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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. You can't possibly be so deluded as to think anyone who is pro-choice would support something that would be more likely to have abortion rights taken away. You really can't be that nuts. Besides, what is to talk about? I don't support what those underground clinics do, and neither does anyone else who is pro-choice. That is not what we fight for, or what we support. We pushed for Roe v. Wade for SAFE abortions in real hospitals/clinics, not that underground shit. Oh oops, I said shit. Will that make your prudish ears bleed again? What those underground clinics do doesn't help this case at all, in fact it is quite detrimental. So again......what is there to talk about? I don't condone what people outside of a safe medical setting do, never have and never will. I don't think I can say this any other way that your clearly obstinate self will read. I already gave my stance on abortion, if you're unwilling to read it, that's not my problem. What you want is someone to get into a flamewar pissing match with you, and I won't do it. So you'll keep saying "cop out" this and "you won't answer" to try and bait me, but like I said.....won't work. You're no different than the raving nutters I have to deal with in the town I live in and most people just don't give in to what they want. Still need some Kleenex?
  2. Hey, I know who you are now! That whole "curse mouth" thing gave it away. Oooh, I said the word "shit" and your puritan little prudish ears just couldn't handle it. Go cry some more.
  3. There is no way a hospital will perform an abortion on a woman who is 8 months pregnant unless her life is in danger. Just. Will. Not. Happen. It doesn't "substantially" remain anything. And again, thank you for completely dodging everything else I said, which BTW, were responses to things YOU asked me. WTG.
  4. If you really believe that, I have some swampland in Florida I'd like to sell you. Save the hyperbole for someplace else, no one here is interested in your story-telling skills. I am as pro-choice as they come and even I think if you're at about 6 months and you don't know whether or not you want to be pregnant, tough shit. You had plenty of time before then to make that decision. Past that time, the only way I would approve of abortion is if there is mortal danger to the mother. I would venture to say that about 100% of the people who are pro-choice, believe the second paragraph. Abortion is never always the BEST choice, but it should always be A choice. We are past the stage in this civilization where women are forced to remain pregnant whether they want to be or not. I have never at any time said that people who are opposed to abortion should change their minds. What I am opposed to is their thinking that one's religious beliefs should dictate the law. People who are opposed to abortion and want Roe v. Wade overturned or want there to be an amendment banning it (same with gay marriage), want them to exist because GOD doesn't like it. Tough shit. Separation of Church and State, pal. The comeback they always give is that by allowing these things, it takes away their right to practice their religion. No it doesn't. No one is forcing you to have abortions or marry gay people, or whatever the hot-button issue of the day is. It's giving EVERYONE ELSE that option. There's a big difference between the two things. Allowing women the access to safe abortions doesn't mean diddly-poo to you, unless you want one. If you don't want one, don't get one. Easy peasy.
  5. Republicans would have no problem with millions of women and teenage girls dying every year in underground abortion clinics, just so long as Roe v. Wade is overturned. That's the priority. Outlaw abortion so that the mothers die getting them in back alleys with bicycle spokes, like in the good old days. My mother's best friend died in 1969 from a back-alley abortion after she couldn't face the shame of being an unwed mother. That's the ticket. Just exchange one for the other. Is that this so-called "Compassionate Conservatism" we hear so much about?
  6. What if the woman is on birth control but it fails for some reason and she gets pregnant? She was obviously on birth control to avoid pregnancy, but it happened anyway. Should she be shackled to a 9 month gestation period even though she clearly doesn't want to be pregnant?
  7. Furthermore, I'm tired of people thinking that because it's in the Bible (or because religions prohibit it) it should be in the Constitution. This isn't Iran, religion does not dictate our laws, nor should it ever. This is not a theocracy.
  8. I believe so. I have a Rubbermaid cooling rack for my laptop, that allows air to flow underneath it to keep it from overheating. I also keep it in "sleep" mode whenever I'm not using it so that it doesn't run hot when I'm away.
  9. You haven't said anything worth accepting. All you've done is spout the same lame rhetoric off the same lame script that everyone who identifies themselves as Conservative on this board, spews daily. It's the same 10 people all saying the same 10 things, about nothing. Like I said, go cry some more.
