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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Why do I feel like we've heard pageforever's shtick before? And srplane's for that matter. What really rankles me, isn't the back and forth between the Dems and Repubs on this board. It's the fact that all the Repubs (with a few exceptions) sound the same. They all have the same 10 things to say about Obama, Clinton, Americans who identify themselves as liberal/Democratic. It's like they're all reading off the same script.
  2. I would bet that spats is into some really kinky stuff.......like jumper cables attached to his balls and violet wands. He just acts grossed out by the simplest things here so that we don't discover the ruse. People like him are always closet nymphos.
  3. If she says no, you just say "thanks anyway, it was great meeting you/talking to you, have a nice evening." That's what you do. For God's sake, this is not that hard. I don't know who is more insane; you or the rest of us for putting up with this.
  4. Speak for yourself. I don't really care. That's how I handle it.
  5. If I want something, I go after it. That's how you succeed in life. Sitting on your ass waiting for things to happen isn't how you get things done.
  6. Electrophile


    But you did. Otherwise, myself and longdistancewinner would not have replied.
  7. Electrophile


    Americans do not call black people that word. Racists call black people that word. You make it sound like it's something we all do, which couldn't be further from the truth. If you're raised properly, that word isn't even in your vocabulary.
  8. You and your buddies have the combined IQ of a rock. If you're interested in her, fucking ask her out already and quit being a spineless pussy. Quit saying it's up to her to do this, it's up to her to do that. It's not up to her to do jack shit. If YOU'RE interested, get off your ass and do something about it, you child. Fucking hell, you're denser than pound cake.
  9. Electrophile


    You call that having a sense of humor? I call it being an insensitive twatwaffle.
  10. Electrophile


    The 100m fly was by far, the greatest race I've ever seen. Holy shit. An Olympic record is just as good as a world record.
  11. Electrophile


    Please, the slash mark gave away the fact the guy isn't really new. You never thought to look for information on someone using Google? That can't be a serious statement.
  12. Electrophile


    Allow me to introduce you to Google. Google, pageforever. Pageforever, Google.
  13. Love Me Tender - Elvis Presley
  14. The Mid-Atlantic states are an oddity; they are considered the "South" as most of them made up part of the Confederacy. But they're not really the "South". I live in North Carolina, and I've heard us referred to on the Weather Channel of all places, as both in the mid-atlantic and in the South. Which is kinda funny. As for their accents, It would depend on what part of the Mid-Atlantic you're from. Maryland is right on top of DC, and is right below Pennsylvania. So I'd say you have more of the same accent Pennsylvanians have. Obviously like you said there are pockets where the accent is more Southern, owing to the fact you're very near both Virginias, but overall I'd say your accent is more Yankee.
  15. Sometimes I get sick when the weather fluctuates a lot. My mom is sick right now because it went from 90+ to the 70s in a matter of days.
  16. Well yeah, obviously there's a time and a place for certain words and phrases.
  17. Calling her names? I'm not calling her names. If I was calling her names, she obviously wouldn't be my friend for going on 20 years. It was something that started in high school just to piss off the nuns. That's just how we refer to each other, it's not serious and it's not hurtful. The reason being, the people saying it aren't using the words to be insulting. If we want to insult each other, trust me when I say, we'll use much better words. Now if some stranger on the street called me a bitch, that's a whole different bag of oats. I allow my friends to say things to me I don't allow strangers to say. And the same is in reverse. If someone called Marie a "ho" and I'm anywhere nearby, there's a good chance someone will have a black eye and it won't be me or her.
  18. I see a difference in someone using the word in a manner that doesn't fit the definition and using it in a manner that does. When my friend and I talk on the phone, I don't say "Hey Marie, what's up?" I say, "Hey bitch, why haven't you called me?" She knows damn well that I am not calling her a bitch the way someone who was angry with her would say it, or the way someone who was trying to insult her would say it. The same as when she says "Please ho, I called you Tuesday".....she not really calling me a whore, or insinuating I am one. I've seen those SNL skits a thousand times and the reason why it's funny is that Dan Aykroyd wasn't really calling Jane Curtin a slut. It was meant to comical, not hurtful. However when people here get fast and loose with the word "slut", they aren't being comical. You can only be degraded if you allow yourself to be. BTW, this is all just my opinion and I respect your right to feel differently.
  19. You look a little like Michael Phelps in this picture.
  20. Yeah. I made one point, felt it wasn't right, edited my post to make another point, and apparently started WWIII in the process. Just another day.
  21. Time to quote Stripes: "Lighten up, Francis."
  22. Did I say you started the conversation? I was responding to you using the word. It shouldn't be used, it's demeaning. If Suzy Q want to sleep with 30 guys and she uses protection and doesn't get infected with anything, who the hell is anyone to judge her? If she opens herself up to criticism by being stupid about it, that's another issue altogether. I get tired of people thinking it's perfectly acceptable to insult people based on their sexual practices. It may not be the lifestyle I choose to live, but that doesn't mean I need to degrade someone who does practice it.
  23. Do you even frequent other message boards? It is not uncommon to have sections of the site devoted to other topics. Or do you think we should just sit here all day talking about Jimmy Page's teeth? And sir? I'M FEMALE.
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