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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I don't view "classic rock" as a genre per se, I think of it more as rock music made from 1969-1980. Any station labeled as "classic rock" will play music that is 95% in that time frame. To me, it means the "classic era" of rock, and consists of bands like Led Zeppelin, The Who, Skynyrd, Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Boston, Styx, etc. Maybe even some early Van Halen. Perhaps it's easier to say "classic rock" than "classic era of rock" on the radio. And I agree that a lot of those artists have songs that are overplayed and overhyped. I don't think that's a reason to bash them though, and I'm not saying anyone here is doing that specifically.
  2. I think you missed the point I was making. And nothing either of them have ever done has been "kind". Seriously.
  3. This is what makes Flotsam and Jetsam keep coming back.
  4. I still want this guy to post his photograph. The rest of us didn't act like babies and put our faces out there for everyone here to see, and I know I wouldn't be winning any modeling contests anytime soon. Put up or shut up, dude. And don't claim you don't know how, people have explained the process to you 39483894398 times, and it's so easy an infant could figure it out.
  5. He sang "revved up like a deuce" not "wrapped up like a douche". I just listened to the song 5 minutes ago.
  6. We don't need to relive the 70s. Try living in the now. And if you can't find a pair of jeans that don't have designs on them, you're clearly doing a half-assed job of looking. Because I can name several department stores/small stores where you can get jeans that are just plain ol' jeans. Same for hoodies. Macy's Sears Old Navy Gap American Eagle Hollister Pac-Sun Aeropostale Abercrombie & Fitch
  7. I am convinced; spats is a doctorate student at the University of Toronto, getting his PhD in social psychology and human sexuality. He's a B+ student, hoping this paper will bump him up to graduating magna cum laude in December. He's really engaged, and his fiancee thinks this thread is a hoot. He's using all of us as controls, which explains the profoundly retarded questions he keeps asking people. He's clearly fishing for information to complete his thesis. If your professor could read this thread, he/she would cry.
  8. Of course you don't. Why don't you try figuring it out.
  9. There are people who can help you with that. They're called "therapists". You've heard of them, right?
  10. Oh, this is really great. Best fake forum persona EVAR.
  11. Electrophile


    That's because people don't make fun of other cultures' racial characteristics except to be defamatory. Pointing out that fact in a newspaper doesn't make the newspaper racist, it doesn't make England racists, it doesn't make the people who work for the paper racist. It doesn't mean they're hiding racist agendas either. Cripes.
  12. To fix that, hit ctrl+F5. It's a hard refresh and it should eliminate that.
  13. You do know I was posting the translation, not telling you to grow up.
  14. Grow up, please. Edit: That's what it means, I'm not telling you to grow up.
  15. Yes, yes you are. Everyone here had bad shit happen to them in high school. It's high school, it's not supposed to be a walk through a daisy-covered field. That said, I'd be willing to bet that less than 5% of the people who post regularly on this board allow shit that happened to them in high school (unless we're talking something violently traumatic) to affect them in their adult lives. I graduated from high school 8 years ago. Do you know how absolutely stupid I'd sound to people obsessing over shit that happened 8 years ago in school? Aufwachsen, bitte.
  16. Happy Birthday! (I hope no one turns this into a "Robert Plant is selfish because he won't tour with the rest of Led Zeppelin thread")
  17. Rick, Joel and LedBaby are back! Oh happy day! *does dance of joy*
  18. Count this. I don't really care if he doesn't say when he believes life begins. I really don't. There's your answer. Accept it.
  19. Again with the dodging my point. Nicely done. Like a real pro.
  20. Way to completely avoid the point and make me look like I was right. Gold star for you!
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