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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. These are the same people who spend more time hating something than supporting something they believe in, be it political causes, sports teams, musicians, etc. Hating is time-consuming, boring and at the end of the day, fruitless.
  2. No, I don't think that's what she was going for, if I may answer. There's two kinds of people here; people voting for McCain, and people who hate Barack Obama. They are not necessarily one in the same. I know quite a few people who like Obama, but are not voting for him because they're not Democrats. However I know many more people who are not voting at all, but just hate Barack Obama to the point where if someone shot him where he stood tomorrow night, they'd cheer. THOSE are the dumb shits. It's not specifically Republicans, or people who are not voting for him. It's people who have no candidate they're voting for, are completely uninformed, and just hate the man.
  3. Electrophile


    Blah, blah, blah. Yawn, snore, zzzzzzzzz.
  4. Electrophile


    The phrase that pays: Are you finished? I posted something for a friend of mine since she asked for it, and I want her to actually see it.
  5. Electrophile


    Re-posting this since it got lost in the needless crap: How about underwater shots of him swimming backstroke and freestyle? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5d2_iquQMc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ax77_hHq9Dc ....and here's some butterfly with shots of him swimming underwater:
  6. Electrophile


    There's this special book full of words and their meanings. I heard it's called a "dictionary".
  7. Electrophile


    Make a cogent point, please.
  8. This doesn't fit her criteria for funny and sexy, but Patricia Cornwell's novels are a must-read, at least for me. I've got pretty much all of them, and they're addicting. You start reading one and you don't put it down until you've read the last page. In one sitting.
  9. Uh, no. If you can't take profanity, oh well.
  10. Electrophile


    How about underwater shots of him swimming backstroke and freestyle? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5d2_iquQMc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ax77_hHq9Dc ....and here's some butterfly with shots of him swimming underwater:
  11. If you want just funny, read anything by George Carlin.
  12. Electrophile


    I'm sure there are plenty of videos on YouTube.
  13. Electrophile


    I want to be able to play volleyball as well as her.
  14. The President thread got deleted. Why, can I ask? So that thread gets deleted but the Spats thread stays? Good grief.
  15. What is "cool"? You keep using this word to describe how you think people should act, but then you don't give any examples as to what "cool" is.
  16. I said define it and come up with 5 concrete examples of it. If you think men should behave a certain way, and you can define it, you should be able to explain it.
  17. If you judge people based on what TV shows they like to watch, you deserve to be alone. Magic, spats. The forum fairy comes by my computer and sprinkles my posts and POOF, those words appear.
  18. No you're not. You must be on some powerful, mind-altering drugs if you really think that about yourself.
  19. Take some initative. Quit waiting for people to do things for you. If you see she's interested but she hasn't made a move, YOU MAKE A MOVE. That's what people who want things out of life do.
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