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Everything posted by Electrophile

  2. Did anyone vet this woman before McCain chose her?
  3. I'll give the McCain campaign this much: They are adept at plowing through blinking red lights. Sarah Palin is the middle of an on-going corruption probe. She is now refusing to testify to the bipartisan Senate committee that approved the probe unless they relinquish control and give way to a committee full of Palin appointees. Like Roger Daltrey said, "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss." This isn't "change". This is the same crooked, corrupt politics the current administration has been operating under since Day 1, except this time its wearing a skirt and heels. Change......yeah right. I'd rather 4 or 8 years of someone inexperienced with smart, efficient, experienced people around him than another 4 to 8 years of the swill we've been force-fed the last 8.
  4. Yes, I hope she does call so that this thread will finally vaporize.
  5. That'll be too hard. For those who can't be bothered to search back that far, he meant there were 57 primaries, not states. Anyone who REALLY thinks he thinks there are 57 states, needs to put down the pipe.
  6. Palin slashed funding for a state program benefiting teen mothers in need of a place to live Was this her way of saying "Screw those trollops!"? Yes, why help these girls become productive members of society and NOT drains on welfare money. Quick edit: Thanks to all the oil lease revenue, the state of Alaska has a $9 billion budget surplus this year. So, I guess without that $1 million cut, the surplus would've been only $8.999 billion. They could have afforded it. Second quick edit: The money that was vetoed would have gone to facilities for sex education. http://www.adn.com/legislature/story/415749.html
  7. I am being fair. I watched the DNC on TV for a couple days and thought their audio sucked, I also hated the fact the talking heads interrupted speeches to give their pedantic opinions about what people were saying. I wasn't watching to get Chris Matthew's opinion on anything. If you LEGITIMATELY think that these stations intentionally messed with the audio as part of some "liberal media" conspiracy........something in the milk ain't clean.
  8. Liberal media my ass. MSNBC and CNN had the same shitty coverage of the DNC. Their audio was equally as bad, which is why I watched the convention online, in HD from C-SPAN's feed. Take your tinfoil hat off and come back to reality.
  9. No. I feel a large part of the Republican platform is trying to bash peoples' heads in on the idea that if you are against the war, or ANY war the US is involved in, you are not American, you are not patriotic. I actually broke down and watched parts of this train wreck and I was completely taken aback by the almost obscene level of flag-waving going on. As though they were trying to set themselves apart as the "party of America" and Obama/Biden are Godless liberal heathens who want to turn this country into 1950s-Soviet Russia. And don't get me started on McCain pimping his military service for votes. It's as shameful as when Kerry did it 4 years ago. I have family who served and it sickens them.
  10. I really found the jingoistic, militaristic patriotism on display really, REALLY obnoxious. They were basically doing this: militarism = patriotism. Welcome to Rome.
  11. For those that are interested, Barack Obama plans on appearing on Bill O'Reilly's show Thursday night.
  12. Exactly. When people quote this douche, I still have to read it unless I put everyone on the board on my IL, which is counterproductive. So again, keep talking out of your butt, dude.
  13. I think it shows her stance on abstinence-only education not only fails on a wide level (as case studies and peer reviews have shown) but it also fails on a personal level. But I agree, her pregnant kid should not be injected into this. The only thing that should be mentioned is that abstinence-only does not work and that there are methods that are far more responsible and intelligent.
  14. The RNC reminds me of a quote by Sinclair Lewis: "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross."
  15. What I find most hilarious is this twatwaffle thinks I (and other women here who are Democrats) have a reason to be envious of her. I don't want to be her. She has absolutely nothing I want. N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Just put it on ignore and let it talk to itself. That's what I did. I don't bother reading a single thing it says. So basically, they're talking to themselves and that's funny. Have a laugh at the troll's expense.
  16. "Grasping for a life preserver"? You must not be able to read and interpret polls very well.
  17. New projections out for FiveThirtyEight, taking into account the new polling results that have come out since the DNC and Palin annoucement. Electoral Vote: Obama/Biden 304 - McCain/Palin 234 Gallup and Rasmussen also have Obama over the 50% mark in their polls. Go to RealClearPolitics to see a further breakdown of said results.
  18. And calling someone a piece of shit ISN'T? There's a lot of people who have posted in this thread and the other one whom I vehemently disagree with and have said quite a few insulting comments about MY candidate, but I would never call any of them a "piece of shit". So congrats on sinking your own point.
  19. Great news. However, this is even better: Obama gains among former Clinton supporters
  20. More from that NYTimes article: "While there was no sign that her formal nomination this week was in jeopardy, the questions swirling around Ms. Palin on the first day of the Republican National Convention, already disrupted by Hurricane Gustav, brought anxiety to Republicans who worried that Democrats would use the selection of Ms. Palin to question Mr. McCain's judgment and his ability to make crucial decisions." Gee, do you think?
  21. From the NYTimes: "A Republican with ties to the campaign said the team assigned to vet Ms. Palin in Alaska had not arrived there until Thursday, a day before Mr. McCain stunned the political world with his vice-presidential choice."
  22. With Palin revelations, McCain's gamble is clearer "One Republican strategist with close ties to the campaign described the candidate's closest supporters as 'keeping their fingers crossed' in hopes that additional information does not force McCain to revisit the decision. According to this Republican, who would discuss internal campaign strategizing only on condition of anonymity, the McCain team used little more than a Google Internet search as part of a rushed effort to review Palin's potential pitfalls. Just over a week ago, Palin was not on McCain's short list of potential running mates, the Republican said."
  23. I've been following it since the start of the primary season in February. Pollster is also another great site, as well. In fact, if I had to rank them it would FiveThirtyEight, RealClearPolitics and then Pollster.
  24. There's a couple sites I look at for national polling results, as well as statewide polling results. RealClearPolitics and FiveThirtyEight. Anyone with a working brain can see that RCP uses an average of a crapload of other polls to come up with their average. All you have to do is LOOK.
  25. ABC News confirms Sarah Palin was previously a member of the pro-secession Alaskan Independence Party Go ask the South how that "secession" business went over, Sarah. I'm curious to see how the GOP spins this, because it's not like they have been trying to make an issue about anyone Obama may have known in the past. Have they? If they don't say anything, they look like massive hypocrites.
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