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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I remember when Cobain died. I was home sick from school and had MTV on because back then it wasn't shit. Suddenly the program I was watching was interrupted for an MTV News Break and Kurt Loder announced that Cobain was dead and that it was suicide. I can't say I was much of a Nirvana fan, but I did like Smells Like Teen Spirit so I was definitely in "are you for real?" mode, but I was more disturbed by the fact he killed himself than the fact he was dead.
  2. I'm not saying people can't grieve however they want. I'm just saying that I don't understand it.
  3. Because it seems unnatural. There are celebrities I'm fond of and support and whose work I enjoy and if they die I would be upset, but I would not be on the ground leading prayer circles and sobbing and beating my chest and acting like my parents just died. It just seems......odd.
  4. What is really disturbing me is these people camped out in front of the hospital in tears and screaming.
  5. This idiot on CNN is comparing him to Princess Diana. Don't you associate Michael Jackson with that great lady. That's an insult to her memory.
  6. He's dead? Add another chair to the poker table.
  7. I don't really know what to say about this. Not because I'm a fan of his because I'm not, but because his "extra-curriculars" lead me to feel nothing for him whatsoever.
  8. Only one of our cats fits that. Our newest kitty, Downstairs (yes, that's his name - he stays in the basement) is we believe, part dog. We say that because he follows us everywhere, licks our hands and faces like a dog would and is ALWAYS vocalizing or "talking" to us. When we come into the room, he has to jump off whatever he's sleeping on and come nuzzle our legs and purr. It's the cutest damn thing.
  9. That is so my dad. Next weekend if he's feeling up to it, he's going to put on his Grillmaster hat and grill something for lunch.
  10. You make playlists. Divide them up by artist or by decade or however you want. I have quite a few but these are some of them: Pop/Rock: 1940-1959 Pop/Rock: 1960-1979 Pop/Rock: 1980-present Then I have individual playlists for bands/artists I have more than 100 songs for: Pink Floyd Mariah Carey Led Zeppelin Kylie Minogue Make playlists based on themes, like "Summer Fun" or "Winter Wonderland" or "Beach Party". If you know what playlist your song is, it's easy to get to it. Finding something on an iPod is as easy as wiping your butt.
  11. To all those who asked, my dad is doing much better. Doesn't have much of an appetite yet, but he's sure it'll return in a couple days. He's still really sore around his midsection and has 6 holes/incisions full of staples that he is getting removed on Thursday. My sister and I had to mow the lawns today since the doctor doesn't want him doing any physical, strenuous labor until at least next week. He's not even allowed to drive. He's looking at July 1st as his goal to go back to work half-days and July 6th (his birthday) as his "go back to work full-time" goal date. We're so thankful he got diverticulitis otherwise we never would have known about the tumor. Not that I'm glad my dad ever got sick, but it was a blessing in disguise.
  12. I guess that's my pet peeve. Caps lock is the internet equivalent of screaming at someone.
  13. My dad coming home from the hospital.
  14. Bell Bottom Blues - Derek and the Dominoes
  15. In that case, let me check and see which ones I bought then, because I'm sure they said Bose. Edit: Yup, I'm a dork. They're Koss headphones, not Bose. So that means my dad has the big Koss headphones rather than Bose ones. I don't know why I got the two names confused. Hmmmm.
  16. I just bought some new earbud headphones for my iPod since the ones I had are on their last legs. They're Bose, and my dad has a pair big headphones from the same people so I know they're good. I love them....well worth the $25 I paid for them, which you may think is steep for earbuds and maybe it is. I just refuse to use the Apple ones because a) they don't stay in my ear for shit and b.) when people see them they know right away you have an iPod and you become an easy mark for it to get stolen. I know a few people who had them yanked out of bags or or backpacks by thieves who saw the white lanyard.
  17. I have about 2x that many just in Pink Floyd songs.
  18. OMG they showed a picture of her labia!! Figures you'd be disgusted by that, after all it's a body part you want nothing to do with.
  19. No offense, but learn to pick your battles.
  20. spats, don't give other people relationship advice. That's like a deaf person explaining how to hear.
  21. I haven't had any problems with the Wal-Mart near us. I love Wal-Mart, they kept our family afloat when my dad was out of work for a couple years a few years ago. Hell, we're usually in there 2 or 3 times a week.
  22. I love my iPod. I don't even own a stereo anymore. I have a combo radio/record player and then my computer. That's how I listen to music. It's great. No more lugging my CD player and CDs everywhere when I want to listen to music on a road trip or when on the train or what have you. I have my cute little purple iPod nano with black ear buds (because you're a target if you have the white Apple earbuds - people see that and will steal your iPod) and I love it. I can't imagine NOT having one, come to think of it. So much more sensible and portable. If I want to listen to anything on a real stereo system, I use my dad's; he's got top of the line shit. Other than that, I move with the rest of technology.
  23. I love the supposition in this thread......"IF they tour." They're not going to tour and no one is going to change their minds. I'll eat a shoe if it does happen, but I'm pretty confident about my footwear being safe. Why can't people just accept this and move on?
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