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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Right now, David Clayton-Thomas from Blood, Sweat & Tears. What a great, great voice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtwWsjpMuNU I saw a video of Jerry Thomas singing this with the band in 1972 and it just doesn't sound the same. No depth in the voice.
  2. I'm still waiting for you to make a post in this thread that is worth more than a ball of lint. You haven't yet. All you do is post far-right wing talking points and Rush O'Hannity memes. You don't debate with anyone, you just dance around the questions you get asked and refuse to do any homework to back up anything you say. What's worse, you apparently don't like it when anyone makes a post that is more than 6 words in length, because that's too much for you to read. And you call ME a laugh a minute? Hilarious. I'll do you one better, I'll put you on my ignore list so that I no longer have to see the drivel you call posts. Then if you DO respond to me, I will have the luxury of not even seeing it. That way everyone can laugh at you for talking to yourself!
  3. Yes, because you keep responding to my posts. If you really didn't care, you'd ignore everything I say and not respond to me. By doing so, you contradict yourself.
  4. Do you understand that you look like a complete buffoon right now, and everyone knows this? You think you're being serious and all intellectual, but you just come off looking like a dipstick. Why don't you try adding something of substance to this thread like everyone else has, if you can. Or better yet, keep making an ass of yourself. It's entertaining.
  5. I don't need to kiss up to anyone. Actually, he and I disagree on a lot more than we agree on. If you think me calling you out for not having the balls to investigate YOUR candidate more, like wanna be suggests you should, I can't see how that's "kissing up". That's me saying someone who doesn't have a dog in this fight is suggesting you're not doing your homework. Which is funny as hell.
  6. Why would they do that? It's so much better to assume that Republicans are above such nonsense.
  7. Wright is persona non grata to Barack Obama, and he needs no more press than the amount he's already received. Quit talking about him as though anything he says has merit, or affects anyone's life any way.
  8. Yes, it was historic. It's the phrasing that to me, sounded off.
  9. No, that was more directed at someone else. This wasn't aimed at you, it was more of a universal comment. Meaning it applied to everyone, whether here or not, that feels that way. Personally, I'm getting sick of you claiming that this man's race is the only ticket to his success. That's just insulting. Bill Clinton had the same wildly popular appeal, including appeal amongst African-Americans and he is as pasty as I am. I mean, that "he is black, afterall" comment bordered on condescension. See, there is common ground for Dems and Repubs alike.
  10. No one in the Obama campaign has made any personal attacks against Palin or her family, in fact, Obama spoke out about that earlier today. Who was behind the attacks were a bunch of far-left blogging loons with too much time on their hands, and they should not be taken to be indicative of the left as a whole.
  11. I'm really beginning to tire of this "Messiah" garbage. No one things Barack Obama is a "messiah", a "savior", the "anointed one" or any other craptacular phrase the right likes to bandy about. I think it shows more than anything, jealousy that a party is inspired by their candidate. 38 million people watched Barack Obama's acceptance speech. That's more than watched the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics. You really expect people to believe that those 38 million people are nothing more than brainwashed cult members? The only brainwashed cult members in this country are the 28% who think Bush is the greatest President we've ever had.
  12. I don't deny the hype. The fact he's black and in the position he is in, is extremely important and historical. Less than 50 years ago, black people couldn't piss where they wanted, eat where they wanted, sit where they wanted.....hell, they couldn't even vote. That doesn't mean however, that his race is the reason he has succeeded in this election thus far. That is completely discrediting all the work he's done to bring in new voters and to keep the old ones. That is completely discrediting the work his campaign has done, his volunteers have done. As someone who did volunteer work for the campaign in Georgia and will be doing it again here in NC, I wouldn't be doing the work I did if I thought there was no substance to what he was saying. I'd be basically wasting my time, and I don't like to waste my time. Understanding the historical significance of his campaign and assuming it's the only reason he's gotten anywhere are two different things.
  13. Yeah, I do. Is that so hard to believe? I don't look at skin color believe it or not, when determining someone's worth or value. His age, coupled with his ideas, beliefs and plans added to the fact he's very charismatic and affable, make him a hit with people who prior to his election cycle have not voted before. I think his race has helped more African-Americans get interested in voting, but I don't think his race is the reason he's standing where he's standing. If you want to believe he's nothing more than a race gimmick, be my guest.
  14. No, I don't think he is. A gimmick would not have been able to defeat the Clintons, the primo familia of politics right now. He's in the running for the Presidency because he won the nomination process, which for someone who prior to running, was basically unknown and that took a lot of effort. To claim that he's only where he is because of race is to assume he can get nowhere based on his merits. The reason I feel Palin is a gimmick is because if her name was Dave Palin, and had all the same credentials, there's no way in hell McCain would have chosen him to be his VP. Just wouldn't happen. He wants to pander to the PUMAs (Party Unity My Ass) out there, thinking that women will say "Well, she has a vagina and so do I, I'll vote for her!" which is simulataneously insulting and extremely condescending.
  15. Look, Palin is doing what she thinks is best for her family. Forcing her 17 year old daughter to marry the father is clearly what she thinks is best. If it were me, I wouldn't force the issue of marriage on my daughter, as she's already going through enough. All this being said, this is none of the public's business. I don't care who's pregnant, who's not, who was.......this has no bearing on the election at all. What does matter is that she is even more stringently pro-life than most pro-lifers, she thinks Creationism should be taught in science class, she doesn't support equal pay for equal work, she wants to drill in ANWR and she supports a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. Those are ISSUES that matter, not whether her kid is knocked up.
  16. All Obama needs to win is all the Kerry states, Ohio and/or Florida.
  17. One Drop, you have to understand something. All those words make his brain hurt.
  18. Obama's comments following that news that Sarah Palin's 17 year old daughter Bristol, is pregnant: "I have said before and I will repeat again: People's families are off limits," Obama said. "And people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as a governor and/or her potential performance as a vice president. So I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories. You know my mother had me when she was 18 and how a family deals with issues and teenage children, that shouldn't be a topic of our politics." And his comments following reports that people in his campaign were responsible for the "Babygate" rumors: "I am offended by that statement," Obama shot back, in response to the McCain aide's charge. "There is no evidence at all that any of this involved us. I'm hope I'm as clear as I can be. In case I'm not, let me repeat: We don't go after people's families. We don't get them involved in politics. It's not appropriate and it's not relevant. Our people were not involved in any way in this and they will not be. If I ever thought that it was somebody in my campaign who's involved in something like that, they'd be fired."
  19. Obama was clearly talking about the number of primaries. It was a really simple misspeak. Naturally though, people want to jump on it and assume he's an idiot. Let those people assume it, it makes them look stupid in the process.
  20. I was mocking you. If you choose to think I wasn't, well........that's not my problem.
  21. Yes, as a woman I am so jealous of her. I am so jealous that she is anti-abortion even in cases of rape and incest while I am pro-choice. I am so jealous of her wanting Intelligent Design to be part of a public school's curriculum while I believe that science fact should be the only thing taught in science class. I am jealous because she supports drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge while I do not. (And, funny enough, neither does McCain.) I am jealous because she opposes same sex marriages while I do not. And I am jealous over her lack of foreign policy experience. You are so right. I am just so jealous.
  22. So you admit you're a liar? Good. That means everything you say is null and void. Thank you for clearing that up in advance.
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