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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I'm Gonna Crawl, probably. Tea For One would have been my first choice had it been there.
  2. (they didn't do a song beginning with X that I'm aware of, LOL) Young Lust - Pink Floyd
  3. I don't believe the mentally ill should be executed. Same with the mentally handicapped. I'm not saying she deserves NO punishment for what she did, she should absolutely have to pay. And she should pay by spending the rest of her life in a white padded cell, strapped to the bed and pumped full of psychotropics. Executing her won't do anything but satisfy blood lust. It doesn't force her to accept what she's done and live with the consequences. Getting her the mental help she needs so that she can be lucid and living with the thoughts and memories of the crime she committed.....now that's punishment. In fact, paper the cell with photos of her child.
  4. Lock her up in a psychiatric institution and keep her on a perpetual drip of Thorazine. The death penalty is too good for her. No sane, rational, mentally stable human being does this.
  5. (to continue the theme, here) Quicksilver - Pink Floyd
  6. Love's Lines, Angles and Rhymes - The Fifth Dimension
  7. I know when my parents go buy meat, be it red meat or pork or chicken or fish, they always try and buy organic if it's available. I know we only buy organic milk and fresh eggs. Not necessarily for ethical reasons, but because it's healthier. The fact it IS more ethical/humane is a great bonus.
  8. What do you mean, you're afraid Zep's fans are lagging? What are we supposed to be doing that we apparently are not? If someone thinks The Who are better than Led Zeppelin, that's their opinion. They are neither right nor wrong. If someone thinks Led Zeppelin is better than The Who, that's their opinion. They are neither right nor wrong. This is subjective. That means, there is no right answer. Why is anyone getting their nose out of joint over some silly list that at the end of the day means absolutely nothing?
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