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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. 79 °F / 26 °C Clear Humidity: 54% Dew Point: 61 °F / 16 °C Wind: 4 mph / 6 km/h / 1.5 m/s Variable Pressure: 30.02 in / 1016 hPa (Falling) Visibility: 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers UV: 11 out of 16 Clouds: Clear - (Above Ground Level) Elevation: 968 ft / 295 m
  2. I take it you don't know what hypoxia is.
  3. Crosby's just pissed that Hank has single-handedly shut him down. With Pavs out of the lineup until last night, Hank's been the #1 guy out there and what he's done by himself is nothing short of amazing.
  4. Yes, that's me. And by all means.....compliment away. LOL
  5. Gotta love Photo Booth on my MacBook:
  6. Dumbass mofos at Concord Mills with their spawn clogging up the walkways. It's huge mall, in fact it's the #1 tourist destination in the whole state, believe it or not. Anyway, my sister and I are trying to navigate these labyrinth-like aisles and these stupid women and their strollers or brats on a leash just stand there obstructing people and when you go "excuse me" or "coming through" or "on your right/left" they look at you like you just said an obscene joke or something. Look lady, your uterus works. I'm happy for you. Now kindly take your kid and get the BLEEP out of my way!
  7. Spending all day in Charlotte with my sister.
  8. You really should think about getting a MacBook. The MacBook White, which is what I have, starts at $999, which sounds expensive but when you think about how much more stable and user-friendly it is, it's a very sound investment. Macs don't crash, they very rarely get viruses/spyware and since you're buying everything from one company, you don't have to worry about compatibility. I still use my Dell laptop for a couple things since 2 programs I have on that computer don't run on Macs, but for 99% of the stuff I need computers for......Mac all the way. It'll save you SO many headaches.
  9. I'm sorry, where in my post was I berating anyone? I was asking a half-serious, half-joking question. Because face it, those two questions get asked A LOT.
  10. Gemini, in fact my birthday is in 2 days.
  11. I'd just want to watch the recording of Levee. I love that song.
  12. By later, do you mean Physical Graffiti onward? Yeah, I do. I think their later work is more chunky and experimental than the stuff they did in the very beginning. I like when bands take risks.
  13. I swear, I don't know which question gets asked more; this one or "are there satanic messages in STH?".
  14. When someone you love kills themselves, you'll believe any theory presented to avoid having to accept that it was probably suicide. I've been in that position. You grasp at straws. You think it's anything but what it is to avoid dealing with the truth.
  15. It sounds like he killed himself, more than likely. Suicide sucks, and it's sad when people think that's their only way out. People into auto-eroticism would take measures to make sure they don't die, I would think. That's why I think Michael Hutchence committed suicide as well.
  16. That's still no reason to allow your children to be disruptive in public. I know plenty of mothers whose children have medical issues and a lot of my friends WERE kids with behavioral problems, but their parents still knew how to parent. I don't advocate corporal punishment because any parent who strikes their child in anger either to discipline or just because has issues of their own to deal with that have nothing to do with the kid. That said, you can still discipline the kids and still actively look like their behavior reflects on your skills and do something about it.
  17. Easier said than done, sometimes. I was just talking to my parents about this yesterday and my mom said that when my sister and I were little, other parents would constantly come up to her and ask how she got us so well-behaved. It never dawned on either of us to act up in public, no matter where our parents took us. The opera, the zoo, church, McDonalds....didn't matter. We were to sit still, be quiet, keep our hands to ourselves and walk with our parents. It amazes me how many parents just don't give a shit and let them run wild.
  18. Spending time with my sister shopping.
  19. Kids. Especially unruly kids. I was at McDonalds this afternoon grabbing something for my sister since she's holed up doing her law papers. I understand that places like McDonalds are magnets for the little rugrats but I guess a part of me thought basic decorum would still apply anyway. I'm in line ordering her lunch when a kid runs up and grabs my wallet out of my hand and starts running around with it. I scream at the mother to hold the kid so I can get my property back and all she does is look at me and say "what can I do?" I finally grab the kid's arm and yank my wallet away from him and then leave the place because by now I am too embarrassed and pissed off to bother sticking around. If there were no laws prohibiting it, I would have hauled off and smacked that kid into next month. And then smacked the mother for good measure.
  20. This is why I don't fly. If I'm going to die, I want to die on the ground where I can be found. I feel horrible for the friends and family of those on board the plane....I hope they can find some sense of closure in the wake of this tragedy.
  21. If that had been my mother, and some stranger smacked me or my sister on any part of our bodies.....that woman would have been laid out.
  22. The team is not a joke, they are just going through a rough patch. Happens to all teams. A joke team would be Baltimore or Kansas City or Pittsburgh.
  23. spats, do us all a favor and resist the urge to talk about your sex life, or lack thereof. Even if everyone else is talking about it, don't chime in. You can't talk about the subject of sex like an adult and that's what we all are.
  24. Considering that we have a former member who takes a liking to young girls constantly re-registering, I think people SHOULDN'T put their ages or genders in their profiles if they don't want to. We have a lot of younger members, why should they be at risk? I choose to reveal that I'm a chick and that I'm almost 27. Goody gumdrops. Someone else may not want to reveal their age, or gender, or location or what have you. That's okay too. You are not required to know these things about people. This isn't a cyber sex site, you don't need to make sure you're talking to the right gender. These things have a way of working themselves out through casual conversation anyway.
  25. Who gives a rat's ass if "Mary Hartman" (whoever the hell that is) has a female screen name but is really a guy? Why does anyone get bothered enough to care? Is that something worth being annoyed over? It seems to me that some of you are stretching here.
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