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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. The list of things spats won't do in bed with a woman is longer than the list of things he will do. No wonder he can't get laid. There's nothing wrong with having boundaries you don't want to cross, my issue with him is how childish and immature his opinions of those sex acts are. It's like he's 13.
  2. Umm, no I wouldn't because I'm not that sensitive. A lot of people here hate the Eagles, a band that I love love love love love.....you don't see me saying anything to the tune of "How dare you say the Eagles suck, that offends me". You must be out your mind. And if people insulting bands you like gets on your nerves, then this thread is not for you.
  3. One, why are you offended by someone's opinion of a band you like? Isn't that taking it just a tad too far? It's someone's opinion of a music group, not their opinion of you. Separate the two and you'll feel a lot better. Two, in a thread that is clearly meant for people's opinions, why should people constantly preface each statement they make with "In my opinion"? Shouldn't it be obvious to all and sundry that they are stating their opinions? You're not stating someone else's right? So it would be a slight bit on the oh I don't know, redundant side. It's quite clear to anyone who actually reads the posts in the thread that people are posting their opinions, otherwise they wouldn't have bothered to say anything at all. Why would we jump on that person? Well for starters this is a Led Zeppelin message board and if you hate that band and take the time to register on their message board just to say you hate them and think they suck......well, you're an idiot and deserve to have everyone climbing down your throat. But not for your opinion. But because you clearly can't read and thought you were on a different board. I frankly don't care if people like Led Zeppelin or if they don't. I just think if you don't like them, you don't belong here. Just like if I don't like cheese, I don't post on a message board devoted to it. See what I mean? Some people take this shit too personally.
  4. Why on earth would you want plausible fact-based arguments for people's opinions? Hold on one second and I'll write up a thesis statement for why I think Aqua is a steaming pile of cat turds.
  5. Nothing that I'm aware of. I don't like Styx, outside of one song. I don't think there's something wrong with the people who do. I like Kylie Minogue. I don't think there's anything wrong with people who don't. See how that works? And to those who don't like Toto, I have to respectfully disagree. I love them. I listen to "Africa" about once a day, at least.
  6. JPJ. He's someone I feel you could sit down and have a good conversation with, he seemed to be less addicted to the spotlight than Robert, Jimmy and Bonzo were and with everyone choosing Jimmy or Robert, he would feel left out and I wouldn't like that.
  7. I would love for them to tour, but I don't think they will.
  8. Change is good. But not just for the sake of it. And I firmly believe the reason most Democrats don't want Hilary as the VP is not because she's a woman, but because her politics combined with Obama's politics makes the ticket far too liberal. Obama needs someone closer to center in order to sway Independents, Libertarians, and some liberal Conservatives. Someone like Kathleen Sebilius or Ed Rendell would be a good choice, IMO. One is the governor of Kansas, which is a red state and the other is a more moderate Liberal who supported Clinton. Which could help him snag some of those votes. And again, no one should care what the gender and/or race of the candidate is. That should be completely irrelevant and one thing that annoyed me to no end during the Primary season was how people blathered on and on about how historic the Democrat race was. I could care less what they were. Yes it was and is a big deal that a woman and a black man were running and were considered more than long shots. However, once the primaries got underway they should have shut up about it. I felt like initially, and to some point throughout the whole thing, people were more concerned with the gender and race of the nominees, not what their politics were. Which is pretty sad, if you ask me.
  9. Amy Winehouse will probably OD sometime in the next year. She's literally on the crash course to hell. It's such a fucking profound disgrace when someone with as much talent as she had, chooses to piss it all away on crack and god knows what else. It's like, do you have a brain in your head at all?
  10. Having a female president just for the sake of it isn't going to help in any way. The same as having a black president just for the sake of it won't help either. I don't want our president to be holding that office simply because no one who looks like them has held it before. That would be more embarrassing than anything else. Is there sexism in politics? Yeah, I think there is. The same as there is racism in politics as well. But a black man could very well be our next president, and considering that 40 some odd years ago, they couldn't even vote in the South, that's more than a huge step in the right direction. I think we'll have a woman in the White House one day that isn't just a secretary, but I won't vote for that woman just because I'm a woman too. I think that kind of voting is just as damaging as voting against someone based on a demographic. If all you can think of as a reason to vote for someone is the fact you share a gender, or a race, or a religion......that's a poor excuse to vote.
  11. I normally don't care for super poppy-pop music, but I always liked the Monkees. A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You is one of my faves, and was written by Neil Diamond.
  12. For the longest time, my parents, sister and I were the only relatives living in the state of Illinois, so the care and upkeep of all the graves were left to us. Which wasn't easy. We too had a hard time finding where everyone was buried so that we could arrange perpetual care. It doesn't help when everyone acts like it's some big secret.
  13. Just because Hilary got her ass handed to her by someone she was expected to beat quite soundly doesn't mean women have no chance to be President. It means THAT woman has no chance, and thank God for that. And I'm sorry that the fact we haven't had a woman president yet has made you consider moving to some other country that has had women presidents......at least that's how I took that comment. I don't think the fact we haven't had a woman president means that Americans as a whole think women are unfit or unworthy to rule. I frankly don't care if we ever have a woman president. The candidate's gender means squat to me. Their politics, platform and overall ability to lead is what counts for me, not what sexual organs they have.
  14. If that "c" word stood for c*nt, well then we know the class of individual we're dealing with here. I don't care what Medhb has done to you personally, said to you or otherwise, it is never acceptable to call a woman a c*nt. I don't care what lame rationalizations you want to come up with, it'll fall on deaf ears.
  15. What does that have to do with anything? It sounds like you're trying to create more drama than you want to diffuse.
  16. Even if it's what they want, I physically can't do it. Someone I love has died, and even if they want people doing the limbo in the cemetary, I can't bring myself to act all cheery. I save the cheer and the smiles and the happy fun times for weddings, graduations, birthdays, and other such mirthful occasions. I don't begrudge people that CAN do that, though. They've clearly got something that I don't, or can compartmentalize better than I can.
  17. No one is on this board 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you're going to lie, at least make it believable.
  18. Plastic Zep? Now that's a name from the back of beyond.
  19. Spats is probably a sociology or psychology professor who is using us and this board as a massive social experiment.
  20. Big Man In Town - Four Seasons
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