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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. What words are you talking about? Should I speak to people here like I'm talking to a kindergarten class? Just curious. And if you don't know what the Island of Misfit Toys is, I am so so so disappointed in you.
  2. When I see bullshit, the little lights on my detector go off.
  3. I hope you don't use the flag for that!
  4. I'm actually unsure of the legality of masturbating with a flag. Some of our more legal-minded members here should look that up and share with the class.
  5. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that people who don't show an OTT amount of patriotism and pride are labeled as "less American". So when you have people doing that enough, as has happened to Suz before, that is how she might perceive it. Basically, it would be like saying "Look at me, I'm so proud if you're not proud like me you're not American." Now, I'm not saying you said that. I'm saying that is what has happened here in the past. Like I said, just out on a limb.
  6. That's a seriously fucked up thing to say.
  7. You know Suz, you really ought to get a cork to stick up there. Everywhere you go, you leave a puddle.
  8. Works for me. And the aspirin between the knees thing was the funniest superstition about pregnancy I've ever heard.
  9. Oh my god, you thought she was serious. I'm dying over here.
  10. I don't carry OTC drugs in my purse, no. If I need to take Advil or Tylenol for anything, I take it before I leave the house. The only time I've ever had any kind of pills on me when was when I had my wisdom teeth taken out and I was driving from Atlanta to Chicago and needed to take antibiotics and pain killers. I couldn't leave them at home, obviously. Otherwise if I'm out and suddenly get struck by cramps or a migraine, I will go to the store and buy a little two-pack of Advil and take them with some water. I have a very small purse, precisely so that I don't have an entire Wal-Mart in there. My sister though? She's got everything but the kitchen sink in there. Perfume, deodorant, makeup, pens, wallet, keys, cellphone, notepad and water bottle. I don't know how she can carry that thing, it is so heavy. My mom does carry Advil with her all the time, but that's because she has chronic pain from two broken ribs that didn't set right. And I know plenty of people that went to and continue to go to Chicago Public Schools (the dens of iniquity that they are) and I would say their bigger problem is illegal drugs, not Tylenol. Illegal drugs, gang violence and guns. That is what is plaguing the school system up there, not teenage girls and Advil. Unless they still think putting an aspirin between their knees will prevent pregnancy.
  11. I'm getting real sick and tired of banned members coming back under new names and then crawling up my ass like they're some hero avenging. There is no reason for some "newbie" to be doing that unless they weren't really new and had an axe to grind. Fuck this shit.
  12. Wait, are you telling me I don't have the same amount of life experiences that you do? Hmmm, who always used to say that to me? Oh I know. And so do you. Yet another disguise to throw on the pile with the rest of them.
  13. I thought Ren and Stimpy at the time, was way too adult for kids. And the funny thing was originally it was geared toward kids. Now there is a new Ren and Stimpy show on Spike that is more adult, and I didn't think it could get that way. Remember the game, "Don't Whizz on the Electric Fence"?
  14. What rolls down stairs, alone or in pairs, rolls over your neighbor's dog? What fits on your back, is great for a snack? It's log, log, log! Log, log, it's big it's heavy it's wood! Log, log, it's better than bad it's good! This is my favorite:
  15. As I said earlier, I won't believe anything about the band touring anywhere, until I see them sit down in front of a camera and say as much with their own mouths. Until then, all rumors are just that.....rumors. It's called "not getting your hopes up".
  16. Falling In Love (Is Hard On The Knees) - Aerosmith
  17. That's not true. I would be just as disbelieving of these rumors if they were said to be happening here. Don't assume things. I personally will not believe any information about the band touring until the band itself sits down in front of a camera and says as much with their own mouths. Until then, I believe jack squat.
  18. I grew up in Chicago, lived there for the first 19 years of my life, so I was 16 and living in Chicago at one time. I didn't know anyone who fit the profile of the person you're describing. So you're basically assuming that because you knew people that did this, therefore all women 16 and up in Chicago do it too. For every 5 people you name that were like that, I can name you 10 that weren't. So the behavior is not typical of people in Chicago any more than it is typical of people living anywhere else.
  19. Oh yeah, Michael Savage is some poor downtrodden misunderstood angel.
  20. What does the city of Chicago have to do with anything? Furthermore, how do you know what girls over the age of 16 in any particular city have in their purses? Also, how do you know the manner in which these girls over the age of 16 take Advil or Tylenol? Have you done studies? Just curious as to why you chose to single out that particular city, that particular group of people and that particular reason.
  21. Bread isn't 89 cents where I live. A loaf of bread here costs over $2. Anyway, I eat crunchy peanut butter out of the jar, sometimes with crackers. It's yummilicious.
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