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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. New Yorkers say Bawstin, Bostonians say Baahstin. Chicagoans say "PRONOUNCE YOUR R'S!"
  2. See, that almost sounds vaguely Minnesotan to my ears. My father's brother moved to Wisconsin when he graduated from high school, so he married there and that's where my cousins are from and their accents are vastly different from ours. If I didn't tell you they were from Madison, you'd think they were from Minneapolis. Part of that has to do with because my aunt is of Norwegian extraction.
  3. The accent that is most grating to me, in an endearing way, is a Boston accent. A really good friend of mine is from Boston and when he says things like "Wheah did you pahk the cah?" I just want to smack him. It's cute but then it's annoying at the same time. I almost want to ask him when they all decided the letter R was no longer in their alphabet.
  4. That was parody, though. No one actually talks like that unless they're exaggerating it for comedic effect. The "SuperFans" thing started on SNL after they won the Super Bowl in '85. The only thing that is exclusive to our accent that at least separates us from other Midwestern accents is the way we pronounce our short a's. People not from Chicago will say "Chi-caw-go". We say "Chi-cah-go". It's a little more drawn out.
  5. That is not how our accent sounds at all. It's your typical Midwestern accent, although far less pronounced than Wisconsin or Minnesota, places with Scandinavian immigrant history. We're the watered down version of that. The most pronounced Chicago accent I've ever heard belongs to our esteemed mayor, and even then I don't see where you're coming from. We most certainly do not talk like we're from New York. We pronounce all our letters.
  6. You're smart, you can figure it out. I'm well aware that the moon is not claimed by anyone, I just can't see anyone making it back there - ourselves included.
  7. Awww, they want to go to the moon. How cute.
  8. Thank you Jo, I always love coming here and seeing great pictures of a great guy.
  9. I've always said creek, but I'm a Yankee and that's just how we say it. Down here though, they say crick. And it's annoying because a crick is something you get in your neck, not a body of water.
  10. Don't cloud the issue with facts, longdistancewinner. The NHS is evil and if something similar is instituted here, the US will dissolve into a communist utopia that would make Lenin rise from the grave and salute. See, because if it works in other countries it can't possibly work here.
  11. Well if it did, that would be one hell of a coincidence!
  12. Here lies Electrophile. Buried face down so the rest of you can kiss her ass. For my serious answer, though......probably a favorite quote of mine with "Loving daughter, sister, friend, mother, wife" on it. The last two are obviously only if I get married and have kids.
  13. You won't be waiting long.
  14. You really think someone like him has read the Talmud, much less even heard of that saying? This is a person who told me that he was the smartest, best looking and greatest man on this site. Seriously. He's not well.
  15. You don't understand. Apparently to him because we have over 300 million people living here, it's okay for 50 to die a day because it's not like anyone would notice. So yeah, fuck those poor 50 people. Not like they matter, right? I guess that's some of that "compassionate conservatism" we hear so much about.
  16. Just a thought...More than 18,000 adults in the USA die each year because they are uninsured and can't get proper health care. That means that every day that we don't have healthcare reform in some shape or form to get these people covered, right around 50 people needlessly die.
  17. Hydrogen peroxide =/= rubbing alcohol. The latter burns, the former doesn't. Hydrogen peroxide bubbles. My mom used to use it to sterilize cuts and scraped knees when my sister and I were little. It would just bubble and fizz like an Alka-Seltzer.
  18. See? Someone else being turned on to the Tao of Gilmour.
  19. THAT is criminal. Absolutely criminal. So let's see.....drop-dead gorgeous (and still is), supremely talented (and still is), very intelligent (and still is), and blessed with a pitch-perfect voice (and still is)? Yup, criminal fits.
  20. Okay, I demand photographic evidence of your Nikki Sixx years.
  21. Ah yes, my daily dose of David. Thank you kindly.
  22. I know our water is clean, I mean I haven't seen anything floating in it yet but we also have a fridge with ice and water in the door (came with the house!) so the only thing we use tap water for anymore is cooking and watering plants. I do drink tap water at night when I'm brushing my teeth because I'm not running downstairs with a mouth full of toothpaste. I got hooked on the way water tastes through a Brita filter when I was in college. My best friend had a pitcher in the fridge and we used to fill it up 3-4 times a week. It was part of the schedule we made up for who did what - cleaning the floors and counters, loading/unloading the dishwasher, taking out the trash, cleaning out the fridge/freezer and filling up the Brita water pitcher.
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