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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. If it didn't at the very least annoy you, you wouldn't have said anything. We like to discuss politics here.
  2. A fudge haus? I bet there's some good homemade fudge in there.
  3. Wunderbar is German for "wonderful".
  4. Yeah see, we're allowed to talk about politics here. Sorry that bothers you.
  5. Gee, let's show Obama in ceremonial garb to further drive home the point you think he's Muslim and therefore not fit to be President. Because that's not shameless fear-mongering AT ALL.
  6. There's some new Goldfish out there; Goldfish Grahams. I have Honey and Chocolate. Yummy.
  7. When I was younger, I wanted to be a doctor. I had a little lab coat, a little doctor's kit bag....whole nine yards. Of course when I got older and realized the amount of money it would take to do it, and the fact that I am also very squeamish around blood, it soon became but a dream. The thread title does remind me of this, though: I will forever have that jingle stuck in my head.
  8. Sean Hannity, that little fat-faced shithead, is whining about how 2008 is the year journalism died because all the press is with Obama overseas right now. That's completely ignoring the fact that McCain didn't invite the press with him, even though he could have (and should have). So now everyone's whining about how the media is in Obama's pocket. What a bunch of weenies.
  9. So you think apathy is the answer? Wunderbar. Yeah, no.
  10. How would having no one vote even remotely begin to fix anything that is wrong in this country?
  11. Seen more what......life.....outer space? Just because he's lived a few years doesn't mean there are aliens roaming around.
  12. He was joking about that, you know.
  13. I was merely saying what I had been reading. I didn't say it was the gospel truth.
  14. Apparently his sister wanted $200,000 from him. I would cuss my sister out if she asked for that much money from me and it wasn't for a life-saving operation. That's a lot of money to just give to someone, regardless of how much you have. Not to mention, apparently they were both making disparaging statements about his wife. I don't know many men that would tolerate someone making statements like that about their wife, regardless of familial relation.
  15. Maybe she's pregnant and trying to hide it, maybe she's in an abusive relationship, maybe she just left a crackhouse and hasn't seen light in 3 days. Who knows.
  16. Aliens? Please. What next, the moon is really made of cream cheese?
  17. If you've actually seen that particular special, then you'd know what the Island of Misfit Toys was, and you wouldn't have feigned like you didn't. So why did you say you've seen it and then earlier say you didn't know what I was talking about. And I would love to be the curator on the Island.....I always loved the Misfit Elephant. She was my favorite. When I was younger, we went to the zoo and I bought a little toy elephant and colored polka dots on it so I could have one. And again, please point out the words I use that you think are "pretentious". Are they words that are more than one syllable? Are they words that have more than 6 letters? Help me out here, because I want to know what words I am using that I shouldn't. And I don't need to use "big" words to be rude. I can use teeny-tiny ones and accomplish the same goal.
  18. What words do I use that you think are pretentious? I speak like a normal human being. As for showing off......why? Who here would I need to impress? There's only about 6 or 7 people here I'm even friends with. Maybe 8 or 9. YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF THE ISLAND OF MISFIT TOYS?! OMG. You never watched the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer tv special as a kid? It was regular viewing in my house as a kid around Christmas. I am so disappointed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudolph_the_R...er_(TV_special)
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