20. I know there's one that's cherry-flavored and it's not too bad. It'll at least make you able to swallow food and liquids without wincing, at least until you can get to a doctor if it doesn't go away in 3-5 days or gets significantly worse. Get better soon.
  21. There needs to be a public option. However what I've heard of what is being proposed needs to be re-worked or else it won't work at all. There are about 5-6 different versions of a health care plan circling around Congress right now, so people should save their vitriol and soap boxes for when there is a definitive version being sent to Obama's desk. Right now NO ONE knows what will be in it and what won't. I've heard one group of people say the public option has been dropped, I've heard that it hasn't. BTW, "death panels" are not some group of people who will decide when you die or how you die nor are they going to kill Grandma and Grandpa. What it is called is "end-of-life counseling" and what it is meant to do is get older people talking about living wills, DNR orders and other things they need to make clear to their families when the time comes and decisions need to be made. These things are actually quite important and everyone should have a living will. There is nothing wrong with making sure that you know what your family wants done in the event that they are on life support or in a coma or something horrible happens and you need to talk to the doctors about what to do next. There is nothing wrong with end-of-life counseling and fuck Sarah Palin up the ass with a rusty knife blade for convincing stupid, gullible idiots that it's some room full of rogue ninjas killing the elderly and disabled.
  22. Evster, I understand what you're going through. I'm going through it now, my sister is going through it now and my dad went through it for the longest time. Thank God this dream job of his appeared here in North Carolina or else we would have been in severe trouble. It always amuses me when people assume that if you're unemployed it's because you're lazy or shiftless or don't care to work. I have a college degree, I should be able to find work - but nothing is hiring. Even the place I was working last year doesn't have any hours for me and I haven't worked since February. So keep ranting, Evster.....I feel it too.
  23. Quick question - is there an article you've read recently that breaks the numbers down like that? Because that's a little too clean. I'm curious as to how you know it's exactly 90% that are insured and 10% that are illegals or don't want insurance. Because to be frank, the idea of that many people voluntarily choosing to not be insured doesn't sound right to me, and I'd like to just verify that independently.
  24. I don't know if they have this in England, but if they do get some Cepacol or Chloraceptic. The first one are lozenges the second one is a spray. It helps deal with sore throat pain by basically numbing your throat.
  25. Yeah, it was awful. At least he paid for my dinner, that's the one good thing I can say about him. If the date is going to be a total wash and won't lead to a second, if I'm not out money at the end of the night, I consider it a win for me.
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