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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Who said Bill Clinton was my hero? Another lie. HAHAHAHA!!
  2. And you accuse someone else of not being classy? Oooh, the irony.
  3. Allow me: Unless my gender changed between you posting the above quote and me responding to it, you were referring to me and all the other females who have posted in this thread. So by saying you WEREN'T referring to me when you were, you lied again. And then you accused me of being paranoid, which everyone here knows I am not, and that was another lie. You are a liar.
  4. Hilary Clinton is not my idol. I can't stand her actually. If Sarah Palin were named Dave Palin, I'd still think it was a boneheaded pick, so her gender has nothing to do with it. No one here on either side of the aisle has been "freaking out" about anything. If you think discussion and debate = freaking out, you're a moron. And you actually think the War in Iraq was "the most successful war in history"? Sweet Jesus, you're insane. And a complete and total liar. Liar, liar, liar. See the first paragraph of this post for evidence of that. All you've done is just lie about people and what they're saying or what they're thinking. Just lie, lie, lie, lie, lie.
  5. I hope Obama wins for many reasons, one of which will be wondering if srplane expatriates. Because I seriously think he would.
  6. I was reading up on some other issues Sarah Palin has spoken about, and she's against abortion (like all Republicans) EVEN IN THE CASES OF RAPE AND INCEST. Even stringent pro-lifers will at least make an exception for those cases. She doesn't even think it's acceptable if you've been raped, either by a stranger or a family member. I think that's worse than the creationist/abstinence-only stances.
  7. You said I hate Sarah Palin. Nowhere in that post or any other post I've made have I ever said I hate Sarah Palin. So you're a liar.
  8. A creationist who thinks abstinence-only education is the way to go. This is who McCain is saying should be President should something happen to him. Because when you're 72 and have a history of health issues, your 2nd in command is an important pick. That's more frightening than anything else. If something (God forbid) happens to Barack, I think the country would be safe with Biden running the show. But President Palin? I weep. Not because she's a woman, but because she's a complete nutjob.
  9. I don't hate Sarah Palin. I dislike and am opposed to basically everything she thinks because we're from opposite parties, but that's it. Why do you feel the need to put words in peoples' mouths? I hate her stances on issues, not her as a person. There you go again, lying about people. Typical.
  10. Being told my family and I are going to Washington, DC in the fall. We haven't been there in about 15 years, so I'm anxious to go back.
  11. Banned members who come back and troll in threads. The President thread is basically unreadable right now.
  12. She's a Creationist. So, she's more than likely a Fundamentalist, since no one else would push for that to be taught in the classroom. And a good majority of Fundamentalists think it's a woman's job to breed for the state.
  13. So are you. You're the weirdo that runs for Kleenex for his bleeding ears the minute someone says "fuck". Oh, oops.
  14. You never say anything worth accepting. All you do is troll. You continually make all these blanket statements about people, completely ignoring the fact you're dead wrong. And a joke. You haven't made one salient point in this thread about anything. You keep making these asinine comments "libs this" and "libs that". It amounts to a pile full of nothing. Let the grown-ups talk now, Skippy.
  15. Who said anyone here was squirming? You seem to enjoy lying about people, Planet 51. Care to tell everyone why? I mean, you keep accusing people here of doing things they are not doing. I think that speaks more about you than it does about anyone else. I mean, you're not adding anything cogent to the discussion. You're basically trolling. Either actually post something of substance in this thread like everyone else or leave.
  16. Here's a funny: A talking head on Fox News actually cited this as Palin's foreign policy experience: She is from a state that borders Russia. That is her foreign policy experience, per Fox News. And the McCain campaign are going with this. No wonder my dad thinks this election is turning into a joke. And he's a Republican!
  17. Palin is Dick Cheney in a skirt. That is not change.
  18. Why don't you leave Hermit alone? Better yet, stop talking about him.
  19. If Republicans like to trot out the line that Palin has more executive experience than Obama, and therefore he is even more unqualified.....why don't they ever think about the fact she also has more executive experience than McCain? If that's the case, aren't you therefore dumping on your own candidate? Why isn't she running for President if she's soooooooooooooo much more experienced than everyone else? Executive experience is only as useful as the amount of work you have to do. The Mayor of LA does a shizzle-ton more work than the mayor of the town I live in currently. The Governor of Texas or even Illinois has far more work to do than the governor of a much smaller state. She was the mayor of a town of 9,000 people and has been governor of a state that has a smaller population than metropolitan Omaha. This is supposed to trump the work that Obama, McCain and Biden have all done in the US Senate and their respective states? Seriously? I find that difficult to accept. I'm not impugning the work she HAS done, because she's obviously done something. That doesn't mean she's a viable VP designate. In that case, anyone who has ever been mayor of any city/town no matter the size, no matter the workload can be VP because they have "executive experience". Conservatives are saying that this choice was "real" change. She's no different than any other Republican out there and shares the same stance on issues that 99.9% of Republicans have. How is that change? Same could be said of course for Obama choosing Biden, but in his case, he is admittedly weak in foreign policy and chose someone who can shore that up. McCain chose Dick Cheney in a skirt. She's not change from anything except the gender of the nominees, but why should gender matter? You choose someone who is best qualified to help you run the country (or run it after you should something happen). Considering he's 72 years old, he's basically saying "If I kick off, she's the next President." Which would be MORE OF THE SAME FAILED REPUBLICAN POLITICS. Again, not change. So that meme needs to slowly disappear.
  20. This always interested me, and I'd love to get some input on it. Republicans always say, "well, if Obama is so galldurn wonderful, why isn't he leading by 20 points?" Which is a fair point. However, if Obama is such a steaming pile of shit and unqualified to be President......why isn't McCain leading by 20 points? You'd think if he was that bad and clearly duping the people, McCain would have a Reagan '84-sized lead here. I never see anyone making that point. They always talk about how Obama DOESN'T have a huge lead, but they never turn around and wonder why McCain isn't trouncing him....like he would if Obama really did suck. Both candidates have issues, I don't deny that. I can also respect the opinions of people who say that they don't think either one of them are that good and they're sitting this one out. However I just don't get why the same people who "gloat" about Obama not having a double-digit lead, don't also get worried that McCain doesn't have one himself. Because like I said, if Obama really is the anti-Christ, or a secret Muslim or a terrorist or whatever the Rush O'Hannity meme is today, McCain should be cakewalking right now. The fact he's not should tell you something.
  21. Electrophile


    The thing that scares me most about this storm is that the eye is expected to pass west of NOLA, which means they'll get the east side of the storm......which is the worst. Most rain, most wind, worst storm surge. Which means it would be worse really, than taking a direct hit. A friend of mine who lives just north of New Orleans evacuated this morning. She packed up her car with essentials, things that cannot be replaced if lost/damaged and her pets and started driving up to Arkansas where she has family. My thoughts and prayers to everyone on the Gulf Coast right now.
  22. We have the right to do so, so many choose to own them. If the Constitution said you have the right bear claws, everyone would be eating pastries left and right and defending their right to eat them and Charlton Heston would have said something like "You can take this bear claw when you pry it from my cold, dead hands". We're funny like that. I don't own one, I do not plan on owning one and they scare the shit out of me. That said, if you legally buy one, have a license and you are trained at using it, that's your right, I have no leg to stand on re: saying you can't have it.
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