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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Hydrogen peroxide =/= rubbing alcohol. The latter burns, the former doesn't. Hydrogen peroxide bubbles. My mom used to use it to sterilize cuts and scraped knees when my sister and I were little. It would just bubble and fizz like an Alka-Seltzer.
  2. See? Someone else being turned on to the Tao of Gilmour.
  3. THAT is criminal. Absolutely criminal. So let's see.....drop-dead gorgeous (and still is), supremely talented (and still is), very intelligent (and still is), and blessed with a pitch-perfect voice (and still is)? Yup, criminal fits.
  4. Okay, I demand photographic evidence of your Nikki Sixx years.
  5. Ah yes, my daily dose of David. Thank you kindly.
  6. I know our water is clean, I mean I haven't seen anything floating in it yet but we also have a fridge with ice and water in the door (came with the house!) so the only thing we use tap water for anymore is cooking and watering plants. I do drink tap water at night when I'm brushing my teeth because I'm not running downstairs with a mouth full of toothpaste. I got hooked on the way water tastes through a Brita filter when I was in college. My best friend had a pitcher in the fridge and we used to fill it up 3-4 times a week. It was part of the schedule we made up for who did what - cleaning the floors and counters, loading/unloading the dishwasher, taking out the trash, cleaning out the fridge/freezer and filling up the Brita water pitcher.
  7. That's been my problem right now. None of the companies and businesses within my field are hiring right now so that's strike 1. Places like Target, Wal-Mart, Walgreens.....they're not hiring me either because a) people who are heads of households are more likely to get those kinds of jobs over me because they need them more and b.) I have too much work and education experience for them. So that's strike 2. Lastly, my parents are wonderfully letting me live at home right now and I have no dependents. So employers don't think I am as desperate for work as someone who maybe has 3 kids and a mortgage is. Strike 3, I'm out. That doesn't mean I regret getting a degree, I would never, ever regret that no matter how dire my situation became. Hell, companies and businesses in my field in Georgia where I used to live aren't hiring either so if we hadn't moved, I'd be in the same position I am now. I'm hoping the economy improves soon, maybe some of these hiring freezes will lift.
  8. I don't think Evster was devaluing education. At least that's not what I got from his posts. I think he was saying that sometimes a college degree DOESN'T help you get work, if the work that is available requires skills or knowledge that aren't taught in college classrooms, like how to drive a forklift.
  9. We recycle, donate clothes and books to Goodwill, try to buy organic when we can, try to drive as little as possible, we have a vegetable garden, and we recently got a Brita water pitcher so we could stop buying bottled water. It's not much, but it's what we do.
  10. I had a similar experience to that myself earlier this summer after I got back from the coast. I plugged my iPod in and the first song that came up was Cluster One by Pink Floyd and listening to that as we drove along the Atlantic Ocean on the way home was amazing.
  11. I have no problem with him coming back to the NFL. He served his time in jail, so if he wants to make a living, let him. See, I want him to play in the NFL so that the first time he steps on the field to make a play, some huge 300lb defensive end will lay his sorry ass out and maybe break something. Toss him around the field like a rag doll or something. Let's see how he likes some big, strong brute abusing HIM. No, I have a problem with people who don't care what he went to jail for, think he should be given a hero's welcome and lauded with praise and think the sun shines out of the crack of his ass. I know some of these people, I hear them call in to sports talk radio and post comments on articles online.
  12. Michael Vick is only sorry he got caught and had to go to jail. I don't believe for one second he is remorseful for what he did to those animals. BTW, don't most serial killers get their start torturing/killing animals?
  13. After college I did for about a year. I had to quit that job because they moved to a location that I wasn't able to commute to anymore. After that, I couldn't find any work in that field. Right now I am unemployed because I can't hired anywhere, not even Wal-Mart. Which really makes a person feel good, you know. Doesn't mean I'm giving up hope or getting defeatist about it.
  14. I HATE the fact that so many people apparently think an education has no value, or that there's no point to one. Could I have gotten a job right out of high school with just my high school diploma? Sure, it's possible. However college for me was a no-brainer. No one in my family had a college degree. At the time my parents graduated from high school (1967), going to college in order to enter the work force wasn't necessary. You started in the mail room and 30 years later you were CEO. My dad doesn't have a college degree but has 20 people working under him, most who have MBAs. That's how it worked for HIM and his generation, though. My dad's experience got him hired, not his education level. That being said, no one should be looked down upon for wanting to go to college and better themselves, even if it doesn't teach them how to use a socket wrench or change the oil in a car. If you promised me a job working at Walgreens right now if I gave up my college degree, I'd tell you to scram and I'd keep looking. That piece of paper may be worthless to some people, but to me it's one of the most valuable things I own.
  15. I think it's common knowledge that the band indulged in vices, be they women, drugs or drink......but does anyone care? I don't. It was a product of the times and it killed one of them, thankfully the others wised up to a degree and they're still with us. Past that, what is there to comment on?
  16. Well then, if the question is Cubs or Braves, the answer is neither.
  17. The Braves play in Atlanta and the Bears are Chicago's football team. I'm from Chicago anyway, so even if I wasn't a Yankees fan, I sure as hell wouldn't root for the Braves! I've been a Yankees fan since 1994; that's pre-strike, pre-dynasty, pre-Jeter, pre-Torre, pre-everything. Wouldn't trade it in for anything. They frustrate the hell out of me sometimes, but I live and die by the pinstripes.
  18. At the current moment, The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton. It's one of the 5 or 6 books on my bookshelf that I've probably read damn near 50 times or more. It seems that whenever I get bored and feel like reading a book, rather than grabbing one I haven't read yet or haven't read in a while, I reach for that one or one of the other 5. I guess it's like a comfortable pair of jeans or something.
  19. There's different formulas of Noxzema. If you have dry skin, they have a specific cleanser for dry skin, same with oily skin and normal skin. Try the one for dry skin and see if it helps. Face washes that are meant to deal with acne have salicylic acid in it, which can dry the skin out. If you don't have acne, I would stop using it. See how your skin reacts to say, a couple weeks of using a completely different face wash. If you see marked improvement, then you'll know what was causing it. For blackheads, I use Clean & Clear's Deep Cleaning Astringent. I found that of all the Clinique products I use, their astringent didn't do what I needed it to, so I tried another brand.
  20. I use good old Johnson & Johnson's Baby Lotion (the one in the pink bottle) after I shower. I love the stuff. I smell good AND since it's made for babies, there's no allergens or stuff in there that would make me break out. It's cheap as hell, as far as lotions go. For moisturizers, I use Clinique. I've been blessed with perfect skin; by that I mean, I don't have acne problems and I never did as a teenager. I want to keep it that way. I wash my face with Noxzema every night and use the Clinique moisturizer in the morning after I wash my face.
  21. It's okay, I had a temporary loss of consciousness when confronted with the picture, but I'm okay now. LOL
  22. According to the copy of the Constitution I've read, this is in the preamble: "promote the general welfare" Couldn't one make the argument that making sure our citizenry is healthy and able to get health care constitutes promoting the general welfare of our populace? Welfare in this instance doesn't mean government checks and food stamps. It means "well-being". In the Declaration of Independence, does it not say the following: "that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men" Now what does that say? Sounds to me like governments are instituted to ensure, among other important things, that the populace LIVES. Don't you think health care for the populace would help them to oh I don't know.......LIVE?
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