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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Everything does look great layout-wise, I'm just not a fan of serif fonts, is all. However I understand that for most people here, they're easier to read so majority rules.
  2. Hmmm, in the event you're seriously asking; for starters, he was an idiot. He had no idea about current events, politics, nothing like that. On a date, I want to talk about more than sports and the weather and what I think of the food. Secondly, he told me he hated reading. Well, I'm a voracious reader, I go through about 3-4 books a month. Sometimes more if the books are a little smaller and I read them faster. Someone who hates reading probably doesn't think too highly of education and education is something I value highly, both in myself and other people. Lastly, he was a fucking creep. Staring down the front of my shirt like a wolf salivating over a kill isn't going to win you points and it isn't going to get you in my pants. Have a little class, especially on a first date.
  3. Do you think it could be related to your tonsils? That is if you still have them, I don't know if you ever had them removed when you were younger. My sister used to get sore throats a lot as a kid and finally my mom took her to the hospital and they gave her antibiotics for tonsilitis as that was what it turned out to be. I hope it's nothing serious.
  4. I may be going on a cruise to Cozumel and the Cayman Islands with my sister over Spring Break. Of course that means I'd need to get a passport, only I have no clue where my birth certificate is. Or if I really want to go, for that matter. I mean, spending Spring Break with my sister and her drunk friends doesn't sound very appealing to me. :-\
  5. That's awesome, Virginia! My parents will be married 38 years this coming January.
  6. That ain't Jimmy Page. Just like I can spot David Gilmour's distinct tone and sound, you can spot Page's......and this isn't it. It's a nice song, but off the mark.
  7. Well yeah I'll adapt - I love this place! It's just the font is weird for my eyes right now. I'll get used to it eventually and then it'll be like it was always that way.
  8. Oooh, do I know that. A couple weeks ago I went out on a date with this guy my friend insisted I just HAD to meet, and aside from the fact he was dull as dishwater, had no college education and hated to read, he kept staring down the front of my shirt as though there was a plasma screen TV in there. When I told him to knock it off, he said [and I quote] "Tits are my thing, babe". So yeah, I'm never seeing him again.
  9. Yup, the reputation has departed and the font is different - not sure if I like this font, though. I prefer fonts like Tahoma and Verdana myself, but you gotta roll with the punches!
  10. Well that right there is part of the problem. You should have it updated to IE 8. Edit: I just saw your post in the other thread about why you haven't updated yet.
  11. This story about my high school --> http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-notre-dame-city-zone-14-aug14,0,132398.story It's depressing. My 10-year reunion is next year and I won't be able to have it in the place I actually went to school. Their total enrollment this year was 218 girls - I had 120 in my graduating class 9 years ago. I think we were close to 1,000 students that year. Now the whole school will be on one floor of an elementary school. Tragic.
  12. Three Times A Lady - Commodores
  13. I'm replying to this post in the full editor, not the fast reply at the bottom of each page and it looks exactly the same as it did with the old software. All the formatting buttons [bold, italic, underline, adding a picture, adding a link, adding smilies] are horizontal across the top of the reply box (just like before). When I look at the threads posted in the Ramble On forum, I see more than 4 topics. So I don't know why there's only 4 coming up for you, but it's not the software I don't think. I also don't see what button you pushed to reduce your text to only 2 lines. Maybe you can a screenshot or something? That way if it's something on your end, we can help fix it so that you have the same user experience everyone else does.
  14. I really, really like it. Very stylish, fast to load......interesting new doo-dads to play with. Nice job, Sam!!
  15. You're smart, you can figure it out. I'm well aware that the moon is not claimed by anyone, I just can't see anyone making it back there - ourselves included.
  16. Awww, they want to go to the moon. How cute.
  17. Thank you Jo, I always love coming here and seeing great pictures of a great guy.
  18. Don't cloud the issue with facts, longdistancewinner. The NHS is evil and if something similar is instituted here, the US will dissolve into a communist utopia that would make Lenin rise from the grave and salute. See, because if it works in other countries it can't possibly work here.
  19. Well if it did, that would be one hell of a coincidence!
  20. Here lies Electrophile. Buried face down so the rest of you can kiss her ass. For my serious answer, though......probably a favorite quote of mine with "Loving daughter, sister, friend, mother, wife" on it. The last two are obviously only if I get married and have kids.
  21. You won't be waiting long.
  22. You really think someone like him has read the Talmud, much less even heard of that saying? This is a person who told me that he was the smartest, best looking and greatest man on this site. Seriously. He's not well.
  23. You don't understand. Apparently to him because we have over 300 million people living here, it's okay for 50 to die a day because it's not like anyone would notice. So yeah, fuck those poor 50 people. Not like they matter, right? I guess that's some of that "compassionate conservatism" we hear so much about.
  24. Just a thought...More than 18,000 adults in the USA die each year because they are uninsured and can't get proper health care. That means that every day that we don't have healthcare reform in some shape or form to get these people covered, right around 50 people needlessly die.
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