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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I've never understood people who have good times at funerals/wakes, even if it's the funeral of a loved one. I'm too depressed and upset to be drinking and dancing. I've buried too many people (friends and family) in the last 15 years that to me, it's all become numb. My entire family has a section of their closets devoted to funeral wear. I bought a funeral veil to wear to my grandma's funeral in 1996 thinking I wouldn't have to wear it for a long time......I've worn it 6 times since then.
  2. You can run, but you can't hide.
  3. Phil Collins has been mentioned. Twice, in fact.
  4. Henley and Collins are probably the only two I could name off the top of my head who shared lead singer duties. I wouldn't count Ringo Starr as he sang very infrequently (and when you listen to him you know why).
  5. Plain Jane basically means someone who is unexceptional, unimportant, completely forgettable. I'm with Kat, that is really offensive. I'm not a supermodel by any stretch of the imagination, but I'd like to think that I am not "unexceptional, unimportant and completely forgettable".
  6. When my dad was out of work we didn't have health insurance, but he still made sure we got to the doctor, dentist, eye doctor, whole nine yards if we needed to go. See, my parents cared about our physical well-being. My parents would slap the shit out of your parents. I'm sorry if that sounds mean, but your parents sound like horrible people. This isn't the first time you've mentioned having some kind of health/physical problem and then telling us your parents won't do shit about it.
  7. No woman should have to put up with that. If that had been me, I wouldn't have needed someone to lay the guy out. I would have done it myself. I swear, some men think because they have dicks they can get away with anything.
  8. We've suggested therapy numerous times, he insists he doesn't need it. That's clearly wrong, but then again, what do we know?
  9. I don't know why anyone would be happy Hermit got banned.
  10. Better this thread than him hijacking every other one.
  11. I'm having one right now! Starbucks is one of the few luxuries I allow myself. $4.45 for a venti mocha frapp, but damn if it isn't money well spent.
  12. No, you won't end up on that list. Don't worry about it. And I'll quote that post if you'd like. Quoted in case the unthinkable happens.
  13. No no, the Island of Misfit Toys is what I call my ignore list.
  14. I Can Love You Like That - All 4 One
  15. All bands have done at least one shit song. Even Led Zeppelin. For me, Hot Dog tops the list, although there's quite a few others I can do without.
  16. He's not on the Island of Misfit Toys.
  17. It's really easy, if you don't have the lens zoomed in. That way you can hold the camera as far back from you as you can, and it won't look like the lens is on your nose.
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