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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Well, if the world is going to end in about 4 hours......I should probably go grab some random dude to fuck, because well.......why not.
  2. That's what these people want; they want to create divisiveness and rifts in society. They want to co-opt the ideas of "American" and "patriot" and manipulate them to fit their needs, their ideals and their definitions, which will in turn, disenfranchise huge swaths of the population. And they couldn't be happier at the thought. Because speaking out against the government, something the Founding Fathers did, is not "patriotic" or "American". Because putting someone through the same wringer other candidates in this election cycle have had to go through is not "patriotic" or "American". This is what they do. And they think it's cute. Something else of note. When she became mayor of Wasilla in 1996-97, the town was operating at a profit. When she left, it was $27 million in debt. A town of 6,000 - 7,000 people $27 million in debt.
  3. RAPE RATE FOR WASILLA, AK (2005) 38.3 NATIONAL AVERAGE, 2005 31.7 VIOLENT CRIME RATE (overall) FOR WASILLA, AK (2005) 1200 NATIONAL AVERAGE, 2005 469.2 FBI Uniform Crime Report Database A rape kit in Wasilla, Alaska costs 0.39 cents USD. That means that there are 12,820.51 rapes per year in Wasilla, Alaska which has a population of 6000 - 7000. That is 2 rapes per person, which is definitely the most in the country.
  4. "Quitters never win and winners never quit but those who never win AND never quit trying are idiots."
  5. We can clearly do more than shut up and make sandwiches. We're quite adept with a toilet brush.
  6. Wasilla, Alaksa, under mayor Sarah Palin, charged victims of rape for the cost of their own forensic tests (rape kits). When the state passed a law preventing such a practice, they complained about the cost the city would have to bear Classy broad. First if you're raped, you pay for the tests. If you get pregnant....fuck you, you carry that baby to term and don't even think of aborting it. When you deliver? Well, if you have no health care....you're on your own, get lost. Women's rights my ass. The only right she thinks women should have is the right to shut up and make their man a sandwich.
  7. I don't see how posts like that help at all. Frankly, I'm getting tired of both sides gloating, as though they have a reason to. It's September 9th. Gloat if the election is tomorrow, but it's not. So much can happen between now and then, and there's still 4 debates in the cards. The Right has no reason to get full of themselves, the Left has no reason to get full of themselves.
  8. *sighs* For the last time, he meant the number of primaries. Although there were 56, not 57. Again, he was not saying there were 57 states. Is this all the right has to latch onto?
  9. I have found the transcript of Obama making the "Muslim faith" comment: HELLO. DUH. He is clearly not saying he is a Muslim or that he ever was one. He was addressing the rumors that were swirling around him, and saying that McCain and his campaign weren't responsible for them. Which is good to hear, because I'd like to think McCain would not do something like that. Edit: And here's the video of the question/response
  10. She has a vagina. That's change from all the penises that usually were nominated for VP.
  11. My sister got to meet Barack Obama when he was a state senator. Her class went on a field trip to Springfield and they went to the Capitol and got to meet the governor, some reps and some senators. I'm actually kinda jealous, I'd like to say I met the potential future President. Ah well, maybe some day.
  12. He was a State Senator, then a US Senator. I'm from Illinois, you know.
  13. HAHAHA, there are people who actually think Barack Obama is a Muslim. Funny shit. Tell me, after you get done thinking Obama is a Muslim, are you going to put your tin foil hat on and wait for Elvis to send you meatloaf recipes from beyond the grave? Anyone who takes a clip/soundbite completely out of context and manipulates it to their own ends isn't worth the energy it takes to refute them. End of story. Barack Obama is not a Muslim. He did not say he was a Muslim. If you took the time to watch the whole clip, you'd see that you are in fact, quite wrong. I believe the context of the comment was him discussing the rumors and smears FUX News shit all over the place early in the campaign. I'll edit this post with the link to the full clip as soon as I find it.
  14. After reading some of the posts you've made in the Pet Peeves thread, you're not one to tell me anything about maintaining tact. Lest my newly rebuilt Irony Meter explode again.
  15. You people are silly. Really. Did you think, in any certainty, that Led Zeppelin were touring........ever? I mean, pipe dreams are much different than reality. Some of you seem downright depressed over this, and it makes absolutely no sense to me. I love this band as much as you all do, but be realistic please. They're old. They're not the Stones (thank God). They have other interests outside of something they did moons ago. These things are not conducive to them just up and deciding to tour, as opposed to other groups. In the words of the Beatles.......let it be.
  16. My irony meter is exploding.
  17. Bush might very well go down as the worst President we've had since Herbert Hoover.
  18. What's all this "buyer's remorse" shit? I have no reason to back away from my candidate, or stop supporting my candidate. All Conventions give bounces, I was expecting McCain to gain in the polls this week. So I'm not quivering, shaking or scared. If it's November 3rd and Obama is behind in every poll including electoral votes, maybe I'll begin to get an ulcer. But I don't see that happening, honestly. I'll just wait for the election to roll around and let things happen as they will.
  19. Tina Turner. You don't know the story of her and Ike? He beat the fuck out of her while they were married. She had enough and left him.
  20. Bruce had every right to be pissed. The song was about how much America sucked and how they treated Vietnam Vets, not about how fucking wonderful and rah-rah this place is. For Reagan to co-opt that for his own needs, not paying any attention to what the song is really about, it was insulting. Furthermore, Bruce Springsteen didn't need some two-bit actor throwing his song around to sell records. He's Bruce Springsteen, not Rick Springfield.
  21. Electrophile


    Nothing even happened. It rained for about 3 hours, we got some wind.......that was it.
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