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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I'd rather be with a man who if he could, would wish to be smart, cultured and sophisticated rather than hot. That would tell me the things he values most about people and himself. And therefore make me more attracted to him. Think about it.
  2. You don't need compliments from women to know what you like about yourself and what you want to emphasize to people. It's called looking in the mirror and being honest with yourself. Everyone does it. Why can't you?
  3. You know who else had very little executive experience before he became President? Abraham Lincoln. Now, I am not in any way comparing the two people nor saying that Obama's Presidency (should he win) will end up as legendary as Lincoln's. However what it does say is that experience can be at times, overrated. There is no real way to train for the office of President, as there's no job in the country like it. We've had Presidents with shit-tons of "experience" that have fucked this place to hell and back, and we've had Presidents with hardly any that have done just fine. It's not some unquantifiable amount of "experience" that makes you a good, even great president. It's what you do with what you're handed when you're sworn in, what you do with your Cabinet, what you do with the budget and what you do with the people. No amount of job training, questionnaires, interviews and person-to-person group activities is going to give someone an edge in the White House. It all goes out the window when you walk through the door.
  4. Spats, don't give people advice about anything that has to do with dates, girls, relationships......just don't bother. It would be like the blind leading the dead.
  5. It's one of those words where you don't know whether it's good or bad.
  6. Sooooooo, this massive storm heading for the Gulf, could hit New Orleans just as Bushie takes the stage at the RNC to pat himself on the back for all the good he's done did these past 8 years. Oh yeah, on the anniversary of Katrina, too. Oh, that'll be delightful for the GOP.
  7. Thanks. My sister took it herself, she's mastered the art of taking a self-portrait in a way that looks like someone else shot it. If she didn't decide to go into teaching, she could have become a very, very good photographer.
  8. In the future, ask someone to go with you. Not as a "date" so the girl doesn't feel pressured by going to a wedding, but just as a friend-thing. That way you're not by yourself and you have someone your own age to talk to and such. By not making it a date, you don't have to worry about cloying relatives asking the both of you when you're next. I learned that one the hard way.
  9. No. They didn't even reunite in the late 70s when they conceivably had a chance. They were through with it and that was that.
  10. Right. My sister is on the left.
  11. I'm not watching the Republican Convention. Why? I'm not Republican, nothing they say I agree with and watching the same people who have ruined this country the last 8 years pat themselves on the back for the phantom good job they've done would just make me sick.
  12. ...............................in my profile.
  13. You know something, I've found a person's attitude goes a long way to improving their looks. If a really, really good-looking guy comes off like an asshole, to me....he's nothing. But if a guy who is not traditionally good-looking comes off like a gentlemen, is nice, is smart, is friendly, has a sense of humor......suddenly he's a God. That's how it works. Improve your attitude and maybe more women will find you physically attractive even if you don't think you are.
  14. It's selfish. You are shallow, selfish and boring. And then you wonder why women aren't beating your door down to date you.
  15. Why don't you post your picture and let the rest of us decide that? I mean, if the rest of us can post our pictures (and use them as avatars) without being so self-conscious, I think you can do the same. It's quite easy, it's been explained many times.
  16. Private schools have the right to decide the attire of its students. Since they don't receive federal funding by way of public tax dollars, and all their money (or at least a large amount of it) comes from private donations, grants and trusts......they can have you dress however they please, since you're paying for the privilege of attending the school. I went to private school K-12 and I had to wear a uniform, and couldn't have tattoos or piercings that were visible, or crazy hair styles/colors and I got over it. So did everyone else. You pay $5,000 a year to go to school, you do what THEY want or you go to the public school around the corner. You can be individual at home, at the mall, with your friends, on the corner, wherever else. I guess MY pet peeve is students complaining about private schools' rules, knowing full well they have the right to decide the dress code. That just burns my ass. I don't know how much your parents are setting out for you to get an education, but considering they love you enough not to throw you into the pit of hell that is our public school system, you should be grateful they're forking that cash over.
  17. Woman, Woman - Gary Puckett and the Union Gap
  18. You clearly don't know what's going to happen if you think that's what's going to happen. But you have it your way.
  19. You think the Democrats are copying the Republicans? The thought never crossed your mind that perhaps they're doing that independent of what Republicans have done? You're not drinking the Kool-Aid, you're snorting the powder. And for the record, my name is not Lizzy. I don't use my real first name on this board.
  20. Oh no, it's just Obama and those elitist Democrats that use the greek columns behind them when they speak. It's not like he's trying to evoke an image of the White House or Capitol Building....oh that wouldn't make ANY sense.
  21. Oh really, would you like me to post some pictures of Republicans giving speeches in front of backdrops that look like Greek columns? Because I can do that. And if Barack Obama is elitist, what do you call a man who graduated 5th from the bottom of his naval class and only got through because his father and grandfather were admirals, someone who dumped his first wife for a hotter, richer version after said first wife suffered injuries in a car crashed and gained weight, someone who used new wifey's money to fund his first campaign, someone who doesn't know how many goddamn houses he owns and spends $270,000 a year paying servants? The boy next door? I think not. People call Barack Obama an elitist because he breaks stereotypes people have of a black man. He knows what arugula is. Big deal, so do I. Am I elitist? He owns one home, just recently paid off his student loans, was raised by a single mom and his grandparents. Is that elitist? Joe Biden isn't a millionaire, commutes from Delaware to Washington to be with his family and was sworn into his Senate seat from his childrens' bedsides after the car crashed that killed his wife and daughter. Is that elitist? Get off this "elitist" kick because you clearly don't know the meaning of the word.
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