  10. This isn't trig class, so lay off the tangents. We're talking about Obama and his paralysis that forces Tony Rezko to feed him. Get with it. See my above response. Although for good measure, he's not required to voice his personal opinion that matter. I frankly don't care what he thinks the answer is, as long as he doesn't do anything to take away my right as a woman to have control over my reproductive organs.
  11. I didn't know Rezko was so old, he was putting spoons in Obama's mouth. Or that Obama is so feeble that he cannot feed himself and needs help eating. Maybe that's what he meant. We'll go with that. Barack Obama has some kind of paralysis that forces Tony Rezko to put golden spoons in his mouth so that he can eat daily meals.
  12. I find it laughable that you think he should be financially responsible for any and everyone who shares his blood, just because he has money. This is the same scam family members use to come out of the woodwork when you win the lottery. "Hey man, remember me? I'm your 4th cousin twice removed on your mom's stepdad's side! Can you spare a dime?" I don't make light of his half-brother's situation, but unless the two are extremely close, have been close all their lives and shared an upbringing together, Barack is not under any obligation to give this man money, nor should he be made to look like a tightwad if he doesn't. Or do you think that anyone who says they're related to him, automatically should get money? Seriously, go cry about this some more. I'll send you some Kleenex.
  13. Don't cloud the issue with facts and logic. Cindy McCain has half-siblings in just as much trouble, and she has waaaay more money than Obama, and she hasn't lifted a finger. I have relatives stretched all over this country, many of whom I've never met. Just because we share maybe a drop of blood, should I be responsible for providing for them? Hell no. Immediate family only. That's mom, dad, sister, grandma and my dad's brother and his family. But not my cousin's spouses and children.
  14. If Obama wins, I would love to know how many of you rabid anti-Obama people would expatriate.
  15. How about this? Not everyone is as schooled in HTML as others are, so their attempts at making layouts sucks compared to other people. My sister made my layout because I can't do it worth a damn. These aren't supposed to be professional-looking web pages.
  16. "Black Dude"? No, that's not offensive to refer to a US Senator in that way. WTG! You win a cookie!
  17. "Classic rock" is a radio genre yes, and there are stations in basically all markets in this country have at least one. There's a difference between that station and modern rock, which plays rock music from current artists.
  18. McCain needs to pick wisely now, although no one he picks will make any sense. Fundies won't vote for Romney. Independents/Dems not voting for Obama won't vote for Huckabee. Guiliani? Biden would rip him to shreds in the VP debates, he's done it once already. Sarah Palin? Politics is still a boy's club, no matter how disappointing that is. That could go over like Mondale/Ferraro. Pawlenty? Mr. Bridge Collapse? Yeah right. Slim pickins' over there.
  19. I just got my text message from the Obama people. I think they were waiting until 12am PDT before sending them out, although it sucks the surprise factor got ruined by the press. Ah well. Still pretty cool, though.
  20. I'm getting tired of him describing women as either "hot" or "plain".
  21. This. This. And This. It's not even in the Top 5 of songs they've done IMO, and people's unnatural obsession with the song causes some of their other, better songs to be completely forgotten. I don't hear WTLB on the radio, or Tea For One, or ALS, or In The Evening, or No Quarter.....you get my point. It's ridiculous. Led Zeppelin was more than just one song that everyone either fucked or got high to. And yes, I know people who've done either/or and sometimes, both.
  22. Oh come on. I'd say a very small percentage of Myspace pages are the types you see featured on the news after someone has been abducted or they're doing a Dateline sting. I think this is a case of wanting everything to be bad, so you apply the part to the whole. I'd say the median age of Myspace users is older than your average teenager and your average teenager is more likely to have the stupid photos and shit than adults are. Same goes for Facebook. I reconnected with people I went to Kindergarten with because of Myspace. Never thought I'd see their faces again, and there they were. I have a Myspace, and I have a Facebook page. It's a social networking website, yes there will be people who abuse it, but there's no need for the Puritan backlash. I get sick of that sometimes.
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