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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. The new Depeche Mode album. Holy shit is it amazing.
  2. See, back then rock stars had no qualms about advertising their drug addictions. It was expected of them and no one really criticized them for it. The rehab culture of the 80s and 90s changed all that, but in the 70s.....you could be shooting heroin on stage, and the audience would think it was just part of the show. I'm sure most of you have seen this shirt before: You couldn't imagine a musician today getting caught dead in that shirt.
  3. That program was called The Drug Years, and I have it on my computer. The episode that picture was featured in was called Teenage Wasteland, which was about the overcommercialization of drugs in the 1970s. It's a very good program, I recommend watching it at some point if you can.
  4. Thankfully my OS is updated, as is my firewall and anti-virus/anti-spyware software. Turning your computer off won't help you, changing the date on your computer won't help you, unplugging the internet won't help you. If it's already in your system, it'll merely activate whenever you do come back online.
  5. Count me in with the group that says music taste is subjective. You can't force people into changing their mind about a band by throwing sales figures and fan testimonials at them. All you're going to end up doing is making them dig their heels in further. Also, this thread was started already and deleted by one of the mods (I'm assuming), so why start it again?
  6. Not so much a pet peeve as a slight annoyance. I bought these frozen Chicken Kievs and I thought they were microwaveable....turns out they are oven-only. That'll teach me to read more carefully. LOL
  7. I am shocked and appalled that we have had an Easter thread go this long without mention of the following: For shame. BTW, have you guys heard of the Easter Turducken? You take a Cadbury Creme Egg, stuff it inside of a Peep and stuff that inside of a hollow chocolate bunny. Heart attack on a plate!
  8. Most of the time, the movie destroys the book. Although there are exceptions, as jimmie ray pointed out. Another example would be The Godfather. When I read a book, I like to visualize what all the characters look like, what they sound like.....how they carry themselves. Too often the movie ruins that for me and then I can't read the book anymore because my vision of what I thought it was doesn't exist anymore. I'm weird like that I guess.
  9. I love The Daily Show. I don't watch it solely for news, but I watch it more often than I do cable news or even network news programs. I watch the networks for local news, here in NC we have a station called News14 Carolina which is basically like CNN, only it's North Carolina-specific. I watch that a lot.
  10. This weather. It's been cold and rainy the last two days and it's supposed to continue all weekend. Ugh.
  11. How many times am I going to have to say this? I don't care if you quoted me, you misread what I was saying. I didn't accuse you of altering my words, I said you misread them. I said it didn't dawn on me someone would think he was being offensive. That meant, I didn't think anyone would think he wasn't talking about the drink. See? That wasn't difficult. I know what an Irish Car Bomb is. I've said that more than a few times already. I knew he was talking about the drink. He was going to drink Irish Car Bombs. I didn't think anyone here thought he was talking about throwing bombs at people. I thought, apparently wrong, that people knew he was talking about drinking cocktails. For the last fucking time, that is what I was talking about. And for the last fucking time, quit saying I don't know that the term Irish Car Bomb is offensive. All you had to do was PM me and ask what I meant. I would have cleared it up and there would have been no need for 3 pages of back and forth bitching about the misunderstanding of words.
  12. WRONG. I said it never dawned on me you didn't think he was talking about the cocktail. THAT is what I meant. Not that I didn't think you thought the term was offensive or that I didn't think the term was offensive. All this bullshit because you completely misread a point I was trying to make. So no, your point hasn't been made.
  13. I KNOW THE FUCKING TERM IRISH CAR BOMB IS OFFENSIVE, FOR GOD'S SAKE. WHAT THE HOLY SHIT. *deep breath* What I am saying, for the trillionth goddamned time is that even though the name of the drink references an actual bomb, HE WASN'T TALKING ABOUT A BOMB AND I WAS AFRAID SOMEONE WOULD THINK HE WAS IF THEY DIDN'T KNOW A COCKTAIL WITH THAT NAME EXISTED. I was specifically trying to avoid this. There is a difference to me, between referencing the drink and referencing what the drink references; i.e. talking about a cocktail and talking about a bomb. They aren't the same thing. A Bloody Mary is a drink, are English Protestants going to get all offended and say it's offensive because it references a Queen who burned English protestants at the stake? So if I say I'm having a Bloody Mary with brunch on Sunday, is that somehow offending people? No.....I'm talking about a goddamned drink.
  14. Yeah, I'm a Yankee. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. However that has absolutely not a goddamned thing to do with what this thread is about or what the sidetrack to this thread is about, so what in the name of God are you blathering on for? You have not one single clue what you're talking about -- not one iota of a clue. Less than not one iota of a clue. You've shown yourself to be bigoted already towards Muslims and immigrants to England, now you want to show yourself to bigoted against Americans not from the South? Do me a favor and stick your other foot in your mouth before you try and say something else.
  15. It's not a question of "whether he was talking about the drink or not". He WAS talking about the drink. I 100% do not believe for one nanosecond he was making reference to actual bombs. That said, why don't you PM bigstickbonzo and voice your grievances to him, rather than screaming at me. Because rather than take it out on he who made the intial error, you've chosen to jump down my throat. I was defending him because I knew what the hell he was talking about, and understanding that the term is offensive to some people, I was trying to diffuse the situation by saying he was talking about a cocktail, not making macabre references to the IRA. I was trying to help, since I feared right after he posted, someone would say something. Bigstickbonzo is not a rude, crass or insensitive person and I was trying to make sure people didn't get the wrong impression about him. I thought I was being nice. It's not my fault that people are not aware of the origin of the drink's name.
  16. I think you've completely misunderstood what I was saying. I know what an "Irish Car Bomb" is, both as a drink and an actual terrorist tool. What I was saying was, I thought you all knew he was talking about the drink, not making a reference to actual incindiary devices. I for one, don't appreciate you even remotely insinuating that I somehow am not aware of what Irish terrorists have done in England, or that you think I'm completely ignorant of the drink name's other meaning. I mean, seriously. You can make base assumptions about Americans all you want, but don't apply them to me, please. I thought you knew he was talking about the drink. I didn't know you were unaware that there was a cocktail called an "Irish Car Bomb". That's why I made a comment in the first damn place. I thought the drink was pretty well-known.
  17. I honestly thought most of you had heard of that drink and knew that's what he was referencing. It never dawned on me you thought he was trying to be offensive.
  18. White Summer/Black Mountain Side
  19. For Your Love and Heart Full of Soul are my faves.
  20. Whenever the mood strikes me. Sometimes I listen to them for weeks at a stretch and then I'll go months without playing anything. A lot of it depends on the mood I'm in.
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