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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. We're not allowed to discuss other bands/music here.
  2. No what's tacky is you criticizing the admin here for running a shit site because we dare to discuss other bands here. If you don't like the way this site is run/set up/built, I'm sure there are other message boards that better suit your tastes.
  3. I find it tremendously sad that anyone would use that word to describe another woman. It's just demeaning. And coming from a woman, it sounds even worse. I use a lot of words to describe people whose behavior I don't like, but even I won't use that word and my language is saltier than the Dead Sea.
  4. I wasn't talking about this site. I was talking about another forum I post on. Are you unable to grasp the concept that people who want to talk about Led Zeppelin on their message board might also want to discuss other things too? Without signing up at 2348943897 different message boards? I don't know what hole in the ground you pulled the "It's rude to talk about other artists on this message board" theory from, but could you put it back? It is not rude, nor has it ever been rude, to talk about The Who here. Or the Beatles. Or The Rolling Stones. Or god forbid, Miley Cyrus. If people want to talk about how big Robert's schlong is, there's a forum for that. If they want to talk about guitar tabs for SIBLY, there's a forum for that. And if they want to talk about how awesome Simon and Garfunkel were, there's a forum for that too. This is so silly.
  5. You're busting our asses because there's a section of the board devoted to talking about other artists? Look, no one here, as much as we love Led Zeppelin, can talk about them all the time. Just because this is their official message board doesn't mean NO OTHER topics of conversation are allowed. I post on several message boards which are "official" to that subject and we have threads/forums/boards devoted to a myriad of things besides that. It creates more interest, generates more traffic and attracts more members. This site would be fucking boring as hell if there was nothing else to talk about besides Led Zeppelin. As Bonnie so correctly pointed out, there's only so many things to say about them before you've said it all.
  6. "I am the walrus, motherfucker. Goo goo gajoob."
  7. This would be like saying that any man who liked anal stimulation during sex must be gay. And both ideas are silly.
  8. If he stalked the average joe, premeditated the murder of the average joe......probably not. Those things would have been taken into consideration during sentencing. Not to mention the fact he's mentally unstable.....he'd probably still be locked up by now, if not in prison proper, then in a psychiatric facility.
  9. Here's the deal: We'll let Chapman out the same day we let Charles Manson out.
  10. Hand On Your Heart - Kylie Minogue
  11. I use Dell, so that's the tech support I call. I've been using their computers for about 7 years now, and have only had to call tech support about 5 times for various issues. The only time I had to repeat myself was when they asked for my name and because it's long and foreign-sounding, he asked me to repeat it and spell it because frankly, I know people born and bred in this country that can't say it/spell it. And I had no problem with that. I think the longest I ever spent on the phone with tech support was 3 hours and that's when my computer crashed and he had to walk me through re-installing my OS so that my computer was functional again. Any other call I've had to make took less than 45 minutes and it was all ticky-tack stuff that I'm a complete n00b about and needed some clarification. I think it's less about having patience and more about understanding that their job is to help you so that you don't have to pay buckets of money for them to do it for you. I could have easily sent my computer to Dell and had them fix it, but I was in school and needed the computer right away. So I spent 3 hours of my day getting it fixed and haven't had it crash since. I know there will be people complaining that they're taking jobs away from Americans, but I don't care who answers the phone when I call. Indian, Russian, Chinese, French....I don't really care. All I want is someone who knows more about computers than I do who can help me fix my machine. That's it.
  12. What's wrong with baseball hats? I wear one a lot when I'm outside working because it keeps the sun off my face. I also wear them to baseball games, because well.....they're baseball hats.
  13. Only spats would have a problem with being surrounded by 4 good-looking women. Most men would think "SCORE!".
  14. You can't cook? That's a damn shame at your age.
  15. Electrophile


    I've watched it about 6 times on nbcolympics.com and it's just an amazing race. I don't know if they know about the record Phelps is chasing or not, but a part me thought they were trying to will that medal to him to keep his hopes alive.
  16. It doesn't have to be exciting. The whole point of a first date is getting to know the person so that you can determine if they are worth a second date. Sitting in a nice coffee shop, having a great conversation is a perfect first date. You get to learn a little about the person, find out some things you might have in common.....that could give you ideas for future dates. AND it's cheap. So you don't have to worry about shelling out a lot of money on a date that won't turn into any more. Christ Almighty, get your head out of your rear.
  17. Electrophile


    I thought I was going to have a heart attack, my heart was pounding so hard in my chest. I really thought we were going to lose it but then out of nowhere Lezak turned on the jets. WOOOO.
  18. I don't care what the guy's name is when I call tech support and I sure as shit don't give a damn where he's from. All I care about is "can this guy help me fix my computer so that I don't have to spend $1200 buying a new one". I don't have a problem understanding them, and if they want to call themselves Rainbow Brite, let them. Their job is to help people, and they do that. The only time I would complain is if they told me to do something, and it didn't work.
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