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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. THAT'S IT! It was right there on the tip of my tongue, I just couldn't think of the name. Thanks.
  2. That was only one of two songs I think, where he used a talk box. The other one was on The Division Bell, if memory serves. He also used a talk box on Dogs, now that I think about it, to make the barking sounds you hear in the middle section. I'm really hoping he busts out a flute for the next album so he can throw down some Aqualung. He already plays the guitar, bass guitar, drums, keyboards/piano, harmonica and saxophone. Give Ian Anderson a run for his money, David!
  3. High Hopes is amazing, if you want my honest opinion. I know some hard-core Floydians don't care for the stuff they did after Waters was gone and no, I wouldn't rank it with the stuff they did with him, but the tone of the song and the fact it's the last song recorded and the last track on the last album....it's a fitting elegy, albeit unintended, for the Pink Floyd experience. Watch the live performance on the P*U*L*S*E tour if you want the best version of the slide solo at the end. Jaw-droppingly breathtaking. No one does it like Gilmour. BTW, I'm listening to Smile, off On An Island.
  4. Yeah, I don't get that either. You'd think with a built-in aimer, they'd get the pee into the toilet instead of the floor, wall, toilet seat and just about anywhere else.
  5. Lord have mercy. That was Led Zeppelin. Bonham, Plant, Page, Jones.
  6. That's odd, none of the Starbucks' I've ever been in have had filthy bathrooms and usually I'm really picky about that. I always keep antibacterial handgel in my purse, so I'm not afraid to touch anything with my hands. Just please tell me you're not one of those women who hover over the toilet instead of plopping your butt down on the seat.
  7. I love my vinyl. I have almost all of Pink Floyd's albums on vinyl, along with CD, mp3 and a couple on cassette and 8-track. The vinyl is by far the best. I would never listen to Dark Side of the Moon on anything other than vinyl when I'm at home. It's on my iPod for when I'm on the road, but that's it. Just play your kids the CDs. Quit hatin' on vinyl. I listened to my parents' vinyl records when I was a kid (granted this was the late 80s, early 90s), but I loved the pageantry of taking them out of the jacket and opening the lid to the turntable and putting the needle on.....to this day, other than my dad I'm the only person who knows how to use the dang thing. I've got one of my own now, which is great. No more schlepping my albums downstairs!
  8. Don't you know it. I'd put that as David's 2nd best solo. Right behind C-Numb and in front of High Hopes.
  9. Time - Pink Floyd Crank out that solo, David.
  10. I can't wait to see what his hair is going to look like after about 10 years of no access to a stylist.
  11. It's just the plain paper sleeve the vinyl came in when it was released. Mine isn't a reproduction though, this is the copy someone bought when it was released.
  12. My top 3 would be David Gilmour, Robert Plant and Burton Cummings, but that's why I'm not paid to come up with these silly polls/lists.
  13. Obscured by Clouds is like my underrated Floyd album. It's not on par with later works, but it's not anywhere near The Final Cut or Atom Heart Mother on the suck scale, either. I have (in chronological order): Meddle, Obscured By Clouds, The Dark Side of The Moon, Whish You Were Here, Animals and The Wall. I've also got all three of David Gilmour's solo albums. Dark Side is my baby though, I spent the most for it and I mostly keep it in the plastic sleeve. It's got both posters, the stickers AND the original paper sleeve for the vinyl. The jacket is in like, mint condition. No fading, scratching, ring wear or defects. I <3 it.
  14. Led Zeppelin themselves were not heavy metal, no. A lot of the sounds they had were co-opted by heavy metal bands; emphasis on drums, screaming vocals, guitar innovation. If you wanted to classify what they were, put them in the hard rock category with AC/DC, Sabbath and KISS (pre-Dynasty) to name a few. As for where they belong in the context of popular music, I'm not quite sure what you mean by that. I mean, one person's opinion of the band can differ radically from the next person's. I think they're one of the top 10 bands of all-time, and I'd put them in the Top 5.
  15. What Pink Floyd albums do you have so far? What you're talking about, I did myself. I started collecting vinyl by basically looking at my CD collection and picking out albums I wanted to have on vinyl.
  16. Updating the photo albums on my Facebook. I had about 100 on my camera that I had forgotten to take off at various points last year.
  17. King Of The Road - Roger Miller
  18. My dad is grilling hamburgers for lunch tomorrow. Not your traditional Easter feast, but I hate ham and refuse to eat lamb, so burgers it is.
  19. Included in the album was a giant poster, on the back of which were the lyrics.
  20. As promised, here are the pictures of my vinyl copy of On An Island. You'll have to forgive the crappy quality. LOL My awesome cut/tape job that made a bigger plastic sleeve: This is a heavy album, and not just because of the vinyl itself; the cardboard jacket is thick: The vinyl and the sleeve it comes in: Part two will be following, since I can't put more than a certain number of images per post. LOL
  21. That was a clerical error, that should have gone under the Do column. I'll edit it.
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