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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. What in the name of God is going on now? I swear, there's more multiple personalities here than in Sybill's bedroom.
  2. Buffalo is not in Ontario, is it? I'm talking about Leafs fans in Toronto and in Ontario who think that Ontario should have only one team. I'm sure there are Sabres fans in Toronto the same as I'm sure there are Leafs fans in Buffalo. But the teams aren't in the same market, which is my point.
  3. There's no way a team is going back to Winnipeg, they had to leave for a reason. The only other Canadian city I could see getting a hockey team is Hamilton, Ontario. That is, if it doesn't piss off the territorial Leafs fans who think Ontario should have only one team.
  4. I'm glad you think the Rangers suck, dude.......but they're not in the playoffs anymore and therefore aren't relevant to playoff discussion.
  5. Is it bleeding? If it's not, put some antiseptic ointment on it and then wrap the hand in sterile gauze. If it is bleeding, get your ass to the hospital. You might need stitches or some other kind of medical care that a simple trip to Walgreens won't cover. How far past the top layer of epidermis does the burn go? I'm asking because if it's a raw, open and wide wound, there's a greater chance of infection setting into the muscle or near the bone if it goes that deep and the burn is not properly cleaned and treated. You're already complaining of pain when moving the hand certain ways, you don't want to exacerbate that by getting it infected. Good luck and let us know how everything goes.
  6. 1. Pink Floyd 2. Led Zeppelin 3. Eagles 4. Goldfrapp 5. Depeche Mode
  7. The Ducks are dicks. I counted about 8 blatant interference calls last night that the refs missed. Meanwhile if Homer so much as sneezed on Hiller, he'd be sent to the box. There was some piss-poor reffing in this series and if not for Cleary's last-minute goal....it would have gone to OT and we would have lost.
  8. No, this is my problem with the slippery slope that anti-gay marriage advocates want to take. They say "well, if we let the gays get married, pretty soon they're going to want marriage between a man a child or a man and a goat or a man and a tree legalized too. What next?" Well, for starters.....marriage between a man/woman and a child, goat or tree is not valid because of consent issues. A child cannot consent to marriage, a goat can't and neither can a tree. So there's no way in hell this ridiculous scenario they cook up to validate their position will ever happen. Then they say, "well if we allow homosexuality to be okay, we'll have to allow pedophilia and bestiality to be okay too. What next?" Well for starters, pedophilia and bestiality are legally rape. Children and animals can't consent to sexual activity any more than they can consent to marriage. Homosexuality, either between two men or two women is not legally rape. Can homosexuals commit the act of rape? Yes, so can heterosexuals. That doesn't mean the act of two people having sex that are the same sex is rape or even anywhere near the same level as pedophilia and bestiality. That is my problem with this argument they come up with. It's not valid on any front. I don't care what people thought 150 years ago. 150 years ago, black people were slaves, we had no electricity or telephones and people still shit outside. Should we go back to all that too? Good God no. Society, like living things, EVOLVES. We grow, we learn, we adapt and change to new ideas and surroundings. Let those who want to live in the past stay there while the rest of us march on with time.
  9. Because you're ridiculous enough to think that gay marriage would lead to marriage between people and inanimate objects and animals? Get real.
  10. Thanks to Carolina winning, the Red Wings have home ice throughout the whole playoffs since they now possess the best record of all teams remaning and they are, I believe, the highest seed from both conferences still remaining. Booyah.
  11. Miss America =/= Miss USA Carrie Prejean is Miss California USA, not Miss California.
  12. They made that too fucking stressful. I pray the WCF are not that stroke-inducing.
  13. No, not quite. Miss America is the older pageant of the two, and arguably the more well-known. It's winners include Phyllis George, Vanessa Williams, Maryann Mobley and Lee Meriwether.....all very famous women. Miss Prejean is Miss California USA, not Miss California. Miss California competes in the Miss America pageant, Miss California USA in the Miss USA pageant.
  14. Tangerine, Miss America is not the same as Miss USA. They are two separate pageants. Nope, and that's not what I said. I'm saying that Obama's personal opinion has nothing to do with this whatsoever because his personal opinion, per his own words, will not affect his ability to do his job - executing the law. I don't know why people keep bringing it up, this isn't like Dubya getting up there and shitting his pants, talking about crafting a Constitutional Amendment banning gay marriage. Also, while Obama may not personally agree with gay marriage (just like Biden as a Catholic, doesn't agree with abortion) he understands that the will of the people override what he thinks. He can separate what he thinks from what he does. She can't.
  15. I joined the old board in January of 2004, why I don't quite remember. I think I found the link somewhere and I just decided to join. When the board moved, I went with it. As for if I like it......I wouldn't still be an active poster if I didn't.
  16. Barack Obama's personal opinion, while I don't agree with it, is different from Ms. Prejeans in that he said it was up to the states to decide (which is true) and that he would at no time block any federal legislation legalizing it. So his personal views would not interfere with the execution of the law. Which is his fucking job. The minute he says that because he personally feels a certain way, he will have Congress enact legislation that fits it, THAT is when I'll have a problem. That is the difference between the two situations.
  17. It is true, the Miss USA foundation paid for her to get implants. Some women get cosmetic surgery to make themselves feel good and give them a shot of self-esteem. Some women get cosmetic surgery strictly for other people. One is shallow IMO, the other isn't. That said, I don't care why you do it, I don't think it has squat to do with your morals. If you want to put sandwich bags full of salt water in your chest, go for it. It's not my body, it's yours. Same goes with posing for semi-nude or even nude photos. If you think you have the body and the confidence to pull it off, I applaud you.....I certainly don't.
  18. Not really. There's a huge difference between being against gay marriage and getting breast implants and posing for semi-nude photos. The latter two are not ignorant, backwards and stunted. The first one is. I don't care that she has fake tits or was partially topless in a photo. If you got it, flaunt it. I do care that she exposed her ignorance on national TV and now is complaining that people aren't appreciative of that.
  19. According to Gilmourish......... So according to this (and it's pretty damn accurate) David played the solo. Another Brick In The Wall Pt. 1 featured both David and Snowy, but not for this one. Anyone who is a fan of David's should check the site out --> http://www.gilmourish.com
  20. Mrs. America? That's an entirely different pageant than the one that this is actually about.
  21. I grew up in Chicago in the 1980s, in a not-so-nice neighborhood. You didn't run in and out of people's homes, you didn't randomly walk up to your neighbors and strike up conversation. You just didn't do those things. My parents grew up in the 50s, in a much different time and back then you DID do those things. However when they had my sister and I, it was a much different scenario. We didn't have block parties, there were no community events. And if any of the neighbors caught you in their apartments, they'd call the police. Where I come from, that's trespassing and we were expressly forbidden to do that. The only thing that brought people together was when they'd illegally open the fire hydrants on the corner, thereby incurring the wrath of the fire department when there was a fire and they had no water pressure. As for my neighbors now......I could care less who they are or what they think about anything. Most of them are loud and obnoxious and they have rude, obnoxious children (I hate kids) so the further away from them I can get, the better.
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