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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I would ask you to get acquainted with this publication: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Elements_of_Style
  2. I have to deal with people like that down here all the time. The main road that is right outside our subdivision is a two-lane and without fail, there's always one idiot like the one you described. What's worse is that you have houses on one side of this road and a bank of trees on the other, so if you swerve into the pee-patch to avoid an accident, you're going to end up totalling something - either's someone's house or your car. It's a no-win.
  3. Jesus Nathan, just fucking move to Montana, lock yourself in a cabin and don't come out. I remain positive and keep a smile on my face because anything else is not living. I could never get up every morning and think "The world sucks, everyone sucks, I hate everything" and expect to go about my daily business. WTF kind of life is that? There's a lot of ugly things in this world, but there's a lot of beautiful things too. Quit acting like they aren't there. Look for them, seek them out.
  4. No shit. Why should anyone be outraged by that? It looks like something a 3rd grader did with a cheap copy of Photoshop.
  5. The weather. We are in need of rain and no matter how much pops up around us, it just fizzles out by the time it gets over where we are.
  6. Doesn't anyone else think it's odd that a high school freshman is doing a project meant to be completed when they're a senior? I had loads of projects my senior year of high school (and my senior year of college) and I didn't have to start any of them until I was actually a senior. That said, I have no idea. I would pick a subject that you can really get behind and can get a lot of information (primary & secondary sources) to back up what you're talking about. That's the #1 thing my profs always told us.
  7. You are too angry and too negative all the time. It seems like every other post from you is a scathing indictment of something or someone. Quit bitching about wanting the world to end and make strives to make the world around you a better place.
  8. Apparently his family is allowing his commercials to still be run because "that's what he'd want" or something like that.
  9. There is just so much win in painting Obama to look like an Anarchist, in order to protest Socialism. Makes as much sense as anything else in the Republican Party right now.
  10. *le sigh* I love that man. He's gorgeous even now.
  11. Maybe if the record industry got off their asses and lowered the price of CDs, more people would be inclined to buy them. Or maybe if music in general got better, people wouldn't download one or two songs off an album, they'd buy the whole thing. If you take the actual physical properties of a CD - the plastic jewel case, the CD, the paper and the ink.....you'll get what? Maybe $2? So why are they still selling the damn thing for $15 in some places? I can get the whole album off iTunes for less than that. It's another example of the industry being left in the dust by technology and the economy.
  12. Hmmm, good point. I'm pretty sure I know who did it, now all that remains is a suitable avenue of revenge.
  13. That seriously sucks. I was in a similar situation, only it was with a friend of 20 years and we were able to talk through the issue and now we're closer than before. Maybe if you let cooler heads prevail for a few days and tell him/her that you want to talk about it, they may be receptive to it and you'll make it to 11. If not, I wouldn't call them much of a friend, TBH. I mean, if you've known someone for that long and you can't work out a difference to keep being friends with them, what kind of friend are you really?
  14. Their Dulce de Leche is FANTASTIC. I once had a milkshake made with it and it was divine.
  15. The rhinovirus. I never get sick. When I say that I mean that my entire house could get swine flu and I wouldn't so much as get a sniffle. Up until now, I couldn't remember the last time I got a cold. So needless to say, I'm not happy. First it started off with a cough so bad I was throwing up at night. Then it went into a sore throat so bad I couldn't swallow my medicine. Now I have a stuffed up nose, fever and I'm sweating through layers of clothes. Such bullshit. When I find out the person in this house who got me sick, I'm coughing on them.
  16. Anything by Breyer's. Especially their Peach and Dulce de Leche. Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie is amazing as well.
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