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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. It saddens me that a thread on the death of Michael Jackson gets more attention than one on the death of arguably the greatest newsman of the 20th century. The hell.
  2. I can't stand poor grammar. It's so irritating. Sure I know what they're actually trying to say, but it's still sloppy. How hard is it to spell words out and make sure they're spelled right?
  3. Please take this friendly word of advice: Don't engage him. By the end, you'll be bashing your head into a brick wall to make the pain go away. I've had better, more grounded conversations with elderly Alzheimer's patients than anyone here has had with him.
  4. While man was walking on the moon, Pink Floyd were in the BBC studios making up a jam along with the images - so you watched Neil and Co. hop around on the moon and listened to Pink Floyd at the same time. Here's what they played - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0dR2RuOS78
  5. I wasn't born yet and my parents hadn't even met. I didn't come around for another 13 years. My parents didn't meet until 1971. I've seen it on TV though and it's very awe-inspiring.
  6. He's got the same award David Gilmour has. Congrats to Robert, it's a well-deserved honor. Now let's get Jimmy and David knighted already.
  7. I don't drink. I just decided there was no point to it and really, there isn't. I never touched the shit before I turned 21 and in the 6 years since then, I've had maybe 10 total. Which makes the idea of drinking pointless. And with drunks running in the family, why bother? So I drink either Diet Coke or Diet Dr. Pepper. Whichever is available where I'm at. If they don't have it, I drink water.
  8. Why would you try to persuade anyone to change their opinion on something as subjective as musical taste? Can't someone like who and what they like and let that be that?
  9. The weather. It was cloudy, but at least it's not humid right now.
  10. Awww, for shame. Hopefully this means Tina Fey will get some more work.
  11. Drunk assholes at baseball games. My family and I drove out to Durham to watch some local baseball and the morons behind us were plastered for much of the game. If you're going to get that drunk, stay the fuck home.
  12. I don't think anyone here is stating he didn't love the children, claim them as his own or provide for them in the best way he knew how. I also didn't see anyone here saying he was a bad father. The two have nothing to do with each other. They are obviously not his children biologically, but that doesn't mean he isn't their father legally and emotionally and in all the other ways that count.
  13. Thank you Knebby and Happy 4th to all us Yanks over on this side of the pond. We've got a busy day of grilling and fireworks ahead of us.
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