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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Are you trying to kill me? How am I supposed to go about the rest of my business today now that you've posted that? Thank God nothing about him has changed much in the last 40 years. He still has the same voice, the same smile and the same dimples. Eek, I love the dimples.
  2. This place is STILL the most interesting place on the internet for me.
  3. Nathan, just walk the hell away from these people. Don't look at them, don't roll your eyes at them, don't even say anything. Just turn and walk away. That's what I do. If some Mormon missionary or Jehovah's Witness person comes to the door, I either don't bother answering it or if I do, I say "I'm not interested" and shut the door. End of. They don't come back, I don't have to worry about them anymore. You're letting yourself get worked up over something that isn't worth your time.
  4. Think of it as a compliment to Sam and the great site he runs - they are so addicted to this place, they have to keep coming back! Like a heroin addict constantly looking for a new fix.
  5. Evster......when did you cut your hair?! I couldn't possibly imagine you with short hair!
  6. The teenagers in our neighborhood. The previous owners of this house had no problem with the neighborhood kids using the back yard and driveway as a causeway to get between subdivisions and go from house to house. Well......my parents DO have a problem with it, because they're trespassing. One time I caught them sitting around in our backyard just shooting the shit, like they owned the place! I walked out there and told them to hit the bricks and the one girl said that the old owners didn't care. I reminded them that the new owners DO care and that they need to scram. I can't wait until we fence in our yard once we get our dog.
  7. Clinique makes a great line of skin care products. Face washes, toners, astringents, make-up removers, moisturizers.....the whole nine yards. My sister has VERY sensitive skin and uses them religiously and one time while were road-tripping, I had no choice but to use her products as I'd left mine at home. I have used Clinique's products ever since.
  8. How about some more young David? Those are screenshots I took myself from an interview he did in 1970.
  9. Page 41 will be bookmarked. Oh yes, yes it will. Maybe I should post some pictures of current David since the man is STILL divine. Edit: ......and now a shot of younger David just for those who like their posts Gilmourized:
  10. There's no such thing as too much David Gilmour, so keep it coming.
  11. EEK. Thank you. I'll now pick myself up off the floor.
  12. It makes my skin crawl. A couple times I've whipped around and told the offending party to keep their pie hole shut - only I don't say it nearly that nice. I wasn't raised to find that kind of behavior acceptable in any context and when I see other people around me acting like it's no big deal or "normal"......I go off like a Roman candle. It's 2009, for fuck's sake.
  13. Lord yes. Some of the email forwards I get about Barack Obama are equal parts horrifying and hysterical. I wonder about the people who believe these things - do they also think gullible isn't in the dictionary?
  14. While I've never had to deal with it on a personal level, ie. someone being prejudiced or racist towards me, I have had to deal with people being prejudiced and racist toward other people. I live in a small town in North Carolina. That alone should send up warning flags, but trust me.....during the general election, I heard the "n-word" used more than I had ever heard it used in the 26 years I'd been alive. I had a very small Obama/Biden pin on my purse and it was hardly the only pin I had on my purse.....I have more flair on it than Jennifer Aniston's suspenders in Office Space. That being said, if someone saw it.....they had to make comment. And make it loud enough that it could be heard, which was clearly the point. No matter how many inroads we make as a society; black man in the White House, Latina on the Supreme Court, woman as Secretary of State.....there will always be people like ^THAT to remind you.....we haven't made nearly enough.
  15. I would ask you to get acquainted with this publication: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Elements_of_Style
  16. I have to deal with people like that down here all the time. The main road that is right outside our subdivision is a two-lane and without fail, there's always one idiot like the one you described. What's worse is that you have houses on one side of this road and a bank of trees on the other, so if you swerve into the pee-patch to avoid an accident, you're going to end up totalling something - either's someone's house or your car. It's a no-win.
  17. Jesus Nathan, just fucking move to Montana, lock yourself in a cabin and don't come out. I remain positive and keep a smile on my face because anything else is not living. I could never get up every morning and think "The world sucks, everyone sucks, I hate everything" and expect to go about my daily business. WTF kind of life is that? There's a lot of ugly things in this world, but there's a lot of beautiful things too. Quit acting like they aren't there. Look for them, seek them out.
  18. No shit. Why should anyone be outraged by that? It looks like something a 3rd grader did with a cheap copy of Photoshop.
  19. The weather. We are in need of rain and no matter how much pops up around us, it just fizzles out by the time it gets over where we are.
  20. Doesn't anyone else think it's odd that a high school freshman is doing a project meant to be completed when they're a senior? I had loads of projects my senior year of high school (and my senior year of college) and I didn't have to start any of them until I was actually a senior. That said, I have no idea. I would pick a subject that you can really get behind and can get a lot of information (primary & secondary sources) to back up what you're talking about. That's the #1 thing my profs always told us.
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