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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Lipstick is passe anyway. All the cool kids wear lip gloss from M.A.C. now.
  2. Hmmm, let's see: Appetizer: Fried calamari, mussels with garlic and tomatoes, fresh mozz cheese and bruschetta Main course: Stuffed salmon filet, mashed potatoes with lemon butter, grilled asparagus and red peppers Dessert: My grandmother's homemade chocolate creme pie Drinks: I normally don't drink, but if I'm about to pop my clogs, I might as well. I'd say about.....7 Cosmopolitans. I want to half in a coma from the liquor before I die so I don't know it's happening. And I would have this wonderful meal with my friends and family so that when I go, I'm surrounded by people I love.
  3. People going shit-ass crazy over gas prices. Because 1 out of every 4 gallons of gas we get come from the refineries off the coast of Texas, I expected gas prices to go up. They were $3.56 on Wednesday, today they're $3.79. However people are acting like we will never have gas anywhere ever again, and they're tying up traffic and sucking up all the gas people who don't currently have any would otherwise need to get. There are a couple gas stations a little north of Dalton, GA that are at $6.19 a gallon. QUIT FREAKING OUT, PEOPLE.
  4. Are you ready? It's EVEN MOAR FUNNIEZ: Actually, Ms Palin might be interested to know that every vice-presidential candidate in the last 30 years met with foreign leader before they were nominated. Whoopsie.
  5. MOAR FUNNIEZ: The first part of the first sentence is right; small percentage of Muslims are the "strap a bomb to my ass and blow you up" type. So right there, we're good. Right? Wrong. DEMOCRACY CANNOT BE DELIVERED AT THE POINT OF A GUN. When oh when, will this fucked up administration get that through their thick skulls. It is not our responsibility to march into every country that does things we don't like and demand they do things our way, lest we invade and kill their people. Team America: World Police was a movie.....not our foreign policy stance. I'm really getting tired of this mindset that it is our divine right to spread democracy to all the heathen peoples of the world. Aren't we supposed to take care of our own first? You know, make sure people HERE have a roof and a job and clothes and some food......the essentials? Kids aren't being educated, we can't get health care to those in need, our veterans are being given substandard care, our jobs are being outsourced to God knows where......and this bint thinks that our number one priority is colonizing the Middle East? That's just peachy.
  6. Candy Crowley on CNN said that Sarah Palin not being able to really articulate her answers about NATO and the Bush Doctrine is alright, because people in Missouri don't know what those things are either. Really? People don't know what NATO is? I can see maybe not knowing about the Bush Doctrine (but I damn well expect HER to know, she's running for office), but not knowing about NATO? All that's telling me is that the MSM thinks Americans are at their base, complete fucking idiots and anyone who presents themselves to have even a minute amount of education about a subject, isn't the candidate for them. Am I the only person scared by that concept?
  7. Did any of you catch that interview with her on ABC? Holy fucking shit. My sister could answer these questions better, and she doesn't have the foggiest clue about anything politics-related. Imagine her reading those responses like a robot. Oh but wait, there's more: OH SNAP.
  8. Saw this on Fark, thought some of you would get a kick out of this:
  9. The Quality Mart gas station near my house was $3.56 yesterday and this morning when I drove past it was $3.66. We got gas in Winston-Salem when it was still $3.55.
  10. It is. American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This nan·cy // Audio Help (nān'sē) Pronunciation Key n. pl. nan·cies also nanc·es Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for an effeminate man, especially a homosexual man. [From the name Nancy.] Swell guy, huh?
  11. As John Nance Garner once so eloquently put it, "the vice-presidency is not worth a bucket of warm piss." Basically, the VP breaks ties in the Senate, goes to state funerals and waits for the President to die. So just tell her that and she'll be befuddled no more.
  12. Hate to break this to you, but that was quite clearly a photoshopped image. CNN was too stupid to realize that and ran with the images anyway.
  13. It looked like she was making fun of McCain. He's giving the thumbs up in that picture she posted.
  14. I didn't know the word "feminist" could be used as an insult.
  15. I don't think you can do that anymore, now that they've gone to electronic touch-screen ballots.
  16. I'll answer that for him. Yes. He knows good and well that no "liberal gals" anywhere were ever, at any point, threatened/worried/scared by the Palin pick. She is the absolute antithesis of what a liberal woman stands for. And like you said, any woman voting for her because she's a woman are Republicans anyway, or were only voting Democrat if Hillary got the nomination. They are not true Democrats if they're jumping ship for a Fundie.
  17. I have a cat, have had one for a few years. I don't think there's anything anyone here can tell you that a vet won't be more qualified to say. I don't know what is making your cat sick, maybe it's the food, maybe it's a virus/parasite. Best of luck to kitty.
  18. It's only a problem when a Democrat says it. Republicans can say all the vile things they want and it's okay. Like when McCain called Chelsea Clinton ugly in front of a room full of supporters in 1996. That was okay because McCain is a Republican. Or when he called his wife a c--t. That was okay too. Or when he joked about rape. Or when he used the same comment Barack Obama did to describe Hillary Clinton's policy stance. It's only okay if you're a Republican. Key word(s) today, kids: Cognitive Dissonance.
  19. Yes, let's exploit 9/11 even more than the GOP did during their Convention. That's good. As if the dead haven't been used enough for political gain. Why don't we just say that the horrors that occurred 7 years ago should never happen again and whomever is President will do their damnedest to make sure it doesn't. I don't think either one of them in the White House will lead to automatic nuclear war.
  20. It's a very common phrase you hear a lot in politics; talking about how dressing up the same old policies in new clothes or lipstick in this case, doesn't change the policies. Anyone with half a brain knows this, people are just looking for something to whine about.
  21. HAHA......you thought he was talking about Palin. Cute.
  22. That picture never fails to crack me up.
  23. Just put it on ignore like I did. It makes reading this thread and responding to other people easier. For one, I get to read the posts of rational people, even those who are not Democrats like myself. There's quite a few Conservatives here who can temper their opinions with intelligence, and I'm thankful for their input. The other part, I don't have to deal with a troll obviously trying to bait people into a poo-flinging contest.
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