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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I had a boss once who used to call all his female employees "sweetcheeks". Didn't matter their age, that's what he called them. It was embarrassing as hell. Especially when you're on the phone with someone or talking to a customer and he saunters over and says "Hey sweetcheeks, go do XYZ." It was so condescending. He got fired when a customer complained to management about it. We were afraid to say anything, thinking we'd be fired. If some women enjoy being called all sorts of patronizing diminutives like "doll" and "babe" and "honey" and "sweetie" and the like at work, fine. You clearly have a different set of boundaries and limitations for people you work with. That doesn't however, make people who DON'T wish to be addressed this way, "prisses". I'm not a piece of meat you can treat like one of your bar buddies. I know how to take a compliment and have a good time when I'm not at work. But you're at work to do a job, not look down someone's blouse and flirt with them. To me, it's just unprofessional. Some people still think it's the 1950s.
  2. Honestly, what do you think? As great as those other bands are, people weren't spending thousands and thousands of dollars to go see them. If you tell me I have front-row seats and backstage passes to see Bruce Springsteen and then tell me Miley Cyrus is the opening act, who do you think I'd be more excited to see? Led Zeppelin WAS the reason for the concert, so naturally that's who everyone wanted to see.
  3. For you, I'll put that up. Consider it done.
  4. A pure bitch from hell is 100% bitch from hell. A regular bitch from hell has additives and preservatives.
  5. Bitch from hell......that's me! I think I'll put that back up. And yeah, Rick threw that at me. I thought it was rather funny, actually. Ordinarily the only other person to call me a bitch is my sister, but then again, the things we say to each other even in jest would make a lot of people here cringe.
  6. I'm far from shielded. If I was offensive, don't you think a moderator would have PMd me and said "hey, you're offensive"? Sam isn't stupid, I think he'd say something if anything I've said on this site was worse than what has gotten others banned.
  7. On this board? I completely agree with him. As they say, "second verse, same as the first."
  8. Why oh why do you guys let some stupid list in magazine rankle you like this? I like Rolling Stone, I read it occasionally. That doesn't mean I take these lists as gospel and anyone that does is crazy. Seriously guys, this isn't important.
  9. They had thongs in the 70s. They aren't a recent invention.
  10. Apparently people here have never seen The Office.
  11. This is why whenever I ask someone to explain further a point they've made or clarify something they've said or define something, I say "cite your sources". That way I know who to thank for the information; the person or Wikipedia.
  12. Pet Peeve: When you're trying to make keychains for people and you run out of lanyard string. At 3 in the morning. Ack.
  13. Oh I agree. Do you think God (if such a deity exists) is embarrassed by those people? I would be.
  14. So basically the liberal version of the Westboro Baptist Church loons? Yeah, I hate those people too. Anyone too close to the poles is suspect.
  15. What exactly is a "crazed leftist"? Is it just someone who identifies themselves as a Democrat or is there more to it?
  16. I doubt very sincerely that all 200,000 people were there.
  17. Yeah, I don't see how Obama was trying to get votes out of these people. Unless all 200,000 people were American nationals flown in for the day.
  18. Gee, what a familiar apostrophe screw-up.
  19. Oh wait, I shouldn't have said "haus". That's not an English word and someone here might admonish me and tell me to learn English.
  20. I'll speak whatever language I like. If you don't like that, I really don't care. I was born here, so I speak English quite well. However, I also speak about 4 other languages. And if I want to use one of my familial tongues and say "wunderbar" I am going to. So blow it out your ass.
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