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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I wonder if Sarah Palin will wear a wire in her VP debate like Bush did in 2004:
  2. Just come out and admit you're bigoted and get it over with. You're about thisclose to calling him an "uppity n-----", people like you always are.
  3. Too much to ask. Frankly, I don't care about all that extraneous garbage. Focus on the issues that make up each party's platform and how the respective tickets would implement them when/if elected. Naturally, some doofus will come by saying that we're "scared" or "nervous" or "worried" or whatever the new code word is, but let me unequivocally state now, I am none of those things. I'm not overconfident either. I am just solid in my support.
  4. I just looked up what both marmite and vegemite looked like.......I'll pass. If it looks like something that comes up when you're sick, it's not something that'll go down when you're not. At least that's how I decide what I eat and what I don't.
  5. The man who killed his wife and daughter and nearly killed his other two children? Forgive me if I don't think he should complimentary to this man. Time for you to go bye-bye.
  6. You really think that's a quote from Biden? Isn't the "quoted from someone I love" a tip-off that it's not? Christ.
  7. Politico Palin raises $8 million - for Obama Obama's coffers have been filling since Sarah Palin attacked him repeatedly in St. Paul last night. An Obama aide confirms Drudge's report that Obama has raised about $8 million from more than 130,000 donors and is on pace to raise $10 million by the time McCain reaches the stage tonight. UPDATE: Obama spokesman Bill Burton says, "Sarah Palin's attacks have rallied our supporters in ways we never expected. And we fully expect John McCain's attacks tonight to help us make our grass-roots organization even stronger."
  8. That's because he was choking on her bile. Rather than give a speech that outlined who she was and what she'd do if elected, she chose to follow on the heels of Rudy "Noun, verb, 9/11" Guiliani and stand up there and rant, scream and degrade for about 40 minutes. Democrats speeches: 80% Dems, 20% Repubs Republicans speeches: 80% Dems, 20% Repubs She did nothing to bring in Hillary voters, Independents or swing voters. So in that way, her speech was a colossal failure. What she did do, was preach to the choir.....the group of people who were voting for her anyway. It was pathetic. She mocked community organizers, essentially saying their jobs were worthless and they have no real responsibilities. Community organizers are essential to any politicians campaign, because they're the ones who are out there day after day, trying to sell you to the people. She mocked the people who are in part, responsible for getting her elected! Here are a list of some famous community organizers: MLK Cesar Chavez Gandhi The Founding Fathers Without the work THEY did, where would humanity be?
  9. Thank you for proving my point about the RNC. Militarism = Patriotism. "We like America".....oh, and no one else does? Republicans are the only people in the country who have the ability to "like" America? Again, thank you for proving every point I've made about this convention. It's all a flag-waving circle jerk meant to make the American public think that the only people who are truly patriotic, the only people who really love the US, are Republicans. That everyone else are Godless heathens who want to turn the US into a hybrid of an Islamo-fascist state and Soviet Russia. I know a lot of great Republicans. You sir, are a mockery of what the party used to stand for.
  10. BTW, the Obama camp did a point-by-point fact check of Palin's speech: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/09/04/...in4414049.shtml
  11. Just like how McCain did the same over 63% of the time? Ted Kennedy has a brain tumor and he managed to vote more recently than McCain did. So don't act the street doesn't run both ways.
  12. When Palin wasn't shitting on community service, she was shitting on Due Process. "Al Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America ... he's worried that someone won't read them their rights?" Yes, because we should just shoot them on the spot, no questions asked instead. That makes so much more sense.
  13. I forgot to add this: What pissed me off the most about both Rudy and Sarah's speeches was the mocking of community service and helping out one's people. They actually INSULTED Barack Obama for turning down money to go work on the South Side of Chicago and help underprivileged people. They MOCKED this. Charity begins at home my ass.
  14. What bothered me most about Caribou Barbie's speech, was that while it did its job in "rallying the base", it did not reel in swing voters, Independents or the PUMAs that the GOP is desperately hoping jump ship and it was full of nothing but lies and attacks on Obama, when his speech (and Biden's) was all about what they'd do when they were in office, how they'd do it and why they need to do it. They were talking about uplifting the people and taking us into a new place. Her speech was foul, repugnant and disgusting. Sadly, the 28%ers will eat it up. What gives me hope, is that while all the polls show Obama ahead, they mostly poll likely voters. Obama has done a phenomenal job of pulling in first-time voters, and he's probably ahead by more than the polls reflect. I hope that he and Biden take what was said tonight and tomorrow and use it as ammo to chip away at this sneering and smug shitstorm the GOP have put up.
  15. I don't know which speech was full of more lies, smears, insults and swipes: Rudy's or Sarah's. I got home from dinner in time to catch about 85% of Palin's speech.
  16. I'm not watching because I'm going out to dinner with my family. I will however, watch the speech online later on when I get home. That said, the fact you think ANYONE here is "brainwashed" is a hoot. I think it's sad that you don't think anyone on the other side of the aisle from you can hold their opinions independent of what talking heads say. Actually, it's more than sad......it's typical. I don't allow anyone on a TV show to tell me how I should think, feel or react to any given political situation. I'm sorry you're too jaded to see otherwise.
  17. For what it's worth, I find this site very interesting --> http://www.electionprojection.com In 2004, they were able to predict to within 3 electoral votes, the race between Bush and Kerry AND they got 48 of 50 states right. I think their use of historical trends coupled with current polling data is intriguing. And for what it's worth, they have Obama winning both the EV and the PV. They are just another site that I think anyone who is interested in bipartisan following of this election should check out, I'll list the others: http://www.realclearpolitics.com http://www.fivethirtyeight.com http://www.pollster.com RCP is right-leaning, and yet their poll data is very straight-forward and unbiased.
  18. The party of George W. Bush is questioning someone else's judgment and leadership abilities? Hoo boy that's rich.
  19. What I find most hilarious is that people continually misunderstand what he meant by "above my pay grade". What he meant was, it is not something man can answer, but something God (if that is what you believe in) can answer. Naturally, Repubs get their panties wadded over it.
  20. That's because you have no basic fundamental knowledge of the difference between the sexes. I implore you to read up before you embarrass yourself some more.
  21. Do you read..............................at all? Men and women are not equal. Not physically, not mentally, not emotionally. Men and women are different. We think differently, we act differently, we learn differently, we behave differently. Anyone with a BASIC knowledge of biology, sociology, and psychology knows these things. Face facts, you are wrong about this.
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