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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I'd rather have a live album/DVD similar to the LZ DVD that came out in 2003. I'd like more Earls Court footage and footage from the '77 tour.
  2. Vinyl for me, is a way to reconnect with a past life, I guess. My parents always said I had an old soul and even as a kid, I never was interested in what other kids my age were listening to on the radio, I'd rather listen to the oldies station or the singers & standards station. So when I started collecting vinyl, I looked at it as more of a way to get in touch with the bands and artists I would have been into heavily had I been alive at the time. So that's Led Zeppelin, Eagles, Pink Floyd.....stuff like that. I love vinyl for the same reasons that Alicia (lzfan715) does; when I put the album on, I'm putting on an album that was purchased by someone the day it came out and now I have it. Sometimes it still has the price sticker on it and I can see what that person paid for it 1973 or whenever it came out. Also, it's such an antiquated medium to people my age (for the most part) that I feel like I'm part of some special sect of society or something. For those pooh-poohing digital media formats, mp3s are not the be all and end all. Lossless formats like FLAC are amazing. All my PF boots are in FLAC format and the sound is phenomenal. They don't compress the files like mp3s do, so the file sizes are much bigger and you can hear more detail than you can with mp3. At least, I think so anyway.
  3. No, not really. It never gave me goosebumps to be honest, I never thought it was that important of a work. I always contend they did better and more powerful songs after that album came out.
  4. Arguing with him is like arguing with spats.
  5. Christian Of The World - Tommy James
  6. I use a milk crate to store mine, because I like being able to see them and look at the art from where they are. I bought my sleeves from an online seller I get my vinyl from. Really good-quality 3mm thick plastic sleeves. They're not too cloudy so can you see the jackets very well.
  7. Walter Cronkite HATED today's style of news anchors. He hated the 24-hour news cycle. There's no way in hell he was what he hated. I've seen enough interviews with him and read his book, and even though he was against Vietnam, he always reported on the war according to what Johnson and then Nixon's stance on the war was. He didn't do anti-war broadcasts. What he had said was that he saw the war "mired in stalemate". He never said we lost, or that we'd lose or that it was wrong or that the President was a fool or that our troops were killers or anything else the wackaloons on the right would have you think. He reported what was there, even if he didn't agree with it. And that was his job. All these wannabe revisionists want to put him in the same bunker as Hanoi Jane and that's just insulting.
  8. Bumping this thread because more people should give a damn.
  9. I know Jackson's death was sudden; hell, I was shocked by it. However, what bothers me is that someone as influential as Cronkite was will get completely glossed over by MY generation, because he was 92 and a news anchor, not 50 and a singer. I was born the year after he retired from CBS News, but even I understand the impact he had on TV news and how it is disseminated to the people. His was the first news broadcast in color! I do know the poll you are talking about; it was a poll to find the most trustworthy man in America and he won in a landslide. If Cronkite went on the air and said the aliens were invading, people would have been digging bunkers. I don't know what that says about the people watching at home, but in an era before internet and 24 hour news cycles, and when most people got their news from the paper still.....he was monumentally important.
  10. Yeah, I have. Which is fine with me, because I'd hate to only be surrounded by people who like what I like. My friends have very disperate tastes. Hell, my dad hates Pink Floyd and they're probably the only band, if I was alive at the time, I would camp outside a venue for tickets to. So to each their own.
  11. Oh Lord. You're not one of those nutters who think Cronkite lost the war in Vietnam, are you? Newsflash, if an anchorman's opinion is enough to ruin the "war", then we had lost it long before he opened his mouth. I would really like for this not to turn into a "bash Cronkite because he was against Vietnam" thread.
  12. I have a record player my dad got me for Christmas a couple of years ago. It is a turntable, radio, CD player, tape player and mp3 player all in one. Not high-end merchandise by any stretch, but it suits my needs fine. My dad has a real nice turntable and stereo set-up though, and when I want to listen to say......Dark Side of the Moon and really scare the neighbors, that's where I play it. As for buying vinyl, ebay has been very good to me. I only buy from reputable sellers and I do my homework first. I always ask a ton of questions and if the seller can play grade the vinyl for me rather than just visually grade it, that's even better. I always ask for catalog/matrix numbers to make sure the copy they're selling is what I am looking for. I also make sure they go by the Goldmine Record Rating scale, and I never buy anything less than VG+ for both vinyl and jacket. Higher is great, lower is no sale. I ask for pictures if they can be provided just to see what kind of condition things are in, if there's any ringwear or damage they may not have mentioned. Any decent seller worth their salt will gladly answer any questions you have because one they want your money and two, they want your repeat business. There's a couple sellers I buy from a lot and I always get discounts on shipping because they know I'm realiable and a good buyer in terms of word-of-mouth. Estate sales and used music stores would also be a great place to go as well. In that case, I'd say make sure you inspect the vinyl (if possible) and look carefully at the grooves and make sure there's no obvious damage that would ruin your needle. Storing vinyl is easy; always vertical and always in a plastic sleeve. It protects the jacket's edges and corners from damage when you pull them in and out and it protects the cover and art from fading. I know someone's copy of Dark Side of the Moon that is now gray and the spectrum is all one muted shade of orange because they left it in direct sunlight. Bad news. I learned all I know about vinyl, from buying it to storing it to playing it from my dad. He says I must be one of the few people my age (27) that knows jack about the vinyl medium.
  13. It finally rained. Normally I hate rain, but we needed it for a couple reasons. One, our grass was looking a little parched. Two, the air needed to get cleaned out, my sister's allergies were going haywire. And the breeze during the rain felt like heaven.
  14. Wikipedia is your friend.
  15. Let's start with Numero Uno: I love David's face in this shot. Anyway......here are the others:
  16. Electrophile


    I'm having a Diet Dr. Pepper.
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