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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Who said anything about believing in God? Good for her. I know many religious people who are smart enough to believe the theory of evolution. It's borderline sad that someone who is running for that high an office DOESN'T believe in it.
  2. I don't view any human being as a "superhero", so that's where you are YET AGAIN wrong about me. You continually make these assumptions about me, what I think, what I feel, etc., and it keeps getting thrown back in your face because you have no clue who I am at all. People who think Barack Obama is some demigod are complete buffoons and I'm embarrassed by them. He's human, just like McCain. Just like everyone else. If you want to continue thinking that I think something I don't, continue embarrassing yourself. It makes me happy.
  3. Worse than all that, she's a creationist. A CREATIONIST IN THE 21ST CENTURY. What's funny about that? She's the daughter of a science teacher.
  4. Advice from Rick? Please. You can't possibly think I need anything from you.
  5. America's Margaret Thatcher? That's an insult to Margaret Thatcher.
  6. I've gone to quite a few weddings without a date. Twice because I wasn't seeing anyone at the time, and the other time because my boyfriend was in the hospital (not serious) and I was Maid of Honor and he insisted I go when I told him I'd back out.
  7. If she campaigns against him, she loses the chance to run for President herself in either 2012 or 2016. Democrats and people in general who are sick of the GOP running things want Obama to win. If she goes against party lines and campaigns for McCain, even after the phenomenal ass-kissing she did at the convention, she'll be seen as an even bigger phony than some think she already is and her political career will be over. It's important to her, regardless of what went on behind the scenes, to support her party, if only for her own gains later on.
  8. Also, back in 1984 women voted 60/40 for Reagan/Bush, even with Ferraro on the Dem ticket. So the idea that huge droves of women will now vote for McCain over Obama is a little far-fetched. The women that will be voting for McCain now, were always going to vote for him, unless Hilary got the nomination. I don't see this as some huge, ticket-sinking choice here. It's different yes, but not something so completely mind-blowing, we're all in puddles of goo. The thing to remember is that by choosing Palin, McCain has to throw out the biggest gun in his arsenal; experience. It's effectively a shield now for Obama to stand behind, because if McCain tries to throw it out there again, all the Obama people have to do is point to the fact that if something happens to McCain while in office, and Palin must assume the duties, we'd be relying on the runner-up of the Miss Alaska pageant to take control of the largest military in the world. Not to mention, the whole state of Alaska has a smaller population than metropolitan Omaha. Sure she has executive experience (none of the other three candidates do), but the other three have waaaaaaay more government service experience, having been either state senators and/or US senators. McCain chose her because she was the lesser of 4 or 5 evils and the one with the least crap attached to her.
  9. I didn't say I completely ignore physical appearance. What I said was this: Smart, cultured, great personality, sense of humor, can carry on a conversation about current events + average looks (not like a male model or porn star = YES No intelligence, doesn't know who Tolstoy was, shitty personality, no sense of humor, can't find Iraq on a map + drop dead looks = NO Now, if I can find the first part of A with the second part of B, that would be the ideal, obviously. But that doesn't really exist. So what you do is you look at things that matter more than looks. And that's what I do. None of my previous boyfriends would get a second look from a woman anywhere, because they aren't your stereotypical Abercrombie & Fitch models. But they had far more attractive qualities than looks to me, which is why I was with them. All you do is focus on looks. Looks are a part of the equation yes, but the minor part of the equation. If someone can turn you on with their mind, that's more important.
  10. There's no way in hell Hilary Clinton and her ego are going to let Sarah Palin be the first woman elected to a national office. That's something she wants for HER. So I think the Clintons are going to be campaigning full-force for Obama now.
  11. Isn't that what I just said? Read much? If you're scared of touching a woman's genitals, get thee to therapy STAT.
  12. I find the story about her involvement in a state run Alaskan dairy to be much more compelling than even her creationist leanings. Which frankly, are frightening enough. The board of the dairy recommended that the dairy be closed rather than continue to hemorrhage money. She disagreed with the board, so rather than discussing the matter and coming to a reasonable conclusion, she dismissed the council responsible for hiring the board and reloaded it with her supporters who then dismissed the board and overturned its decisions. They raised prices on the dairy's milk which then made it more expensive than milk sold by competitive dairies from Washington state, which proceeded to run the dairy into the ground. So, when faced with advice from economists that she disagrees with, she ignores them, fires their bosses, has them replaced, and does whatever the hell she wants. Yeah, this should help shore up questions about McCain's economic policies.
  13. HA! The McCain camp better NEVER use the word "inexperience" again. Not to mention, she's in the middle of a scandal in Alaska right now. This is a complete ploy to pander to the Hilary crowd. McCain must be desperate after all.
  14. Sarah Palin is speaking at the Convention, but a couple days before the VP nominee is expected to speak. So I doubt it'll be her. Plus, she's mired in an abuse-of-power scandal concerning her brother-in-law. I've got sources telling me it's Pawlenty, anyway.
  15. No.......it doesn't. I don't waste time thinking about crap like that.
  16. You don't know the outcome of the election any more than anyone else here does, so quit sounding like one of those tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy freaks. It's just.......wrong. This post needs the "It's a conspiracy!" picture, but I can't find it on my hard drive.
  17. Don't post in this thread or any other political thread then, if you find it all to be a waste of time and think people who are interested in the process and plan on voting (as that's a civic duty we shouldn't take lightly) are nuts and deluding themselves. This clearly isn't the spot for you. There's plenty of other threads that don't discuss politics you might find more your speed. I think it hilarious when people come into a thread to complain about people talking about what the thread is about, and the bulk of their complaint is that they shouldn't be talking about it. Irony much?
  18. Save it, P51. Like I said, save it P51. We know who you are, we don't know why you're back.
  19. Barack Obama just whipped it out and slapped the GOP in the face.
  20. This is the stupidest thing I've read today. There's an age restriction on carbonated beverages? Come on P51, you can do better than this. Go get some Kleenex for your bleeding ears.
  21. HA! Don't make me laugh, I don't want Diet Pepsi all over my monitor.
  22. Whatever you say, P51. We've heard it all before. You're just an uptight prude. Sucks to be you!
  23. What pisses me off is how they claim that didn't issue that order because it looked like it wasn't going to hit NOLA dead on. Well dumbshits, you're supposed to plan for worst-case scenario, not grab your ankles and hope for the best. I'd rather everyone leave town and have not needed to than have everyone waiting around to die.
  24. If you don't care, why did you bother commenting?
  25. If you thought that's what I meant, you clearly don't know me at all. Nice try, though. Now I'll tell you what I actually meant, so that you can look dumb. In the wake of Katrina, Bush and his administration were blamed quite heavily for the fact that money and manpower that could have been spent helping these people, were being spent in that hell hole in the Middle East. We're supposed to help ours before we go sticking our big ass into every other country's problems. We didn't help ours. Not fast enough, not well enough. THAT'S what I meant. That the anniversary of Katrina, with another storm bearing down, with the RNC meeting to blow each other and self-congratulate, will just highlight how inept this administration was and how derelict they were in their responsibility to their citizens. Speaking of unfrigginbelievable, maybe if Bushie hadn't dropped so much money and manpower in Iraq, perhaps New Orleans would have more funds and more hands to assist in the aftermath of Katrina. Maybe if FEMA had a more competent leader, the clean-up, rescue efforts and refugee evacuation would have gone better. Maybe if the fucked-up New Orleans city and Louisiana state governments were more focused, prepared and less-corrupt, maybe they would have had a better plan in place and would have been able to evacuate the lower wards, specifically the 9th. Now THAT'S unfrigginbelievable.
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